The Rustoration Build Off

Hi BarelyAWake!

Could you please tell me more about your exhaust? I'm diggin it.

It looks really functional like and clean.

It's a modified SBP expansion chamber, ported stock headpipe & extended glasspack silencer. While the spring retention system on the SBP manifold is great and reduces metal fatigue - I couldn't bear to have the blue hi-temp silicone on my vintage ride... it just kinda clashed and Ima slave to fashion I guess. The extended glasspack quiets the exhaust to roughly equivalent to stock (sounds different/better - but no louder) and other than being 6" or so longer has little/no effect on backpressure as it's a clear passage straight through.

It's a pretty easy mod (glasspack) as it's simply 2" aluminum conduit, a chunk of metal window screen, a lil fiberglass insulation stolen from my wall & a coupla pop rivets, the stock head pipe slid right in to the expansion chamber with a lil chunk of the SBP system as an adapter (yus, I still need to trim & paint the one lil exhaust clamp) o.o

We chat a lil about runnin' it under the bracket & alternate expansion chambers etc. here:

and it started as this: Sick Bike Parts

Anyone know were i can get a thumb throttle?

If you're not in a hurry I'll be back in Minnesota in a month and have several of them there from bike bug motors. I'd give you one. What is it for? Personally I like a twist throttle better.
I've remained quiet here but I've been watchin'. Sure glad I didn't enter this contest. I wouldn't want to compete against Geoff's ride. That is a cool scooter. Congratulations Barely. Now go enjoy it...Spring is here. I wanna see rock nicks and chipped paint next photos.
It's a modified SBP expansion chamber, ported stock headpipe & extended glasspack silencer. While the spring retention system on the SBP manifold is great and reduces metal fatigue - I couldn't bear to have the blue hi-temp silicone on my vintage ride... it just kinda clashed and Ima slave to fashion I guess. The extended glasspack quiets the exhaust to roughly equivalent to stock (sounds different/better - but no louder) and other than being 6" or so longer has little/no effect on backpressure as it's a clear passage straight through.

It's a pretty easy mod (glasspack) as it's simply 2" aluminum conduit, a chunk of metal window screen, a lil fiberglass insulation stolen from my wall & a coupla pop rivets, the stock head pipe slid right in to the expansion chamber with a lil chunk of the SBP system as an adapter (yus, I still need to trim & paint the one lil exhaust clamp) o.o

We chat a lil about runnin' it under the bracket & alternate expansion chambers etc. here:

and it started as this: Sick Bike Parts


Hey BA,

Thanks much for the link.

Still working on figuring out everything here.

No worries rockhopper, findin' links is the easy bit lol :D

Now go enjoy it...Spring is here. I wanna see rock nicks and chipped paint next photos.

Sure - I gotta coupla chips in the paint, mostly from workin' on it tho and I'll hide my shame kthx :p

Other than that first epic seven hour sunday, I've been pretty much stuck to jus' the work commute... tho I'm known for "missing" the turn in the morning and buzzin' right on past lol. Lunchbreak often finds me tinkerin' and yesterday I ended up bailin' early 'cause a fella I'd never met before stopped by with his motorized mountain bike - ofc we had to go ride around FTW... these bikes sure can get "expensive" in lost income heh

Here's a shot of the Rollfast patiently waitin' fer quittin' time, I've noticed it runs better w/a thermos o'coffee strapped to the rack - it's tru!


We've got a guy in Lewiston Maine (bout a 20min car drive frm here) who's buildin MBs and sellin' them... I've not met him yet but I get a LOT of ppl askin "didja get that from him?" and while I'm sure he builds good bikes I'm forced to respond;



erm... no.

Then they say "Oh, so that's a kit then?" and I gotta say;


sorta... not really...

