Experience tells me you're just a troll. Nobody paints their bikes, "safety orange".Sorry I've been away, I was on day three of cleaning my chain.
I can see right through all this lubing the belt nonsense- people ONLY EVER do that on diesel powered vacuume cleaners... you guys are making fun of my belt! Or my clothes, or my hair, or something. It's obvious to anyone with only half a brain.
There's nothing but the MOST meanestest people here!@#$9*d%^@&4^%@$#^!0t
Anybody know where to buy 'safety orange' spray paint by the case? I'm obviously the only one here who cares about being visoble in traffic!!!
You're just trying to get attention.
It's gone quiet. You're all talking behind my back. But I shall take off my foil hat and listen to you again!
That wasn't me, you know, it was The Other One. He lives inside my head with me. I think he hates me and wants me to eat cabbages.
Gleaning some of the key words in this discussion, it starts to make perfect sense. "Foil hats, chain lube, orange paint, diesel vacuum, cabbage, carbon fiber, and boats"! Certainly I'm not the only one who understands?