The wonderful new government has spoken

thatsdax-Gun control came to the U.K. in 1997 when all long/hand guns were outlawed.Some cities had gun laws but people in England could own guns up until 1997.My family is from England and we still have members over there.Canada got hit about the same time.
Ever since this, crime has gone up where guns are banned.
Home invasion shootout in Tucson

This happens a lot here...and many go unreported.

Welcome to the Wild Wild West

YouTube - Home Invasion Shoot-out captured on video in Tucson

This guy was ready for a home invasion, and if you deal with drugs here in the SouthWest, it's a good chance they will come to your house. Many house's are mistaken and a lot of Innocent people get pulled into the drug war.'s that bad here along the border.

They either want to steal drugs or steal the drug money
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Banned? I did not know they were banned in England.. I was referring to the restrictions on gun ownership long before any 1998 act. Here is a copy paste of what restricted the ownership of guns in England which facilitated the need for pistols and protection so the English could protect themselves from invasion during WWII. The air drops of these zip guns to the English is well known and the reason was they had no weapons due to ownership restrictions. Modern restrictions on gun ownership began with the Pistols Act 1903. This required a person to obtain a gun license before they could buy a firearm with a barrel shorter than 9 inches. The gun license had been introduced as a revenue measure in 1870; the law required a person to obtain a license if he wanted to carry a gun outside his home, whether for hunting, self-defence, or other reasons, but not to buy one. The licenses cost 10 shillings, which is about £31 in 2005 money, lasted one year, and could be bought over the counter at post-offices. As you can see. Any restrictions such as these make it next to impossible to own a weapon. When you have the public in fear about ownership then you wind up with the problem they have in England and other places in Europe. I lived in Europe for many many years. I know the laws for Firearms in Germany. You have to join a club. Then after some years, you can check out a firearm and take it home. You must keep the firearm in one location and projectiles in another room. To keep both in the same room at your home makes you subject to arrest. This is Germany. I am sure it is the same in England. Maybe even more strict there. I do know history. And the English were not armed because of the gun control there. No matter how slight you may consider the gun control at the time of WWII. It was gun control and the English were not armed and were vulnerable. I can tell you this. Here in Colorado, we drive around with gun racks in our cars. During Hunting season, those gun racks are full. Just in my county alone, we have over 100,000 concealed permits issued. That is 1 in 5 people carry a concealed weapon. Maybe more since permits are at a record issue. If you want, a permit is not required to carry but you must have it holstered and out in the open where it can be seen. This is USA most places. Exceptions are where you will find the highest crime rates and generally make up the crime rate for all of the USA. Places such as CA, NY, DC, And a few other places. The places with the lowest crime rates you will find the people are armed to the teeth. Ever hear of a Gun store getting robbed? Not while it is open for business MY point here is that some gun control is control. No matter how slight. Right now here in colorado, we have insta check and within 30 mins you can get your weapon. No real control here yet. o well.. You can google it and read up on the weapons drop on England during WWII and why we americans performed the drop in an effort to save the English. Thanks..
The drug war is vastly under reported around here. I was involved in a few armed encounters when we lived in the Altar Valley area. One incident 2 years ago involved a Border Patrol bus that was deliberately tailgating us on Hwy 86 one night. It was an obviously life threatening action on the part of the driver. If I had my rifle that night I would have killed every agent on that bus. Instead I was forced to the shoulder as the bus roared by within inches.
In 1981 my mother's house was burned by an arsonist. My mother and I were grilled aggressively by detectives, I had been working in her yard earlier that day. It wasn't until 3 years ago as my mother's dementia became apparent that she let it slip. She said something that put the puzzle together. The meth monkey down the street had burned her house. He thought, wrongly, that my mother had called the cops on him. The neighbors had called the cops, not my mom. The neighbors kept quiet out of fear of the meth monkey. My mother at some point realized what happened but kept her secret because she knew I would walk down there and splatter his brains, or trap him inside and light it up. She didn't want me to go to prison. She couldn't have known I would have easily gotten away with it; I did call the cops, twenty some odd years after the fact and they told me it was a closed case, go away.
I do remember the harsh questioning from the detectives though and how they made me feel responsible for the conflagration. I couldn't fathom who hated me or my mom that much. A guilt I carried for years.
Thanks cops! I love you too! :D
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A Police State

Chip Harrison was pulled over in Oklahoma City by a overly powerful policeman about 08:45 12Feb,2009. I have seen police with too much power and little fear of retribution for their actions. I remember Randy Weaver losing several of his family to abusive BATF personnel in the Idaho forest where he lived. I remember too many other situations recently. Now we have a part of the political powers who want to limit the freedom of speech on radio and in our cars and home. I write these words knowing that we all speak risking much. We risk more to allow police and government to silence good men and women for their words and actions and for working and owning property.

"The sign, which read "Abort Obama Not the Unborn," was returned to Harrison later that day, the report said."
"Police spokesman Steve McCool said this morning that the sign was taken in error, and Oklahoma City residents should not be worried that their First Amendment rights will be violated."

I do know some really great police men who are protectors of the citizens as well as patriotic in their defending city, state and national charters. I worked with several who after honorably serving their city for 20 years retired and became teachers of junior and senior high school students. Both great men in their service during and after police careers. Jack McLamb has a saying that should be taken to heart by all law enforcement persons!

