The wonderful new government has spoken

I totally agree that it's not people having assault rifles that kill people, people kill people.

But I still think there are some guns that are of no use to anybody except for killing people. A .50 cal with armor piercing rounds? What do you go hunt Rhino every month? I don't know if any of you have ever shot an AK-47, but they're so inaccurate the only thing they're good for is rapid-fire crowd control. My point is some of these weapons are made for only one purpose: killing people. And civilians have no need with these weapons. Unfortunately, yes, criminals are criminals and they will get them no matter what. So basically gun control here in the US is a pickle, and will never get reasonably solved.


1. yeah, we're screwed.
2. agreed
3. most likely
4. unfortunately yes, because humanity is inevitably stupid.
5. people will blame him for stupid things, but I still think he is stupid.
6. Of course
7. It will...unless Cheney somehow becomes president.
Again, what is the fear of a .50 cal bullet versus a .223 cal bullet? the principle of the right to bear arms is what must be protected.

I will use the same argument that pro-death advocates use: slippery slope. If late term abortions are banned then it is argued that it is the first step to banning all abortions. Using that same logic, banning any firearm because of its looks is a first step to banning all weapons.

I can't recall of a single murder caused by a .50 cal rifle but for some reason Jason is scared of them and wants them banned. WHY?

BTW, my Russian VEPR rifle (an AK-47 variant) is a nice hunting rifle and is very accurate. I can't vouch for its ability to control crowds.

If we need to ban anything, it should be the automobile. There were over 43,000 automobile related deaths last year. Not only do the kill their drivers, but they also kill innocent people across the country each day. I'm more afraid of another driver than an individual who owns firearms.
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I'm not calling for them to be banned. I just honestly don't see what the heck anybody needs one for.

Let's see, a .50cal will blow my arm off, a smaller bullet most likely won't.
Asking why a person needs a high power rifle is like asking why we need the Stingray Corvette and high speed Cigarette boats.
To each his own.
I am so glad I'm as old as I am. For 2 reasons:
1. I can remember a quieter, more innocent time for this country.
2. I won't be around to see where the madness is taking it.

"I would never die for my beliefs...because I might be wrong."
Bertrand Russell
Actually the 2nd Ammendment says
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
I think I would like an automatic weapon if I were protecting my country; er state as the amendment puts it.
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Somehow I doubt that in the late 1700's they were thinking about fully automatic assault rifles :)

I have nothing against guns and I don't think anybody should be kept from owning one (except maybe, you know, felons, terrorists, crazy people, etc). But I do think that some of the guns available to people are excessive (.50cal with armor piercing rounds, fully auto assault rifles, etc.)

What's next, bazookas? "Hey! I need that RPG for target practice, and I occasionally like to blow Wooley Mammoths to bits! Plus, I need to protect my family!"
Wow! A subject I can sink my teeth into! My brother is a trained gunsmith in MO and tells me his business has increased about 200% since the election. He hears over and over that people are truly afraid of losing their right to own any type of gun.
Deacon's list is great and touches on several truths. Jason, I understand your point also, the only thing a .50 caliber is good for is stopping other .50 calibers, like the ones used by our own military. Remember, the right to own a gun is protected by the gun, nothing else. The ability of a government to give to the people is dependent on the ability of the government to take from the people. Make sense?
I won't go into the details here, but I had to shoot a meth crazed attacker after his delusional threats, and my repeated requests for help, were ignored by the local police. They arrived with M-16s and body armor and proceeded to beat me like Rodney King.
I will never depend on government or police to protect me, indeed, I want the firepower to protect myself from them.
"An unarmed citizen is called a slave" Unknown Author
I will now sign the petition and later tonight, I will clean my Soviet sniper rifles and my Chinese (ugh) SKS, then shop around for a concealable American handgun. :D
Hey I agree with you completely. I do believe in the right to own a gun and defend yourself, your family, and your property.

But I'm willing to bet that you didn't pull out an assault rifle or Uzi to shoot that crazed attacker, and I bet he didn't have one either.

And of course, we all want the ability to protect ourselves from our own military/police. but I'll tell you what, you could have the biggest guns available and if they want to take you down, they'll take you down.
Exactly, if they want to take you down, they'll take you down. But they're gonna hafta be from some other country because if the government does resort to such tactics, it ain't gonna be with soldiers whose families can be found by a gun owner. :D
Exactly, if they want to take you down, they'll take you down. But they're gonna hafta be from some other country because if the government does resort to such tactics, it ain't gonna be with soldiers whose families can be found by a gun owner. :D
BTW: It was a borrowed .38, aimed between the eyes. Luckily, it hit his throat, he survived, I called the ambulance, then the useless cops showed up with their SWAT vehicle and I'll never forget the muzzle of an M-16 against the back of my neck and the "Public Official" screaming " Make a move mother****** and I'll blow your f****** head off!"
I'll never trust the government or cops again. Those of you who are cops, tough toenails, all I did was defend myself after cops refused to.
lovely image, sorry that had to happen.