Then they say "So where can I get one?" and I've no choice but to fling a pile of bike cards up in the air as my ninja style distraction and frantically vroom off in a desperate escape attempt! The 007 oil slick and smoke cloud accessories I seem to be having some problems with... I think the Amsoil 100:1 mix messed 'em up gdangit :(

Good penetrating oil should help to loosen those handlebars up along with some heat and tapping if necessary. Patience is a virtue.
So you're not yet taking orders for Rollfast production? How soon can you make me one? Will it cost more than a new bike? How come? I've only got a coupla minutes, but can you tall me how to make one just like yours? Wanna sell it? How fast will it go? How many miles per gallon? Sure you don't wanna sell it?
I'm guessing at some point that you'll start to avoid people so you can be on your way. Cool you found somebody to ride with.
I've not been riding since I've been waiting for parts for the American and diamond burrs for the dremel tool to fix the centrifugal clutch on the Elgin. The burrs came yesterday so I'm hoping to have the clutch fixed very soon. I missed out on a week of beautiful riding weather here in northern Maryland as the mountain greens up and splashes of color from wild flowers and red bud trees make for some spring glory. Outside my door a plum tree is in blossom and a cherry and peach tree are coming on. I saw the first of the apple blossoms unfold as I worked in the garden yesterday. I wanna ride me motorbicycle! Spring and fall are the absolute prime times for getting out there on two wheels and summer ain't bad at all. Inspired by your SBP exhaust system I ordered the po boy version in a pocket bike expansion chamber from ebay. I was surprised yesterday when I opened up the package to see that it looks well made, nice chrome and I may even be able to fit on the Elgin. I'm at the holding it in place and staring at things stage, trying to figure how best to mount it and join it to the kit exhaust pipe. Once I cut off the stock muffler it looks like the kit pipe will fit inside the pocket bike pipe leading to the expansion chamber. The kit pipe will require either some heating and bending or a short section of either copper pipe or exhaust flex pipe to joint the two. I bought this on sale for ten bucks with another ten for shipping and expected something pretty shoddy. It said they originally sold for a hundred bucks and I figured that was dreaming hype, but it looks good and has a silencer on the end. I saw that the shipping by priority mail was actually $12.00 which made the cost of the expansion chamber a whole 8 bucks. Pretty cool if I can make it work. So that's where things are with the 39 Elgin, already suffering from those nicks 2 door speaks of and a mishap with the drive chain, rear fender and skirt guard which was due to my own negligence. It is all repairable, but I won't do repairs until summer when I have things as I want them... then take it apart and make some things more right and some new paint, maybe even another color (black). it isn't like you can look to see what everybody else did with their 39 Elgin step throughs to avoid pitfalls in turning them into motorbicycles. It is part of the fun in going your own way with something different. I bet yours is either the only or one of a very few motorized Rollfasts and I'd bet money it's the absolute best. Can't be too many motored Colson's out there, either. I know of two... so far. Bairdco probably has another one in the wings waiting for the spotlight. My next Elgin will be better than this one. I've got two in mind for next winter, another 34 step through and a 38 men's tank bike. We gonna have another rustoration buildoff next year? That would be cool, with more builders yet. Oh, I did get my new leaping tuna air cleaner mounted. Looks better than the plastic stock filter and I'm hoping it makes the intake quieter. That's it for now.
i couldnt keep up with ya barely your build is a nice ride, it gave me a few ideas for a new build, and my g/f thinks im crazy for it, but where would man be without the woman behind him shaking her head......
^ That would be the "somebody" I got to ride with (^) Thanks Cogswelln, get that gasket set and we'll sort that out FTW, given yer build prolly weighs less than 1/2 of mine...

gdangit... you'll prolly beat me... o.o

Ahh silverbear... it bums me out that yer clutch failed you during these first days of spring, I know you'll have it fixed up in a jiffy and bttrn new, but still :(

I'm really lookin' forward to yer "po boy" version of the expansion chamber mod - although I really like the SBP one and it's a proven chamber size/shape, I do understand it's not the most affordable solution, particularly if yer jus plannin' on using just the chamber - the mounting & retention springs on the SBP one are ossum, but wasted with this mod. I "cheated" the budget and robbed it offn the poor Schwinn... now irritated w/my cheatin' ways - it ofc doesn't run as well heh

There's so many out there drillin' holes and pullin' baffles outa the stock mufflers in an attempt to find an economical way to increase power... the expansion chamber itself a critical component of a 2 stroke, your experimentation with such a low-cost but effective solution will help provide an alternative to what I suspect may be a complete waste of time, the gain from a pulled endcap marginal at best - I so don't think it worth the headache... literally lol

"We gonna have another rustoration buildoff next year?"


