
well I could go back and edit that to 'bridge' but you know what no, that's not in the spirit of trolling.

the bride I live under is yours!
well I could go back and edit that to 'bridge' but you know what no, that's not in the spirit of trolling.

the bride I live under is yours!
LOL, and we have Trey to thank for all this levity.

Good thread, Trey. We need all the humor we can get in life.

Let's see...trolling, hmmm...AH! I see.

Okay, my bike's better lookin' than all y'all's. An' ye know wot? It's faster too. Yep. Way faster. Why, I hit almost 70 mph the other day. Said so right on my speedo. Said "70 km". That means "70 kick-a$$ miles" per hour. See? :)
See what you started, Trey? The trolls are coming out of the woodwork.

Let your lady friend read this thread. She'll probably get a giggle. You might have to explain a few things but she'll probably enjoy it. :)

And remember. The white wire will put out 1000 volts for anything you want to use it for.


She thought 1000 volts sounded like alot, but I assured her that MY discombobulator circuit puts out closer to 1500.

I'm gonna let her stew on that one for a while, seems more Troll-ish ;)

ps- She did get the correct ratios comment below...laff
It's been five whole days since anyone has had anything to say.

That's proof that everyone here is completely against me.

I demand that a moderator (or even better, all of them) immediately ban everyone who has read this thread, but not supported me thoroughly and agreed with everything I've said.

I'm offended that you couldn't sense my esp 'stealth posts'!! I've got lots of time and effort invested in this new way to post............sheeeeesh!!!

Now don't make me yell any more ---- i run outa breath way too easy!!

Edit: Now I'm really offended because this site wouldn't let my post 'yell'!! All that wasted effort to yell......
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I have been wearing an aluminIUm foil cap to ward off all the evil messages. Although I did like the one about that attractive goat.
Always mount your engine with lots of rubber. It eliminates vibrations and makes for a smoother ride. And, use the biggest wrench you can find to tighten your fasteners. The tighter, the better. Oh, and always use RED Loctite, on everything!

If it is working out, force it! It'll work no problems!

Also always best to check the chain is fitting on the sprockets by putting it in gear while the motor is running and checking by hand! Nothing is more efficient than your hands!

On the topic of checking by hand after your first ride make sure the engine is warmed up to temp by placing your hand on the head of the engine for 30 seconds this way you will know for sure what kind of temperatures you are running at.
Always mount your engine with lots of rubber. It eliminates vibrations and makes for a smoother ride. And, use the biggest wrench you can find to tighten your fasteners. The tighter, the better. Oh, and always use RED Loctite, on everything!

Total nonsense about rubber mounting!

The bullet proof motor mounting solution is to weld the motor to your frame!
You're all morons, gaffer tape is the answer. It is also perfect for externally repairing punctured tyres.
And always make sure everything has a couple coats of paint to protect it, including the chain, Its best to paint the chain to match the bike. And at least three coats of paint on the tires for flat protection. Make sure ya paint over all the screws to make it hard to work on. Have I ever mentioned my CRAZY friend, YUP, This is exactly what he does to his bike. THEN brings it to me to fix things.IT makes me wanna go crazy trying to get screws out. I yell at him after its fixed about painting EVERYTHING, THEN he just repaints it. Did I mention he's CRAZY?