I think the entire world just needs to destroy all guns/nukes/missiles/bombs/whatever and we'll all just go back to single-shot muzzle-loaded lead balls :)
There will be a time when the gun wll not be the way and people will truly love each other. It will not be today under any of the current generations administrations. Generally they all are part of the criminal element. Here in central Arizona we have the Phoenix 40 and lots of old school crime infested into politics and now we have a lot of who knows what involved in our open border to the south. We probably have some of every terrorist nation that wants to take the US down coming over the open border. The criminals have automatic weapons and our police have a few rifles after the supervisor arrives to a violent exchange, usually too late to help. Phoenix has 400 reported kidnappings last year and probably 2 of 3 go unreported. We rank #2 in the world for that particular form of violence and it often feeds a modern slave trade. I think we will get out of this mess but you better not depend on government to do it for you.
Back in the day, when I was a rookie cop, I rode with an old cop ready to retire. We got stopped one night by a man who owned a restaurant. He said, "I need to carry a pistol when I go to the bank to make my night deposit." At the time all concealed firearms were illegal for civilians.

My partner says to him, "John, most of the time when you figure you need to pull your gun, it's to darn late." (not a word for word quote by the way) But john if you buy yourself a small pistol, if you carry it in your pocket concealed, and if you never need it, why would anyone know you have it or search you for it. However John if you ever need to use it, the fact that it was concealed is going to be the least of your problems."

One last piece of advice from the same old cop....It is far better to judged by twelve, than carried by six...
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WOW-I bet the tavern hasn't been this hot since the fire.
I started this when I pointed out that if we/you didn't fight the Gov. over the law they are trying to pass banning motor bikes ect. you would wind up like us.
I was pointing out the gun control as a prime example of what happens.
Years ago I had a friend who's grand dad was a long retired cop.Grand dad alway said some day we would see gun control and the two worst people in the world would have guns.The cops and the crooks and every one would be at thier mercy because we are unarmed.
My nephew is in the Canadian Army[yes we have one]getting ready to go to Afghanistan
One of his personal guns is a 50 cal. hand gun made in Isreal.I don't know if it is going with him but when he gets back from training I'll have to ask.
I think it's called a Desert Eagle.
Well, I'd love to stay and chat but the Tom cats at home waiting to be let out.
Put your name on the list folks or you'll be pushing your bikes not riding them and the only to blame will be us.
I'll stir the coals....I have one gun, a Winchester Model 12, made for trench warefare and riot control. It's all the gun you'd ever need. Hold 7 shells, needs 3! ;)

I think "They" should outlaw alcohol and cigarettes.

Oh did I just say that out loud? :)
...although a nice Savage .22/.410 over/under is a good choice for the ladies in your life, and cheaper to fire too.
Bikeguy Joe.My nephews other gun is a trench shot gun.
When I moved to the U.S. I left a Savage 22/410 behind and when the cops and the government warn anybody found with guns that they would be condemed to unspeakable **** he turned them in.
Well, off to the hospital to tommorrow for a new knee.It was a 'how did you survive" accident in 1965 and now I'm old enough to have it done.
Keep writing and I'll catch everyone in a week.
Hi Jason. First of all, you can not buy an assault rifle unless you have an FFL. That means 99.99 percent of us can not buy one. Even if you could, it is a waste of ammo. Assault rifle? What the heck is that? Give me a break. All Military Assault weapons have fully Auto ability. These you can not buy as stated above. The only weapons we civilians can legally buy are semi auto versions and yes.. Semis are great for home defense, hunting, and more. Heck.. A shot gun fires 300-500 projectiles per micro second. These are great for hunting home intruders as well as Elk. Using a slug of course for the elk. Bottom line is this. Jason.. You can not buy an Assault weapon period !! Before you and others ban our weapons, take a lesson from Canada, UK, and Australia. UK and Australia have the highest crime victim rate in the world. They also have banned gun ownership. Before you ban the rights of anyone to freely buy a gun, you are better off allowing Assault rifles. In the UK, they have never allowed the freedom to buy a gun there. In WWII, England was afraid Germany was going to invade. Problem was.. They were not allowed to buy a gun.. . So.. The Citizens of the England had no way of fighting when invaded. Yikes !! Yes.. Big problem.. So.. USA to the rescue... Americans can understand.. We are a country of Firearms in the hands of Citizens. Time to Americanize the British and fast.. So.. What did the Americans do? We flew over England in Airplanes and dropped 45 Cal zip guns. We kicked out box loads of these Single shot 45cal zip guns.. England now had a way to fight. And.. You can bet.. A 45 is lethal. Even in single shot form. You hit someone with a 45 slug anywhere but in their hand, they are going down. 45 is a man stopper for sure. Single shot was all we could muster in such a short time span. Better than nothing. If we would have had the supply, we would have dropped the ACP Colt 45. But.. Typical of those countries that lack freedom. And when there is trouble, the Capital of Freedom to the rescue. Go USA !! Yes !!! Anyway.. Jason.. You really need to lighten up on the Assault rifle thing. You do not know what you are talking about.. You can not buy one. And Jason it may be that you do not feel anyone should own a semi auto. That is my take. Go back to muzzle loading? Heck.. Why stop there Jason? Lets go back to Clubs and rocks.. That should scare the pants off of the criminals. Problem is.. There is no going back.. And you know it. Here is the real problem.. Technology is in the space age.... Morality is in the stone age.. Fix that.. And leave our weapons alone... Thanks...
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