The Rustoration Build Off

I put photos of the side car frame I'm building on the side car site.
Take a look and tell me what you think. I'm going out to the workshop and start siding it as I suck down some home made cider.

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I put photos of the side car frame I'm building on the side car site.
Take a look and tell me what you think. I'm going out to the workshop and start siding it as I suck down some home made cider.


The sub structure is super! I can't wait to see the mahagony skin. Keep those pictures coming, Steve...
went riding though the canyons today. hooked up my trusty kodak easy share to take some videos, but what i thought were brand new batteries, weren't.

thought i had tons of pics, but i don't. so here's some crappy cell phone shots.

and the camera mount isn't just a ziptie. that's just a safety. it's actually bolted on there using the threaded tripod hole in the camera.


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went riding though the canyons today. hooked up my trusty kodak easy share to take some videos, but what i thought were brand new batteries, weren't.

thought i had tons of pics, but i don't. so here's some crappy cell phone shots.

and the camera mount isn't just a ziptie. that's just a safety. it's actually bolted on there using the threaded tripod hole in the camera.

Still smilin' as I look at it. That's one sweet ride...
How's it feel? Are you getting used to the 24" height? I bet it feels really solid, especially with those worksman wheels under there. Nice.
yeah, the size is awesome. when i'm straddling it, i have both feet flat on the ground, but i don't feel cramped at all when i'm riding it. it's pretty laid back, so it's nice.

what i was mostly referring to was the shorter wheelbase. it's real zippy in corners and tight manuevers, but as the speed increases, it gets a little sketchy. but i'm already pretty much used to it. it's crazy-solid. but it doesn't feel heavy at all, and it's really responsive.

it's a great ride, that's for sure.:)
i'am going to throw my 55 monark rocket into this thread. i started a 50's crusier thread a while back with some response but nothing like this!! cool thread it's right up my alley. although i have a well equiped shop i'am doing this bike on the cheap no store bought parts other than the engine kit. people have told me not to paint it but i still think it deserves a full restoration after it's running. you guy's that are first getting on an old bike. it's a ride like no other not like those expensive retro bikes they sell these days. i also have a 41 schwinn which is too nice to put a motor on yet. this bike is like gliding on air. maybe soon i will grow the stones to convert it.


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right on, man if you could get the house paint offa that, it'd be neat-o!

now, are those house keys welded on for cable supports?
Sweet rides mpr455! I'm defo lookin' forward to more pics :D

Mayhaps I'm just a heathen - but that Schwinn is beggin' for a motor too (listen close, you can hear it) ;)
I like 'em both. Yeah, the Schwinn wants a motor, too, for sure. Definitely repaint the Monarch. That bike wants some lovin'.
Sorry, haven't been posting. Been BUSY with other stuff :D...

I still can't find pics, but I think I can find some soon!
I am still pondering just leaving the bike its color (old rusty) or painting it military green (olive green)
like this one.

Any Ideas??? Or comments???
I got a little work done on the 39 Elgin over the past couple of days. I soldered the filler tube, fuel outlet and vent tube outlet to the V8 gas tank yesterday and gave it a coat of primer and then black engine enamel. My soldering will take some practice and is a far cry from Rockenstein's, the 'inventor' here of the Apple Juice gas tank. I never would have thought of it on my own, so thanks again for the inspiration. I finally decided to run the tank lengthwise on the rear rack with the filler to the rear. The paint job, too, is less than perfect, but I'm figuring it will get covered in leather later on so it doesn't really matter. A couple runs, big deal. I already have another V8 can ready for soldering up and will try for a cleaner job on this one. Mostly I wanted to get a tank in place so that I can fire it up and take a ride at the first opportunity which may be tomorrow. I made up a kind of cradle to hold the tank securely to the rack and am pleased with how that turned out. Photos tomorrow. Pedal chain and engine drive chain are in place and I'm running without a chain tensioner. I purposely used a drive chain which is already stretched out, so it shouldn't need much adjustment. With no tensioner and Jim's rear sprocket adapter it should be a smooth transmission of power from the engine to the rear wheel. That adapter is a thing of beauty. I'm liking this old Elgin more and more as I work with it. The tank is mounted as of this evening and I like the way it looks. Next in line is fender and guard work. I have yet to braze the spots needing repair and it all needs more straightening, then smoothing out low spots with JB Weld and finally painting. I'm anxious to see what it looks like with those art deco skirts in place. Havin' fun... update photos tomorrow.
right on, man if you could get the house paint offa that, it'd be neat-o!

now, are those house keys welded on for cable supports?

bairdco, those are not keys just some mild steel tabs i made. i had to put a little shape to them to keep them interesting. here is my rear hub i made from 6061 aluminum. basicly a split collar that holds the stock grubee sprocket. this has a runout of .002 so it should work good. i just finished the cad drawings of the gas tank so i've got to get busy. even though the chicago winter has kicked in this week and now we won't see the sun or the pavement for a long time.


