V-Twin Board track racer

I just read Curt's previous post & he had come to basically the same conclusion. Sorry Curt. I tried it on a piece of 3" pvc tube and a disposable paper oil "funnel " & it works to perfection.
OK! At least getting some were, if you look at the site i posted, there is a diagram. Show the angle of the lines, and they are all equal, but cut on a angle.
What has been said, thinking 3" or 4" exhaust tubing, cap it the fit the funnel. No worry about leak LOL......Curt
Rick yes cone on one end and round on the other.Curt nailed it with his link it's a oblique cone.thanks Curt. I did make a cone and cut it at a angle and its not right it seams like this would work but it does not . Look at Curts link some good reading there . When I read tapered pontoon I thought yes that it. Here is a picture of the tank I would like to make.
Tom I'm glad Curt found the info on eccentric cones and "tapered pontoon" is very descriptive and easy to visualize. As I said I've wanted to build a leaf spring fork and a torpedo tank as well and these few posts have encouraged me to do the tank for the upcoming Indian drop loop 212 Predator build I've had in mind, however I'll depend on the method I so poorly described earlier because my two attempts in paper have turned out so well. I'll post photos of my success or failure along the way...after all we're just having fun! 4" diesel muffler tubing would work well for the cylinder & be easy to baffle, stainless salad bowl trimmed to cap the front.& about a 6" diameter by whatever is required to finished the length of steel cone for the rear, just one way to do it. Rick C
Hay if you can't do google let me know i can go to and get, the site.........Curt
Thanks Curtis that looks a good source. I google a lot, sounds like a condition, but I do.

My round tank may be as much as 6" in diameter. I'd like at least one tank that would hold a couple of gallons for longer rides. The predator 212 will probably suck the fuel compared to my 125 cc Honda clones which really get good mileage. Wret put a really large tank on his build and it looks super of course it's capacity is due to being wider and not deeper. Also I'll be using some heavy tank steel and using the tank as a structural element & eliminating the top two straddle tubes of the frame. The Grubee & Felt tank frames do the same thing. Rick C.
Sounds good, think there was someone else that did the structural element, in the past. Do you have the link to Wret's build? can't seem to find it...........Curt
Curt 2nd. page of this board track forum. titled "beginning to look like something", very innovative tank design. Tank construction begins on the second or third page of his posts. ...Rick C.
Thanks for the kudos Rick. The ultimate shape of my tank resulted from several things: 1, not taking the time to carefully observe the tank shape of the original Indians, 2, not realizing in the beginning that I would eventually care about matching the original shape of any particular part, and 3, having seen an oxygen cylinder used as a gas tank and thinking it was one of the coolest things ever. And you are right, it is fairly voluminous, about 2.5 gallons I believe.
Thanks for the kudos Rick. The ultimate shape of my tank resulted from several things: 1, not taking the time to carefully observe the tank shape of the original Indians, 2, not realizing in the beginning that I would eventually care about matching the original shape of any particular part, and 3, having seen an oxygen cylinder used as a gas tank and thinking it was one of the coolest things ever. And you are right, it is fairly voluminous, about 2.5 gallons I believe.

There is also fire extinguisher tanks, most new ones are aluminum. Love your tank and build......Curt
Thanks for all the good info.every one.
Rick no problem on the hijack its all good.
The pope was the inspiration for the engine and frame but I am not building a replica of it.The over head valve design simplfes the engine and make it easer to do at home and I like the way it looks. Please show us how your tank works out.
I have been out of town all weekend so no progress on the bike.but I do have some good videos of test running the engine that I could post if You could help me figure out how.
Someone please help Tom, myself and others learn how to post videos....hopefully without using a host..... tanks, forks and sidecars are just a few of my upcoming projects Tom involving 5 different bikes. I'll post as my progress occurs which it seems is in slow motion. Rick C.
I have been working on the frame and it seams that you have to build it so that you can look at it and then rebuild it to please the image you had in you mind and that is where I am on the rear wheel supports. The main frame is 1" tube and the rear wheel supports are 7/8 and look to big to me I am thinking I need to change the upper rear to 5/8 . What do you think.
Looks good in the picture, but seeing it in close up? they do look close to the same size. 5/8" is what i am going to use on mine..............Curt