Welding what do you use? Recommend?

I just bought the 220v dual flux or gas mig. from Harbor Freight.....It is the best bang for the buck($179), on sale..... I`m not a proffesional welder by any means but this welder is helping to learn without a lot of aggravation like some of the 110v versions....And still haven`t tried it with gas yet, still using the flux core stuff.... And I did get a better quality roll of flux core .030 wire....Is .030 better or should I go to .035....???
I just purchased a Harbor Freight 220v dual VAC Mig. welder....It`s the one that you can use gas or not....It`s working perfect for me....I`m a beginner welder....I cut and repositioned a stock intake on my MB and it did great.....I just couldn`t stay in one place for long without blowing a hole.....A lot of tacks....I`m using .030 flux core now but should I switch to .035 or stay with the .030????But this is the best bang for the buck IMO, ($179 on sale).....

It really depends on what you are welding. The thinner the material being welded, typically the smaller wire you want to use and vice versa.
Photos of the welding cart I made.
side. Put on wheels with brakes. Engine turned aluminum floors but you can't hardly see it.

front Welded on a couple of lead holders.

rear Make a holder for the welders 110 volt plug in. This was built out of a weight lifting bench that was going to go into the trash. Recycling metal....total cost for parts $16.00.(wheels & paint)

after building the cart I make this!


Just kidding it's my son's car. He drove out from La. to visit.
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Excellant work brother.....So did you suspend the welding maching from the rafters until you built the cart????LOL....Just messin with ya.....I wanted to build one for mine but it`s 220v powered and I only have one source of 220v out in my shop, so it just sits on top of my bench right now....No need for it to be mobile......
Good job....
No I used a lawn chair to get the welder up off the floor. I have a 220 volt stick welder that sleeps in the corner of the shop. I made a 220 volt extension cord for the welder if I want to get it out of the man cave into the driveway. I wired in 2 - 220 volt plugs in the shop on 2 of the walls I planned on using one 220 volt plug in for electric heat , still haven't bought the heater.

You should check back in at Harbor freight for their welding cart. Reader digest has coupons in them for harbor freight, they have the 20% off coupon each month. I found that out after I bought the wheels at harbor freight. I might have bought the welding cart if I'd known about the discount coupon.
I just had to throw in a pic of my harbor freight cart with the plasma cutter on the bottom shelf.


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I like that Harbor Freight cart.
If I'd bought a welder to use gas then I would of bought that cart.
You have a nice set up.
I`ll have to check that out....I go in there at least 3 times a week just to kill some time a check out all the cool stuff......
Hey all,
You folks are resourseful fer-sur!! Lot's of nice rigs. I run a Lincoln 175 220v C25 MIG for steel. I personally HATE using the "innershield" gasless wire, it smokes terrible (my garage is under the wife's kitchen) it welds yuchie, no good for anything except emergencies(like when you run out of c25). A note, you can "weld" aluminum with this machine as long as you have a unused liner, steel residu will cause porisoty. gas for aluminum 100% Argon or Helium/argon(cleaner but more $$) For the hobby guy/gal, Aluminum is difficult, go get it TIG'ed.. OH how bout some basic def's of welding terms:

SMAW = Shielded metal arc weld = Stick ie:6013, 7018 etc
MIG = Metal inert gas
TIG = Tungsten inert gas

I also have a 30 year old 220v power king arc welder. No plasma cutter but I can use carbon arc gouging to cut but were getting into heavy duty stuff (3 phase 480v etc)

One more note on big spools of wire, unless you weld allot, stay with the small 1lb spools, the wire will get corroded and will cause bad welds and wire binding.

Norm, I had to laugh when you said "don't let the end go on the spool" I've been welding for years and I hate when I do that, another benefit for small spools!!

I don`t know, I`m using the gasless wire welding(can use gas) and find that it does pretty damn good....I don`t find that it smokes too much but it does smoke fur shur......I am still pacticing, bought 4 peices of flat steel plates from LOWES just to practice on....Making a box, butt welding....Once you buff out the weld it looks pretty dang good. I`m sure the gas welding is super clean, but I`m not no prof. welder,lol....But for $179 bucks I`m pretty happy with this machine....
I`ll have to check that out....I go in there at least 3 times a week just to kill some time a check out all the cool stuff......

Did you ever locate that cart? I have really enjoyed mine. The main thing I didn't like was that it doesn't come with a handle to pull the cart with. The top shelf is rolled down, so it can function as a handle, but it's not really. I bought a cart just for my Lincoln welder when I got it. It has a nice handle but no cable hooks. It does have the hole for a bottle. I find that I dig this HF cart a lot more than that expensive little cart with the handle. Guess I could always tack one on it.
Did you ever locate that cart? I have really enjoyed mine. The main thing I didn't like was that it doesn't come with a handle to pull the cart with. The top shelf is rolled down, so it can function as a handle, but it's not really. I bought a cart just for my Lincoln welder when I got it. It has a nice handle but no cable hooks. It does have the hole for a bottle. I find that I dig this HF cart a lot more than that expensive little cart with the handle. Guess I could always tack one on it.
Yes I did...HF is like 1/4 mile down the road so I can`t stay away from that place,LOL.....Waiting for some cash and the will go get one.....I`ll check it out .....
I have a small Lincoln MIG for welding. I have .030 wire in it right now. I have used .025 and .035 as well depending on what I was primarily welding at the time.