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I was just looking at Elgin stuff on ebay and saw a listing for a pre war drop down stand with good photos. It doesn't look like it would be all that hard to fabricate something. The squiggly piece of metal attaches to the rear fender and is the catch for the stand. I have one of those catches on my 34 Elgin back in Minnesota and never new what the heck it was... now I know. Ha! Auction # is 320459722766. Again, this is something that somebody who welds could make up for sale to us vintage guys. This one is already at $41.00 with $11.00 more for shipping. It could be a nice little sideline business for someone. Just a thought. I think I'll try making one at some point. Rivets would work as well as welding, wouldn't you think?
My "progress" has come to a grinding halt... literally I suppose...

Still waitin' on some critical parts, that's to be expected and no worries. What caught me unawares was just how little I can do anything during my work week, not only has my job gotten a lil crazy - most of what I need to do now is loud and/or stinky and as I only really get a chance to do anything in the AM - my housemates do not approve.

*shrug* Fret not - it isn't that I feel "pressured" by the 'Build Off', it's that such projects keep me sane(ish) and this one is at that stage where it seems all uphill, where the bike becomes more pieces not less and I'm prevented from doing what needs be done by petty details like courtesy. pfft :-{

I've considered working at work (I know right? what a concept) but there's some problems with that. We close comparatively early for a business and while I'm there I'm usually expected to do my job for some strange reason. There's Saturdays and my half day Wednesdays that the place is open - but I suspect I'd be plagued by 'puter questions (my job, sorta) and heckled by gawkers... and I really don't play well with others when I'm tryin' to get something done o.o

On the bright side I've gotten all the "expensive" part of the project squared away, the remaining is mostly simple labor... a lil odd as it's usually the other way around lol

Once the shift kit arrives it'll be a different story, fitting it to the engine should amuse me for a few and once that's done I'll know the engine mount placement. Fab up some welded motor mounts, reprime and topcoat the frame and suddenly I'll have a wealth of those lil details I so love to attend to. I'm reconsidering laying up a fiberglass tank to eliminate some need for outside help (I've done a buncha 'glass work before)... but I really don't want a "plastic" tank for this project to be honest. It's a nice fallback though should the need arise, I may work the plug just to give me something to do in the meantime.

But for now I'm just desperately restraining myself from modding an engine I've never even run lol

today I finally got my pics dance1. I am wanting to paint it a old military green, like from WWII.

Speaking of that my brother and I are going to do a Ol' Sidecar build. Thinking about lining it with spent shotgun shells and calling it The Artillery Bus or painting it black and a red spade The Red Spade oh well.......

back to my build for this thread :D here are my pics:

pic one-overview

pic two- handle bars
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silverbear - That's a real nice blue, good choice! I don't think the low temperature will effect anything other than cure time, I've the same problem here TBH. After the coat tacks up I bring it back inside to set, it's not too smelly that way. In some ways painting in cooler weather helps as ya get less of a haze from overspray hitting another, already dried area as it all stays wet longer. I just let coats dry overnight instead of a few hours.

I saw an aftermarket rear dropstand in my web wanderings a few months ago, bedanged if I can remember where... I was lookin' for a rear kickstand for my Schwinn and as the dropstand wouldn't work with it I moved on without bookmarking it. I'm hoping to find an original from the guy I got the Rollfast from, but if that doesn't work out I'll need one too - totally separate from the old-school style of a dropstand, I just hate mid-mounted kickstands 'cause of pedal interference and kickstands in general because of their sinking into the ground habit... not to mention even the beefy rear kickstand I have now doesn't look all that happy when my Schwinn is all loaded down with stuff. Centerstands are sweet... but just don't work with a lot of builds, I'm not sacrificing my SBP exhaust on the Schwinn just for a centerstand lol

If I happen to find the aftermarket dropstand I'll post it :)

Oh right - I forgot to babble on about how sexy these new Sturmey Archer hubs are lol They sure as heck don't look vintage, not even a lil bit - I was plannin' on painting them to help hide that... but I just cant bring myself to do that to 'em :p I may do just the side covers after some time, maybe not - either way I think my friend put it well when he said not to worry about it, that it's like havin' a set of nice rims on an old muscle car *shrug* I cringed a lil when I got the final bill, but then I calmed myself by remembering that they're not just hubs - they're my gears, brakes, and generator too :D

Front gen hub on the left, three speed on the right (they're also freakin' HUGE, that's hard to see in the pic tho) ;

Those hubs shift? for real? lol awesome! how big of a dent are those in ur walet?
