The Rustoration Build Off

The 10t is the one the kit comes with, there's an 11t available as well and I imagine those word work well for most builds... but this ol' girl is heavy heh

I prolly mentioned this before but as an example, just the wheelset alone weighs about the same as my entire aluminum schwinn (minus the engine ofc). So when/if ya get yer shiftkit you'll prolly want to get the 9t as the optional extra, but those with less hefty rides would be fine with the 10, mountain bike guys w/worked engines will prolly like the 11t a lot. BTW, I'm about 200lbs as that'd make a difference too.

There's more to it than just my third being a lil too tall BTW, I'm about a hair away from being able to start off without pedaling/just a foot roll and even as it is now I can start a warmed up engine and go immediately with 1/2 a crank revolution... usually :p

With the centrifugal woes you've been suffering of late, I thought you may find that interesting *shrug*
Ferget a dab of loctite? Lose 5 spokes :-{


I neglected to dab a lil loctite on the brake tension adjuster and it backed off just enough for the cable nubbin to jump out of it's saddle and into my front spokes, plucking out 5 of 'em with the "brrrrring" sound of doom as it dragged the adjuster into the wheel...


Fortunately I was jus' rolling along at less than 15mph, as the wheel was now seriously out of true the tire rubs the inside of the fork... I can't imagine what would have happened at speed... well, I can... but I don't wanna heh

As I was limping her home at about a walking speed (thanks to gears FTW) who should I encounter? Good ol' Cogswelln on his MB with a small shed's worth of lumber in his trailer lol, whom happily zipped over to his place to grab another wheel just in case mine collapsed before I got back home. It turns out the Rollfast held together - but massive points and a thanks to a guy that'd offer such "emergency roadside assistance" to another and his wounded pri... erm... ride.

Thanks again Cog (^)
Ah man... you/re right, of course about what could have happened at high speed. A little thing can have terrible consequences. Good though that it was just spokes which are broken. I've been guilty plenty of times about getting complacent with my rides when everything seems like it has been worked out and I get blissed out riding along. I get lazy about giving the bike a critical stare and checking things like nuts for tightness, even air pressure in the tires. There isn't much between us and the pavement. I've had a couple close calls early on in this motorbicycle madness, one involving a rear fender that broke loose and got sucked forward so that the wheel was on top of the fender... all I had at the time was a coaster brake and I skidded for quite a ways managing to stay upright. What if it had dumped? What if there had been a car at the wrong place at the wrong time? I will have to remember this, Barely, because I know you're pretty careful with your bike and experienced with motorcycles, etc., much more than I am. If it can happen to you, then it can happen to any of us. We really do have to pay attention to every part of our builds and imagine what the consequence would be if we forget to tighten enough or use locktite or locknuts. Glad you're OK, Bud. And a gold star to Cogswelln.
Indeed silver, lol - I jus' figured out just how close I came to disaster o.O

Outa morbid curiosity I checked the vids I made just the day before and wouldn't ya know it, you can watch the "stop" nut backing itself off during the YouTube - Shiftkit 3sp long one. Well, ya prolly can't as youtube reformats to a lower quality vid to reduce load times... but ya can defo see the traitorous lil saboteur in action with the original footage;


..and that within 1/4 mile mebbe? It only took another 3-5 miles for the cable itself to loosen enough to then go into the spokes... *shrug* thought ya might find this interestin' - I do love it when ol' Murphy plays nice and gives this silly bastid a second chance w/just a warning shot :D

edit/correction: It was during the YouTube - Shiftkit 3sp short one and ya can see it even reformatted o.o
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well barely the way i saw it was that front wheel was a bit dangerous, i cant see a fellow mber getting fed up if there is something i can do to help, im glad that you made it back with out "tacoing" the front rim. I was trying my hardest to get back as fast as i could cause just seeing how many spokes came off of it made me wonder just how far it would go before it folded. But thanks to good luck and great weather you made it back. now if only i waited 20 mins for the rain to stop that was a lil cold lol. I should have taken a picture of the trailer with the lumber in it, that would have been a perfect thing to post, but now the trailer is being rebuilt. well off to work on that for a while. and thanx barely for the peice of fuel line im getting ym new filter soon.
Nice vid BA, I would recommend switching the 44 for a 48 chainring. I think that will lower your ratio just enough and the other cool part is that the 48's are black and would look sweet on that bike.
Thanks Ghost0 :D

Undoubtedly you're right, but I wonder about it's outer diameter and clearing my chainguard.... still, it's nice to have all the sprocket options!

