What Are Your Garden Tricks?

Ya we got about a 1" yesterday and more to come Sunday, most of the time it does the splits, when it get to use, and goes north and south.
1/8" of rain on Friday night. Don't matter, corn and soybeans around here are fooked.
The big dairy operations may be able to perform some salvage by ensilaging what there is to save.
Lot of acreage round here was planted in sweetcorn, not pretty.
My prediction for the coming winter is a major wildlife die off. Most go thru seven year cycles. If this is just a ebb cycle, fine, but I think weather patterns are going into a dry cycle.

Today I split a pound and a half Eggplant, hollowed the halves. Filled with It. sausage and Tom. sauce.
Topped with parchment paper and sealed with aluminum foil. Baked at 400F. One hour.
Mona made garlic bread that would knock an Italian off a fence post. What a gal !

Looks like it going your way on the raider, but dissipates before you get it, that's the way its been all summer here till now. Mpls ha been getting it all, even last winter they got a lot more snow then up here. Seems like the storm belts go from Fargo down to Mpls. and we may or not get some. Today it is 93% humidity and only 70 for a high, and with all that Canadian smoke ug ...........Curt
I grow 4 different types of tomato ever year,

Apple Tree (Anna's) harvest was a good one, most all have been picked now.

To catch the apples that fall from the tree I hang umbrellas
Apple tree branches will get pruned all the way back in winter so it can grow back next spring

Apple Pie in the oven

Cooking apples for good old fashion chunky apple sauce

Besides making apple pies and apple sauce We make many more apple dishes
Apple cake, apple brownies, apple crunch etc...
I have to confess I skin and cut up the apples for the Chef lol

I also got Tangerine, Orange, Grapefruit, trees
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Looks like it going your way on the raider, but dissipates before you get it, that's the way its been all summer here till now. Mpls ha been getting it all, even last winter they got a lot more snow then up here. Seems like the storm belts go from Fargo down to Mpls. and we may or not get some. Today it is 93% humidity and only 70 for a high, and with all that Canadian smoke ug ...........Curt
Curt, I always say water makes weather, and the Mississippi makes weather. Besides, the Mississippi River funnels Gulf moisture.

I grow 4 different types of tomato ever year,
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Apple Tree (Anna's) harvest was a good one, most all have been picked now.
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To catch the apples that fall from the tree I hang umbrellas
Apple tree branches will get pruned all the way back in winter so it can grow back next spring
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Apple Pie in the oven
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Cooking apples for good old fashion chunky apple sauce
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Besides making apple pies and apple sauce We make many more apple dishes
Apple cake, apple brownies, apple crunch etc...
I have to confess I skin and cut up the apples for the Chef lol
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I also got Tangerine, Orange, Grapefruit, trees
Wrench, you Cali guys are always rubbing our noses in it. But carry on, as you can;t hear our weeping and gnashing of the teeth. :D
By the way, that is a lovely apple pie.

Curt, I always say water makes weather, and the Mississippi makes weather. Besides, the Mississippi River funnels Gulf moisture.

Yep goes right through Brainerd it's the dividing line between east and west of Brainerd. And the main railroad is the north and south line. Mississippi was the main log run years ago to the paper mill I worked in. Rain coming tonight..........Curt
Looks like we got rain coming too on Monday. Drizzled for couple hours Sunday that wasn't forecast.
Won't matter round here for field corn, some is barely two foot tall and tasseled out.
One young Farmer friend said it will hardly make silage.

Looks like we got rain coming too on Monday. Drizzled for couple hours Sunday that wasn't forecast.
Won't matter round here for field corn, some is barely two foot tall and tasseled out.
One young Farmer friend said it will hardly make silage.

That's the way it's been around here, except we did get a couple more rains then you, about 3 years ago North Dakota was the same way, big drought.......Curt
Got to go to the beer store Tuesday. There is an Asian gal named Nancy works there. She is going to get zucchini and eggplant.
I asked her and she said she would be thankful, and I told her I am the thankful one for her to take what we can't use. I like to pass pleasantries with store keepers in the small town Ol time way.
I sharpen Nancy's kitchen cutlery too. Which is when I learned what a Nakiri knife was.

Got a couple of things done today. Being August, the Prickly Ash berries/ Sichuan pepper corns are ripe so I picked a hand full.
Tingles the tongue and curios flavor.
Ground Hornets are present. It appears the Blue Jays have not got them all. I cuss Blue Jays but they are **** on Wasps and Hornets.
So there some hornets about. I usually bait them with O.J. and Borax and it sorta works. Darn things are attracted to open beer and they like sweet. (Light bulb comes on) Left over Cardinal grape jelly mixed bakers yeast and boric acid roach bait.
Took 15min for the first hornet. Shortly there after a Bald Face Hornet arrived at the killer bait. The yeast and grape jelly must create a strong scent
Got some pictures today. If I do it again I would just build 12" deep boxes and put them on legs I think mine are 30 " high............Curt


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Nice Curt, one person here in Rubicon has a U shaped raised beds similar to yours. Your anti deer browse screens are a wise addition.

We have a swamp just east of us the leads to rural wooded area, from there the deer go west through our area to the Mississippi, about 1/2 mile apart. The river has its own wooded areas and from there its all rural housing, the deer are on the move during early morning. Three years ago I had Honey crisp apple trees until the deer found them and pealed the bark off, but now have new trees inside my back fence area, gated...........Curt.