"Two-bit Criminal" Board Tracker Bike Build

Got home from work today to find the exhaust laying on the table next to the garage, I new Jr took the bike out today for some fun, glade he did not get hurt. Just took a swap on the muffler and some new lock washers and nuts... Lucky boy
Some up dated pictures. This bike has held up great, that GC160 is a winner in power and looks. Wolf Jr rides this bike all the time, likes to garage sale on Saturdays...


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A little update on the Criminal...well two bit got busted, once a criminal always a criminal...been out and down until today...stay tuned for updates
A little update on the BTR that belongs to my son the Iceman. He really did a number on the engine, floated a valve and blew the head off the engine. The bike has been sitting for some time since this happened, guess he did not want to spend his own money (lol)

His birthday was on the forth of this month, so prior to this I had purchased a new motor and had it sent to my work;stripped the motor and had it ready.

I had come to the conclusion that a jackshaft setup was no good for this motor since it does not like hi-rpm's and prone to failure, the plan was to use parts I had from an old CVT and adapt them to a new backing plate that is adjustable for the drive chain (to keep the motor centered in the frame). I built all this with-out him knowing;left it on the kitchen table wrapped in a towel;Big surprise Lol

The motor was installed last night and the bike is ready to roll. Now we should not have any issues A nice cruz speed of 45 mph


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A little update: the bike is fast and smooth. Made a custom 4 inch disk for the jack shaft brake... This will get installed as a 3 rd brake.

Sure wish he would chime in....0 wait 17 with a girlfriend... I know what I was doing at that age... No bike involved... Lol


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WHAT! Built it with out him knowing it!

I'd like to be adopted; I promise you only have to change the cedar chips in my cage once a week..... a bit of water every now and again maby some cheez
what carb is that! I have the same engine and am lost on the build throttle linkage so I need to find a carb that is simple
Just kept going back! Im building a gc160 and am stumped on parts yours was one of few with a more in depth process of the build
Let me know if you have any questions or need help, I can say one thing if you are going to use this motor run a CVT. Great low end and good top end with- out the motor killing rpm's
CCC- I am late to the party but would love to know how this bike is holding up. My research has yielded very mixed/conflicted thoughts about the cvt and GC160.
Specifically- sprocket sizes throughout?
CCC- I am late to the party but would love to know how this bike is holding up. My research has yielded very mixed/conflicted thoughts about the cvt and GC160.
Specifically- sprocket sizes throughout?

Doc when Jeff at Culver City Classics says something we all listen. His last post says use a CVT with the 160...this post was in 2014. He uses good parts in all his builds past, present and …. I have to think he used Comet brand CVT and Honda GC160 engine. He also machines a lot of major parts to make things work better and he's really good at it and he's been doing it along time quite successfully. If you build like he did it will work guaranteed!

I've used the Comet CVT drive in go-carts...but that's what they were designed for primarily. So cent. setup for engagement running 26" tires is different than with the small diameter cart wheels. If your running a governed engine that's a problem with any cent. clutch device including the CVT as you run short on usable rpm with a cent. clutch setup for carts, due to the high clutch engagement rpm.

Of course there are other ways to drive this engine & some top builders have used reduction drive single speed using the Bully clutch specifically modified for bicycles (Sportsman Flyer). Others have used the 3-D manual clutch with great success. It's not so much which of these drives you use as long as you adjust & set them up properly. Though some just bolt a CVT on them on ride not knowing they've lost a lot of performance in doing so. Setup is the key to insuring good performance from any of these drives...including final drive and gearing chain or belt. If you don't get the drive right, regardless of which type you choose, the bikes all around performance will be disappointing.

Bottom line once you graduate from kit builds things get more complicated and expensive in a hurry.

Rick C.