I will hafta do some measurin' ;)
Heeeelllooo??? Anyone home?lol I'm the last person left who's isn't done, and it's almost may!! Here what I need to do:
order a new throttle asembly. I chipped that thing on the inside... Idk what it's

enlarw the sprocket OR order a sprocket adapter from
Jim. I'm still learning here, anyone have any tips on sprocket enlargement? I tried using a sanding bit, but it just broke away :(

I... Have.... To..... Get..... This..... Done


Weekend - dude, don't sweat it! My Rollfast is far from done, I jus' caved in to the temptation of spring and hurried a few things to get it on the road - and I even paid the price in busted spokes and messed up paint lol

This "build off" has never had a real time limit (or even an actual competition heh), but yer own need to ride.... well... THAT is somethin' I can sympathize with and that's a fact ;)

geez... I even forgot to measure my chainguard after Ghost0's excellent advice heh *doh*
And the 39 Elgin Velocipede isn't really "done" either. I not only have lots of paint fixes, but have to make repairs to the rear fender and skirt guard, both partly eaten by the drive chain. The cause has been fixed, but the affects aren't going to be repaired until summer when I may very well repaint the whole bike anyway. I'm not happy with the paint job which I rushed out of impatience. I'm also waiting for a clutch puller to come so that I can repair the centrifugal clutch, so I'm not even riding mine at the moment. Just yesterday I fabricated a couple of spacers needed in the pedal crank assembly due to an incompatibility of old and new. Still not happy with the front fork head works. Don't really like the tail light behind the gas tank, so I have made a wee little one out of a cat food can and harness leather still wanting a red lens... which should look better. And I'm figuring out a sidecar adapted from an instep kiddie trailer and now think I know how to go about the mounting it to the bike. Then sometime I'd like to remove all the fabric from the instep and give it a covering in birch bark stitched together with spruce root (like the skin on a birch bark canoe). By then the paint will be crappy again on the bike or it will want a shift kit. You get the drift. If you have the bug to fiddle with these things and just plain like making stuff then you'll never be "done", so don't worry about it at all.
Then there's Mekano in Sweden who we haven't heard from in a long time, but who I hope will log in one of these days to let us all know how he's doing.
And fasteddie who is sort of in this build off, even if he never officially joined it. His Monark with sidecar is getting close to being done and may be the only one that really is "done" since he has taken the time to do it all right and has more patience than the rest of us. And if I know Bairdco he will always be making changes and improvements to his first Colson.
Then there are all of the readers of this thread, many of whom like old bikes and are fiddling with their own. No time line, just a fun line. Enjoy your build, Sam.
Sam, if I can weigh in on this. The only time your bike will truely be done is when you sell it. You will keep improving it as you go.

Silver Bear, have to repaint the rear fender for the third time. Went through the paint chasing pit marks. Buffing pad is on it's way, so as soon as the paint is set up on the fender I can buff it all out. I think the bike will be finished but then there is the 3 or 4 sidecar bodies I want to build, then the Colson Crippler and then the trike/bakery delivery van then the.................... Yep then I'm finished. LOL

Fast"still building"eddy
i may have a mt bike but mine is never done im always tweaking it just for something to do. These bikes are just fun to mess around with. Whe i finally find the right frame for my next build i might even post in this thread seams im looking for a vintage p.o.s. to build a trike out of. well either way these bike are never finished in my view they are way to fun to mess with, always trying to get that extra umph out of it


so today I think I will ginaly be able to order the sprocket adapter. I don't think we have any showings, thts good. First I'll have to measure the hub....
That's mtlu goal for today. Mesure the hub and order the adapter.
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Now I know one more reason I don't have an ipod. I think it might be good to stick with the computer and to your build, Sam. This thread is already an incredible 68 pages long.
Now I know one more reason I don't have an ipod. I think it might be good to stick with the computer and to your build, Sam. This thread is already an incredible 68 pages long.

Fixed it. Yes your right, don't want to spam. At least barley never saw... Wheew. :D