I have a nice small portable oxy acet rig with a much larger high quality cutting torch I use when I need the ol' blue wrench.

Some day I will take the time to sit down with the welding tips and learn to use it for more.
wouldn't that be the red wrench?..and I'm not whizzin
my ; LINCOLN welder was stolen out of my shed along with a my grandad's ''Old Town Canoe'' and a boat load of other stuff 'no pun intended' ...I've had it with these pill / crack head's I RE POSTED SOME NO TRESPASSING SIGNS WITH VIOLATORS WILL BE SEVERELY PUNISHED some crafty booby traps, Ill nab me one of these dirt bags then BY THE TIME I'M DONE EXTRACTING THE INFORMATION I NEED TO FIND MY CANOOKA I'LL MAKE HIM WISH HE WAS IN JAIL OR GUANTANAMO BAY EVEN... IT'S ON NOW MF'S... OH so my fav. tool now is my dremel by default

P.S. IN my best fake german accent .Ve have vays of maken zew talk yezz
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I have a ltec /esab mig ,same machine just diff name its max thickness with out doing a fillit weld is 1/4 inch equiped with a spool gun for aluminum , wish i HAD a tig machine using co2/argon mix gas for steel an 35thousands wire , straight up argon for aluminum an 30 wire , my father tried to teach me to stick weld with his lincoln an after many failed tries he said good thing your not trying to save your life ! lol
i use the miller sychrowave 350 tig machine at work. they got it brand new this year, fantastic machine, wish i could afford one for at home
if you can get a nice mig is a fantastic machine i have a cheap stick welder and am able to get by most of the time
Startup surge current not listed on my welder, does anyone know what highest surge current for this welder would be?

Reading what I have experienced has anyone had similar problems?

Running my Hobart Auto Arc 130 which uses 120V 20AMP breaker, I know for fact I have noticed it welds nice on highest setting 4 at a wall outlet with my 50ft 12 gauge extension cord.

I think I remember that with a generator that has the 20 amp breaker 3500 Watt and 4000 Watt startup surge capable using the same setup, the 50ft 12 gauge extension cord on high 4 setting it did fine and generator was handling it. If it was only on setting 3 for voltage I have to put that set up and then try again with the switch to 4 to see if that it still handles it OK on setting 4 to be sure.

Here is the point, last time I had just had the generator direct connected to welder without the 50ft 12 gauge extension cord and setting 4 and when doing so bogged down the generator and I had to switch to setting 3 which is not as hot. For doing 1/4 inch I can bevel the two pieces on their edge to form a V shape and fillet, but I thought that the generator already handled it on setting 4 before anyway. The only difference last time I tried with the generator running the welder on high 4 setting, was without the 50ft 12 gauge extension cord.

I am thinking that the 50ft 12 gauge extension cord with its resistance in series limits the amount of current that the welder can try to draw and therefore puts less demand on the generator at weld startup. 4000 Watts continuous is over 20 amps that the generator can handle. The other 2 shaped plug outlets have the 25 amp breaker on them. Continuous current demand is met no problem, but surge current when I just start to weld, the generator would may need 30 or more amps of surge, so my generator will not do.

I have borrowed from a friend a clip on amp meter that measures AC Current. I have to make a short length of wire where I can clip around the hot or neural wire, but not both so I can use the clamp on meter to measure the peak startup current. I’ll use a video camera to see what the display does and also the meter captures highest reading also. Then I will know for sure. No answers back from Hobart, suspect that they may not have a surge specification, but only you need 120V 20Amp Breaker which is what I called them about before I bought the generator to use with this welder.

If it turns out that setting 4 on the welder works with the 50ft 12 gauge extension cord and the current I measure the welder is using at the 120V input with the 50ft 12 gauge extension cord is only slightly less, I would assume the weld output on setting 4 is about the same heat.

I can maybe do without ear plugs and always use the 50ft 12 gauge extension cord.

Pictures, 1st one is where I had not done the v grind and I shall redo to make stronger so when grinding off a little it does not loose fastening strength. 2nd picture with some of the prepared parts that will be welded, then cut outer edge to shape and ground and sanded smooth.

I use leftover pieces of metal so the outer edge with the 1/2 hole cut through is what will be cut off and look better when done.

Its only for a jack shaft bracket not so much for looks, but the thinning of some of the angle bracket metal for the clearance for the pillow bearings to fit, I felt I would add some metal welded to the opposite edge so rigidity and strength is retained.



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