silverbear - That's a real nice blue, good choice! I don't think the low temperature will effect anything other than cure time, I've the same problem here TBH. After the coat tacks up I bring it back inside to set, it's not too smelly that way. In some ways painting in cooler weather helps as ya get less of a haze from overspray hitting another, already dried area as it all stays wet longer. I just let coats dry overnight instead of a few hours.
I saw an aftermarket rear dropstand in my web wanderings a few months ago, bedanged if I can remember where... I was lookin' for a rear kickstand for my Schwinn and as the dropstand wouldn't work with it I moved on without bookmarking it. I'm hoping to find an original from the guy I got the Rollfast from, but if that doesn't work out I'll need one too - totally separate from the old-school style of a dropstand, I just hate mid-mounted kickstands 'cause of pedal interference and kickstands in general because of their sinking into the ground habit... not to mention even the beefy rear kickstand I have now doesn't look all that happy when my Schwinn is all loaded down with stuff. Centerstands are sweet... but just don't work with a lot of builds, I'm not sacrificing my SBP exhaust on the Schwinn just for a centerstand lol
If I happen to find the aftermarket dropstand I'll post it
Oh right - I forgot to babble on about how sexy these new Sturmey Archer hubs are lol They sure as heck don't look vintage, not even a lil bit - I
was plannin' on painting them to help hide that... but I just cant bring myself to do that to 'em

I may do just the side covers after some time, maybe not - either way I think my friend put it well when he said not to worry about it, that it's like havin' a set of nice rims on an old muscle car *shrug* I cringed a lil when I got the final bill, but then I calmed myself by remembering that they're not
just hubs - they're my gears, brakes, and generator too
Front gen hub on the left, three speed on the right (they're also freakin' HUGE, that's hard to see in the pic tho) ;