New Member
I totally agree that it's not people having assault rifles that kill people, people kill people.
But I still think there are some guns that are of no use to anybody except for killing people. A .50 cal with armor piercing rounds? What do you go hunt Rhino every month? I don't know if any of you have ever shot an AK-47, but they're so inaccurate the only thing they're good for is rapid-fire crowd control. My point is some of these weapons are made for only one purpose: killing people. And civilians have no need with these weapons. Unfortunately, yes, criminals are criminals and they will get them no matter what. So basically gun control here in the US is a pickle, and will never get reasonably solved.
1. yeah, we're screwed.
2. agreed
3. most likely
4. unfortunately yes, because humanity is inevitably stupid.
5. people will blame him for stupid things, but I still think he is stupid.
6. Of course
7. It will...unless Cheney somehow becomes president.
But I still think there are some guns that are of no use to anybody except for killing people. A .50 cal with armor piercing rounds? What do you go hunt Rhino every month? I don't know if any of you have ever shot an AK-47, but they're so inaccurate the only thing they're good for is rapid-fire crowd control. My point is some of these weapons are made for only one purpose: killing people. And civilians have no need with these weapons. Unfortunately, yes, criminals are criminals and they will get them no matter what. So basically gun control here in the US is a pickle, and will never get reasonably solved.
1. yeah, we're screwed.
2. agreed
3. most likely
4. unfortunately yes, because humanity is inevitably stupid.
5. people will blame him for stupid things, but I still think he is stupid.
6. Of course
7. It will...unless Cheney somehow becomes president.