V-Twin Board track racer

Culver the single cylinder engine runs good the twin runs but need some tuning. I have some video but l don't know how to post it.
Thanks for sharing these pics of your single build. Rest of us are thinking "how to top that?"
But you're just about to do exactly that with the V-twin.
Hard to keep typing with all this drool on my keyboard....
Tom, like everyone else on this forum, I am flabbergasted by the fact that you are literally building a bike from scratch with raw chunks of metal machined down to perfection!

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe there is not one part on your entire bike that can be purchased at a store? The engine is the stuff of my wildest dreams, but the entire execution of a vintage design motorcycle is beyond my belief.

Modify existing wheels with a new hub and new spikes? **** no! Roll your own rims, perfectly weld them together, make your own spokes, nipples, and hub machined at Home! The depth of this work and know-how is inspiring, to say the least.

Seeing all this toil and genius, I’m surprised you didn’t mine the raw ore out of the ground, melt it down and cast your own metal chunks!

Thank you very much for sharing your incredible talent and amazing builds.

Pete and Gilbert thank you.
About 20 years ago I started collecting and rebuilding antique gas engines. I was always looking for the oldest ones I could find pre 1920. These engines were of the hit and miss type made for farm use. This is a hobby so I did not want to pay top money for a complete running engine so what I bought was rusted,busted and usually missing lots of parts but after rebuilding wat was left and making all the rest from scratch I was able to get them running. This went on for several years then it hit me one day if I am building half the parts I could just build the other half to and this way I could build the rarest engines. After building 8 engines I thought building a bike engine would be something new and challenging and I was right about the challenging part the twin was definitely that.
I have always tried to just work on one project at a time so that I could stay focused on it and make fast progress well I am working on two now so progress has slowed but I did manage to get some work done on the gas tank and pedals here is the picture.
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Always look forward to seeing progress pics on this build, Tom. That thing looks like it's doing 100mph standing still from every angle! Not sure of your plans - but hope you never decide to paint it. You've got the bare metal look nailed 100%.
Very cool man-cave too. Your middle name 'Aladdin' by any chance...(lol)?
Tom this deserves best in show wherever you go! I also like bare metal, but whatever; from where you're at - is going to be great. Rick C.
Hi, Tom!
Great work, I am going to call you the, Wayne Grenning , of motor bike builders.
Being a gas engine guy an all! I'd like to see some pic's of you flywheel engine projects too.
Thanks for sharing.
Thank guys.
Curtis yes it is a 37 ford it has been a distraction from my bike building.
Pete,Rick I plan on leaving it bare metal for now but it is hard to keep it from rusting the other bike is starting to rust and looks bad.
Dale thanks but nobody compares to Grenning.
Here are some pictures of some of the other engines I built.
Yes Mr.B. It is a replica of a 1886 Benz. Known as the first car to be built from the ground up to be a Automobile.
After building the engine I decided to build the rest of the car to display the engine. Here is how it turned out.