ADDICT!!1! laff

... mebbe o.o
if there is a 2010 rustoration build off im definately getting myself into that one, in the mean time ill be searching for the perfect started bike, im looking for something 1950's and older, the worse the condition the more fun ill have building the bike. im a sucker for lost causes especially with bikes, but if there is another build off, i am definately wanting to get involved for my next build seeming its probably going to take a little while to find the frame that i would prefer......
*groans* sorry Wally meh wallett, your goin on the bike diet again lol.
This should toatly be a winter thing, even if we don't compete I'd be good to help the new comers...
WOOT GOOOO BLUES!!! sorry I went to a blue game last night!
Today i plan to fet the bars off, or just keep them
on. I dunno.
Ummm... so yeah... I've really not done squat to the poor Rollfast save riding the bejabbers outa it whenever I get a 'mo, up to and including my fabled "long lunch breaks" that don't seem to end till 8am the next mornin' lol

Ofc there's not much that seems to need to be done, save occasionally adjusting the chains... there's a buncha stuff I should do, like complete the rear fender and mounting the dropstand that I finally remembered to get, heck - wiring up the lights would only take a few minutes... but I suspect that's not gonna happen till a rainy weekend heh

The "dreaded" CNS carb has actually been treating me quite well... once I remembered to stop bein' a n00b and blaming it for the engine's birthing pangs, my incessant and misguided tinkerin' only messing it up. Once I stopped fussin' w/it and fixed the real issues (leaking head gasket & a vacuum leak & ofc break in) it was fine... the float sticks from time to time but that's minor, I'll delve into that when I get a moment... like the aforementioned rainy weekend heh

I worried some that my original front rim mighta been bent or slightly outa true, while spinning it on the bike left me undecided, riding it there was a definite symptom if something hinky. Meaning to stop by and strut my stuff at the local bike shop anyway I summoned up my courage to take her out on the first "long distance" run instead of vrooming around in circles in my neighborhood like the coward I truly am. It's really not that far to the bike shop at all - it's just the next town over... but hey... I'm sure ya'll know what I mean heh, not only is my new toy "unproven" but I tell ya what - pedaling a 70yo cruiser with an engine and assorted accessories strapped to it is no joke... add in a questionable front wheel and it's a lil worrisome.

Needless to say the Rollfast was a big hit amongst the techs there, the fellow who built my wheels more than happy to pop it off and throw it in the truing stand to see whats up. Armed with far more experience than I and better equipment it became clear as day that the rim was about perfect, he gave one spoke a 1/8th twist for good luck and pointed out what I should have caught my dang self had I not been so obsessed with over complicating every symptom in my "new dad" ways - the super-cheap crappy tires I had bought "just temporary" to keep my freshly painted & built rims off the ground are indeed "super-cheap crappy tires" and as such are poorly molded, there's a big ol' lump on the side that's plain as the nose on my face... I r shamed I missed that *blush* Unfortunately it's not a twisted tube, the tire is junk and needs be replaced, I'm saving mine pennies for a nice set with wrap around tread. While they wont look as original as the square, flat-tops... the Rollfast isn't exactly built for cornering with those almost ridiculous handlebars (they are quite comfy tho), a nice set of sneakers outa help.

I've been wondering if the gearing might be a hair too tall given the hefty weight of this build, it's not "sluggish" off the line and 1st & 2nd gears are about right but third... well... it's so "almost" heh, no matter the speed/RPM I hit it at it holds it - doesn't loose speed but doesn't gain any. While in some ways this is good, it's like a cruise gear - I think if I swapped out the lil gear on the SBP shiftkit from the 10t to the 9t they offer as the "hill climbing" sprocket it'll be jus' about perfect.

BUT - as it's not fully broken in yet I'm gonna wait, it jus' keeps runnin' better and better with more power every time I ride... the gearing so "close" that jus' a lil more power might "fix" my gearing all by itself *crosses fingers* Still, the sprocket is cheap 'nuff so I might grab one anyway and it's so easy to swap that one out that having the 9, 10, & 11t sprockets as "spares" for differing riding conditions might be kinda neat (I already have both the 10 & 11t, go figure lol). Ofc the Sturmey Archer 3 speed also offers different sprocket options as does SBP with their front freewheel chainrings sos I've LOTS of gearing variety & options, JOY! I do so loves to mess around w/gearing FTW, gettin' it dialed in jus' right for my weight & the bike's - matching it to the engine's power and the terrain part of the fun fer me.

