Well, I tell ya what... should I just take a coupla days off work and I'd have the Rollfast on the road... but unfortunately that's jus' not in the cards lol
Still - I did manage to get a lil more done, fabbed some mounts and got the chainguard fitted and on there, cut up some old copper sheet and replaced the fuel tank mounts & made a cover plate thingie for the unsightly 1/2 round hole left by my forward motor mount standoff as well as a buncha lil tweaks here and there.
It's interesting how it's the lil things that take up so much time lol, those copper mounts for the fuel tank the simplest thing in the world, right? No - ofc they're all slightly different sizes as I wanted them flush with the tank so each one needed to be fitted separately and I still messed them up a lil. You can see in the profile pics that the tank is slightly higher than it should be - it's not as bad as it appears tho, there's a reflection on the bottom of the tank that's makin' the gap look larger than it is - but it
is off some... but as you'd not be able to tell unless you were under the bike - I haz pronounced it "good 'nuff" and/or to be dealt with later. The important thing is the fuel system is DONE and leak free FTW! ... no wait... I still need to paint or replace the fuel cap and see if I can't dig up some brass bolts/washers to go with those copper straps. o.o *sigh* I'm sucha brass & copper junkie - I gotta find more heh, I can't wait till they "age" a bit... patience...
Even the silly chainguard took waaay too much effort, I know it's the simplest thing - but I had no mounts to work with and ofc there's the shiftkit chains heh, cut up some sheet steel & a hole here, a twist there and three points of contact are made to keep it as solid and rattle free as possible... I hates that "clang-clang" of a loose chainguard so I mebbe went a lil overkill on it, it's still gotta come back off as all the mounts are raw steel and I need to hit the guard itself with some undercoating.
I suppose the lil badge to cover the forward mount wasn't the most effective use of my time this weekend, but I had found the perfect sized chunk o'brass while poking around at work (some random pressure regulator/valve dealie). Both the badge's face and the threaded backing were exactly the same width and size as the mount, so unlike the rest of the silly stuff I did - this was quick & easy, locking into place like it's supposed to be there after a few cuts w/the ol' dremel. I'm gonna grind & polish off 'uniweld' as soon as I figure out something clever to replace it with... which in itself may take a while heh, I was thinkin of mebbe jus' stamping BAW on it *shrug*
I bought some cruiser pedals... like an idiot I didn't double check the thread sizes so ofc they don't fit, got the exhaust system complete save for one rear mount (no hoseclamps fer this 'un lol) the engine electricals & killswitch done & hidden away under the engine, but I'm gonna need to fab up a heat sheild for it as I think it too close to the expansion chamber. I cut up an old fender as a cover for the "missing" section the rear fender has, I was thinkin' of jus' replacing it - but this cut section will serve well as the backing for the behind-the-seatpost tank so it'll do, I think I'm just gonna pop-rivet it there for now as spring is here and I think that tank is gonna hafta wait... I still need to fab a dropstand and it's mounts - must have priorities if ya know what I mean lol
Lights & wiring, taillight, seat, grips & leather covers for 'em still need doing... meh... I
could have the thing runnin' NOW if I just threw a clamp on the exhaust silencer...
I will resist... I
must be strong... DETAILS! MUST FINISH DETAILS FIRST! I've sworn that I'll not put the Rollfast head badge back on till it's "done" (for this season at least) and ready to run heh