A little update on the BTR that belongs to my son the Iceman. He really did a number on the engine, floated a valve and blew the head off the engine. The bike has been sitting for some time since this happened, guess he did not want to spend his own money (lol)
His birthday was on the forth of this month, so prior to this I had purchased a new motor and had it sent to my work;stripped the motor and had it ready.
I had come to the conclusion that a jackshaft setup was no good for this motor since it does not like hi-rpm's and prone to failure, the plan was to use parts I had from an old CVT and adapt them to a new backing plate that is adjustable for the drive chain (to keep the motor centered in the frame). I built all this with-out him knowing;left it on the kitchen table wrapped in a towel;Big surprise Lol
The motor was installed last night and the bike is ready to roll. Now we should not have any issues A nice cruz speed of 45 mph