I jus' need be patient and log a few more miles... not exactly a grueling chore :D

Soo... here's those "dirty girl" pics nasty ol' Tom was after heh ;)

ooops bedtime


ya crack me up weekend :D

The following is NOT advice, I'm screwing around w/stuff and don't care if I harm my build ;)

K, sos the truth of the matter is thus - despite the "pretty" of the Rollfast build, it is in fact jus' another el'cheapo Chinese 66cc 2smoker (Grubee Skyhawk) and I just can't resist experimenting, it's part of the fun of these engines as I see it... so I've been doing... stuff o.o

The port & polish is pretty standard, but the CNS carburetor is the source of much debate here on the forums so I hadta get one and see... as well as throwing caution to the wind and not just running, but breaking in a new motor with Amsoil's 'Saber Professional' with one tank full @ 80:1 and switching to 100:1 after that ran out ('bout 6 1/2 gallons used so far). Can't forget the SBP shiftkit goin' through a Sturmey Archer S30 X-RD3 3 speed hub...

So far so good (^)

Nothin' much to report about the shiftkit & Sturmey save it's still makin' me giggle, now that I've gotten a few miles on the engine and a few kinks sorted the 3rd gear is proving to be about right... tho I'll prolly still mess w/it a bit heh As for the Sturmey's durability we'll just hafta wait and see, but I've noticed if yer not really careful with throttle control you can "slam" the drivetrain, when downshifting the engine needs to spin up a lot faster to "catch up" with the speed the wheels are going and it's awful easy to forget to "roll" the RPMs up gently to match - not hard to do at all... but easy to forget if yer not used to it. Same goes with giving the engine a sec to spool down before up shifting, jus' letting off the throttle isn't quite enough as it needs just a lil more time than it takes to just twist the shifter. There may be more to it than that... but I gotta wonder if this isn't why other ppl have had hub failures, or a contributing factor anyway.

As for the CNS I wonder how much of the discontent ppl have expressed may be due to the poor assembly of the carb from the factory, not only is there a lack of any coherent/comprehensive instructions, there were assembly "errors" that made my life... interesting. A jet hadn't been fully seated so it fell out & down into the bowl, confusing the heck outa me as I tried to set the fuel/air to compensate (oddly, the bike still ran pretty well), the slide retains the cable in a slightly different method than the NT - it's got a lil clip instead of a slotted washer and that clip did nothing for me hung up in the spring and not where it was supposed to be so while the slide would return - the needle would take it's own sweet time to do so. Additionally, while the remote choke is sweet and quite useful - if the cable is even the slightest bit dry or routed with too much a bend, the plunger within the carb won't descend/retract fully and continue to alter the mix, making adjustment fun as you can't tell if the choke is partially on/off by just looking at it.

Still, after a careful rebuild it's actually been a pleasure to use and the ability to "fine tune" the fuel/air mix a relief, particularly given the oil ratio I'm using heh While I can tune the carb so there's absolutely no four stroking (except cold ofc) even when it's not under load, I'm runnin' it just a hair rich in my persistent paranoia... I'll get over that sooner or later methinks. It is a bit more complicated than the NT so I can't really recommend it unless you're already familiar with other carbs as it could drive the unwary insane heh... I also can't quite define how much/little the lack of four stroking has to do with the better carb and/or my other mods & experiments, the classic "too much at once" experimentation method - I'm psyched with the results tho!

Speakin' of which, the 100:1 ratio, even breaking in w/it has been a complete non-event with absolutely nothing to report... which is a good thing lol

I guess at this point only time will tell :p
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Barely your post are always imformative and well written, i cant wait till i have the gasket set, and a jack shift so i can see if i can actually keep up with tha exceptional bike you have built. well off to look for some moneyz and all that fun stuff
I got my 39 back on the road this morning, thanks to help from Rockenstein in advising me on the centrifugal clutch repair. It works perfectly now. The expansion chamber exhaust is snug and is so much better than the kit catalytic muffler... no more hot ankle, I think it is a bit quieter than it was and the sound is more throaty. I'm also not imagining the increase in power. I have a total of $30 dollars invested in that exhaust including flex pipe and clamps. The ride is super and without a rattle anywhere. I'm already thinking about next winter's build of my 34 Elgin and am planning to give it a shift kit. It will be black with pin striping and more attention to quality of paint, etc. I've learned a lot from this build which will help to make the next one better yet. Even so, I really love this bike. I'm calling it an Elgin 'Velocipede'. I hope you like it, too


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