"Taking our oath to "protect, preserve, and defend the Constitution" seriously"

I posted this last night at Lenny's Blogs & Things: A Police State
from this article The Enid News and Eagle, Enid, OK - OKC officer pulls man over for anti-Obama sign on vehicle
I failed to mention that my father was a patrolman on the Ft. Lauderdale Police Department a year before he died of cancer. He was a farmer at heart, but the soil was depleted and he had to support us four kids and our mom. The farm was in New York, I was born a couple years after he had to quit farming.
My sister has a newspaper article about how he talked an armed robbery suspect into putting down his gun and surrendering to him.
This was in the day before "police negotiators". :D
Wow. That's a nasty police/fire story Weedy. (and the bus one)

I think the war on pot in particular is just a joke at best. Worse than the harm pot does. I'm not a toker (pot makes many people stupid - but so does beer! laff), but if you weigh the harm to society from pot (stupid kids, lack of productivity, nasty coughs) vs. the wasted police efforts/police state just doesn't add up.

As for political point of view ~ most of the press (and leftists!) try so hard to convince us that the RIGHT all the time wants to take our freedoms and rights.....I mean when Bush was office it was a constant call from them. I kept a watch on my rights. I saw the usual evolutionary slow government power growth. But no real loss of freedom/rights. Now with Obama I'll be watching, but it seems so far (out loud) his minions have no issues with silencing speech (IF you are not on their side!), taking guns, and hating religion (IF you are a Christian).

Enough said.
If memory serves me right. it was a republican that imposed the "assault" weapons ban. I don't really have a strong interest in one party or another, really. I am tired of leftists though!
Sarah Palin is the kinda woman I'd want backing me up in a bad situation, maybe she is an airhead but at least she knows how to hunt and fish... :D
BTW: I'm in support of legalizing all drugs in a weapons free, controlled zone, like a Doper Disneyland. Crazy idea, but at least they'll be off the streets, and won't be let out of "The Zone" until they're clean and sober. Same goes for booze too!
My handle refers to the fact that I've found some of my best treasures abandoned in vacant "weedy lots".
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As much as Obama and his rock star status drives me nuts, his "performance" yesterday here in Canada was very good. He had lots of class and knew what to say.
He is a very smart man but it seems very unfair how the media gives him a free ride and he can do no wrong.
It's nice to see that our "left" here in Canada seems to have lost it's hate-on for the US of A. It must be driving them nuts no longer being able to blame the US for all of our ills.
To prove my point, Obama announced more troops , yet we had none of the "there are no Borders" or "bring our troops home" protests.
Did I mention I protect my property (shop, ect) with snakes?

Yes, the neighbors all know of it, and I guess my reputation for crazy is far reaching.....I told one guy who was snooping around that I had the snakes because "you can hear dogs bark, and know they are coming in the dark, snakes are silent, and by the time you know where they are it's too late."

That and the thing about Mrs. Joe and I being mercinaries keeps the meth heads away.
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Well after reading along with all the opinions stated here I figured I might chime in with a few points.

1. The federal Government has no business interfering with what rights and laws falling under a STATE provision. Meaning the politicians in Washington D.C. are pressing their believes on the rest of the country. Contrary to popular belief the US Civil War was not fought over slavery it was fought over States right over the Fed Gov.

2. In this day and age you would think that the people of this country would learn to elect representitives of the people but instead they continue to put professional politicians in office.

3. That being said the laws of the people are being written by those we put in power so it may be time to put up or shut up. If you didn't vote it is time to step back and shut up. If you did vote then it is time to put up and make those that you put in power responsible for their actions.

The economy is in real trouble and crime will rise as a result.

I believe that personal ownership of ANY firearm should be protected as a means to keep YOUR border secure. The property that a person occupies as a living space has a border and deserves to be protected as much as the border to a country if not more.

Saying that I have no issue with REGISTRATION of those weapons. If you are legal then what is the problem?

I have been to war and been in places that the people can not defend themselves and they are abused tortured and killed at the whim of any THUG with a gun. By taking the basic defense of a home, a neighborhood, and a city out of the hands of the people you can no longer protect that border. This is why we are still at war in the middle east. Those people deserve to have someone protect their right to LIVE.

I do feel very sorry for the person that decides to invade MY borders. I can fire my semi auto AR-15 about 1/2 second slower than my M-16A2 i had in the army. Yes i own an "assault" riffle not only for the defense of my home but my neighborhood my city and my country.
"a well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

I believe this means: Because a well regulated militia is necessary to the security of a free state, the right of people to keep(own) and bear(possess) arms shall not be infringed.

So, people have the right to keep, and bear arms whether we already have a militia or not; it doesn't differentiate. If a person is required to buy a license or permit for a firearm under threat of inprisonment, fine, or confiscation of said firearm...that requirement is unconstitutional.

Some people argue that assault weapons are not needed, but the drug cartels and thugs have them. We need to level the playing field; we can't go back in time and make assault weapons obsolete. As long as there is demand, there will be supply. So, ordinary citizens should be allowed to buy assault weapons if they have the will and resources(money) to do so.

In my opinion, if Ron Paul became president, he would eliminate all gun control laws and he would decriminalize illicit drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, etc. Then, there would be no more all-powerful gangs with guns as there are now. Gangs would see their market share plummet, along with revenue. This would happen as these drugs are mass produced by private industry.

Sadly, however, I can't see this happening anytime soon.