The Real Deal on California Law.


a guy who makes cool bikes
Aug 18, 2009
living the dream in southern california
hey sam, i found the link for you: Motorcycle License Check List

sorry buddy, you're gonna have to wait a few years...

from the site:

To obtain a motorcycle license if you are under age 18 you must:

Be 16 years of age.

Have had your permit for six months.

Provide proof of driver education/driver training completion.

Provide a completion certificate from the motorcycle rider training course.


New Member
Jun 21, 2009
San Carlos CA
............ *speechless*

oh well. Dosent mean I can't build. hopefully I can take her out every so often. I'm sure I I wear a motocross helement and ride safe they won't care. I'm not sure. And if they Realy realy don't want me riding, maybe it'll be a warning first.

Darn the luck


New Member
Apr 20, 2010
Baird, On the Motorized Bicycle Application for the CA DMV it asks at the top for the 1. VIN 2. Engine Number 3. Make 4. CA License Plate How should I answer those and where do I find that info on my motor or do I?

Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.
Baird, On the Motorized Bicycle Application for the CA DMV it asks at the top for the 1. VIN 2. Engine Number 3. Make 4. CA License Plate How should I answer those and where do I find that info on my motor or do I?
I know there are a lot of pages; but if you read this whole thread first, it will answer all of your questions! ;)


New Member
Jun 7, 2010
San Diego, CA
Hey Venice, when filling out the form for teh license plate it asks for VIN, Engine #, Make, And CA license plate. Do I put the bikes serial # for all of the above? For the make do I list my bike brand model? Thanks.

It also says mail applicable fees in with the application but does not list what the fee is. How much do I send?


New Member
Jan 6, 2008
Orange County, CA
Hey Venice, when filling out the form for teh license plate it asks for VIN, Engine #, Make, And CA license plate. Do I put the bikes serial # for all of the above? For the make do I list my bike brand model? Thanks.

It also says mail applicable fees in with the application but does not list what the fee is. How much do I send?
VIN = bike serial #
Engine # = serial # on motor if there is one , if not make one up
CA license plate = Leave Blank as you don't have one yet
Make of Bike = bike mfg.
Fee = $19.00



New Member
Jul 30, 2010
How long takes and how hard to get M1 license?
i took a 3 day riders class and got a certificate that waves the riding test at the dmv. then i just had to take the written permit test at the dmv and i got my motorcycle license.(M1) took about 2 weeks bc the class has to mail you the certificate. cvlt1


New Member
Jul 30, 2010
Congratulations on your new license!
The advanced rider classes are very good too, but I do not think that they will apply well to riding an MB.
Ya I was originally gonna get a motorcycle to ride to college and back because this will be my first year(only 18)
But these bikes are a lot cheaper haha. No insurance needed. So I'll just stick with my truck and my bikebrnot


New Member
Jan 14, 2010
San Diego, CA
There have been a lot of good posts on here, and I don't want to rehash them all. Just a couple of quick notes. Remember, my post ONLY applies to the Motorized Bicycles defined under VC406(a), gas powered, with pedals.

First, as an LEO I have spoken with many, many people regarding these MB's. I have written a lot of citations for these too. They're not just a quick $50 like a parking ticket. I don't know where you live, but in San Diego county, they're not cheap. They start at around $140 and can run up to $281, depending on fees, penalty assessments, etc.

I would implore anyone who is thinking of operating one of these: go to DMV and get a motorcycle permit. Eventually take the test and get at least an M2 endorsement. Go to the DMV website and download the REG230 form, fill it out, send it in to the DMV in Sacto with $19 [I think that's what its up to now] and display your plate when you get it. Get a motorcycle helmet and wear it. Obey the rules of the road, don't be DUI, don't do stupid things.

Also, I don't like to throw anyone down here, but the post by avnostlga, page 9 on CA. Law Info is the worst one I've seen. It's completely inaccurate and will get you into trouble so fast it will make your head spin if you follow it. Here's why:

These motorized bicycles [gas powered] have a centrifugal clutch that takes the place of the "automatic transmission" referred to in the section. I've only had one person try that in court; it didn't work and the result was a $181 fine. You also don't need a 17digit VIN number on a motorized bicycle. Just use whatever serial number/engine number is there. Little bit of trivia for you... Motorized bicycles in Cal. are not registered, they are licensed. That is why the local DMV office will not handle the transaction for you. You MUST use the mail order form for the plate.

I know it can be confusing, but if people would just follow the law, and stop trying to 'cop shop' for a different opinion, they wouldn't get these citations. Lastly, if you have a suspended D/L, don't try to operate one of these, unless its an electric one. Yes, I know they suck, but they're the only thing you can legally operate that is motorized.

In closing, thanks to Bairdco who has some really great posts, and Corduroylion who seems to be very well informed also. But make sure you take a look at the post by Michaelgrav on his experience while operating a MB while DUI. Hard lesson to learn. :-||

Also make sure to visit the DMV as well as CHP websites, they have great information, as well as publications that you can use. Happy riding!
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New Member
Oct 24, 2009
Thank you for finally completely explaining the legal situation of motorized bicycles. It is good to get the facts from a cop instead of bits and pieces.


New Member
Sep 7, 2010
Hey guys. California guy here.

I'm perplexed as why it is illegal to sell Bike Motors in California.
It be nice to know the actual reason instead of "it's illegal".

Also anyone know a place I can get one for cheap on the net?
I need to get one bad.


Active Member
Jul 31, 2008
el People's Republik de Kalifornistan
Hey guys. California guy here.

I'm perplexed as why it is illegal to sell Bike Motors in California.
It be nice to know the actual reason instead of "it's illegal".
It's mainly due to the emissions laws that Cali follows. This state is the most strict of any when it comes to new engine emissions for a given year, and importing engines which have not "officially" met the draconian standards is technically not legal for importation to the state because they have not been approved by official fartsniffers.

Also anyone know a place I can get one for cheap on the net?
I need to get one bad.
eBay is the cheapest. But if you want a good engine, visit one of the site sponsors on the left or right!
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New Member
Jul 21, 2009
eBay is the cheapest. But if you want a good engine, visit one of the site sponsors on the left or right!
erm... A slight clarification lol, the engines may be no better or worse - what you'll get with a reputable vendor is a return policy in case ya end up w/a dud, which makes the marginal "savings" via fleabay questionable in my personal opinion.

Ofc not all vendors are created equal, best to check our section ;)