The Real Deal on California Law.

Dave, It's not really that bad in California. Sure, Plates are required, but I've been riding MB's for almost seven years and have never registered any of my bikes. Only one time did a cop ever say, "ya know yer supposed to have a plate on that thing".( I said, Yes sir.) He then said something about not having time to deal with the petty stuff, and then said, Have a great day, as he was walking away.
But it's easy to register a bike anyway. Just print out the form, fill it out. Then send it to Sacramento with a $19.00 M.O. and yer done. It's a one time only, lifetime of the bike registration. You'll get yer plates in the mail in a week or two.
Now the M-2 license requirment is a whole different thing. That one really does kind of suck. The M-2 is for anything street legal 49cc or less. Mopeds,gopeds and MB's and such. Thing is, you can't take the test on your MB. It's gotta be a real motorcycle with registration, insurance and all equipment in working order. Ya might as well just get the M-1 license instead. That way you can ride anything with two (or three) wheels.
All that being said, I've been pulled over a few times and was NEVER asked for a license, just an I.D. My bikes are always clean (and cool looking) and the cop just want's to check out my bike. I stay within the speed limit,(kinda,) and have good lights and wear a helmet. I don't give them a reason to pull me over except most of my bikes are too cool to ignore, So they make up some silly excuse just to check out the bike. Most cops around here are cool with the MB thing. I try to leave them with a good impression of the rider also.
Rubber Side Down,
Dave, It's not really that bad in California. Sure, Plates are required, but I've been riding MB's for almost seven years and have never registered any of my bikes. Only one time did a cop ever say, "ya know yer supposed to have a plate on that thing".( I said, Yes sir.) He then said something about not having time to deal with the petty stuff, and then said, Have a great day, as he was walking away.
But it's easy to register a bike anyway. Just print out the form, fill it out. Then send it to Sacramento with a $19.00 M.O. and yer done. It's a one time only, lifetime of the bike registration. You'll get yer plates in the mail in a week or two.
Now the M-2 license requirment is a whole different thing. That one really does kind of suck. The M-2 is for anything street legal 49cc or less. Mopeds,gopeds and MB's and such. Thing is, you can't take the test on your MB. It's gotta be a real motorcycle with registration, insurance and all equipment in working order. Ya might as well just get the M-1 license instead. That way you can ride anything with two (or three) wheels.
All that being said, I've been pulled over a few times and was NEVER asked for a license, just an I.D. My bikes are always clean (and cool looking) and the cop just want's to check out my bike. I stay within the speed limit,(kinda,) and have good lights and wear a helmet. I don't give them a reason to pull me over except most of my bikes are too cool to ignore, So they make up some silly excuse just to check out the bike. Most cops around here are cool with the MB thing. I try to leave them with a good impression of the rider also.
Rubber Side Down,
Yeah I get that a lot with the cops that just want a peep.flg.
The fact of not being a total ****** pain in the ass to society and other motorists helps prevent bull****, I won't sell them to silly punks and gangbangers so they don't ruin It for me by doing a drive by or some other bankrobbery tipe ****, cops also figure in a wreck if its our fault we only hurt ourselfs and scratch someones paint
Its the few that ruin it for us all. Ya get a front row seat on that one in military boot camp lol.:p Out of sight out of mind rotfl
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to play the devil's advocate here...

people build illegal race cars and drive them on the street. somtimes they get caught, sometimes they don't.

people race motorcyles on the street. same thing.

this doesn't affect your ability to drive or ride. no one's gonna ban cars or motorcycles.

bicyclists break every traffic law on a daily basis. they're never gonna outlaw bicycles.

pocketbikes and motorized skateboards, as well as off road dirt bikes, mini bikes, and other "toys" were never street legal in the first place, so it's always been an enforceable crime when cops bust those people.

i can't think of any instance where a street legal vehicle has been outlawed, and taken off the streets. owning and operating a licensed motorized bicycle is not a crime. regulations and rules are on the books, sometimes enforced, sometimes not. it's all clearly stated on the dmv website.

people will speed, skirt the law, lie, complain, whatever, yet the fact is, it's still legal to ride a motorized bicycle. there aren't too many things left that they could impose on us. insurance and turn signals are the only two i can think of.

to complain about another rider breaking the law by building an illegal bike, then lying about it to get it registered is hypocritical, if you, yourself, never register your bike or get your m2 endorsement.

all 66cc 2 strokes are illegal. they're all over 2hp. i dunno what the 50's are offhand.

most of the laws seem to be written around the time of the moped boom in the 70's, and the scooter boom in the 80's. at that time, the only motorized bikes commercially available were whizzers and friction drives. and both were few and far between. even more scarce, were the homemade customs with briggs and stratton and other non bicycle motors.

most were built by hobbyists as toys, and not meant for daily travel.

the increasing popularity of our bikes can lead to a crackdown on the official laws, but a guy building a motorcycle with pedals or going 50mph isn't "ruining it for the rest of us," he's ruining it for himself.

much like the guys doing stoppies, wheelies, and other tricks on a motorcycle aren't ruining the image of every other biker on the street.

i ride everyday, with a licensed bike, and break the 30mph limit all the time. i ride in traffic, keeping up at 45mph. i use hand signals, wear a helmet, and i have an m2 permit. i ride alongside policemen all the time, without doing anything to attract attention, other than the fact that i'm riding a bicyle.

am i breaking the law? yes. could this bring unwanted attention to the next bike that gets pulled over? yes. but, if the next guy is legal and licensed, it'll do nothing more than take up his time. and if you're riding a mb, you're probably not in a big hurry, anyway.

my opinion, is don't worry about the other guy, worry about yourself. if you're riding legal, you've got nothing to worry about. if you're not, why? it ain't hard to comply with the laws. $19, a stamp and a day at the dmv are all it takes.
Gangbangers doing drive-by's on motorbikes?

Gotta love Chicago.

CA is one of the most alternative vechicle friendly states in the union.

Along with the weather of course.

License required? Yeah Baby!

Keeps the punks off the streets - :)
If motorized bicyclist won't self-regulate, they'll be regulated upon. Pretend a bicycle is a motorcycle, the law will probably agree.
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If motorized bicyclist won't self-regulate, they'll be regulated upon. Pretend a bicycle is a motorcycle, the law will probably agree.

Exactly right happy. bairdco seems to think that not much more can be done to us. Well, Is your frame DOT approved? how about your wheels, tires and brakes? Not to mention headlights WITH high/low beam, turn signals, brake lights, ect, ect, ect. Every time a MB'r torque's off a citizen or a cop it gives them a reason to write their congressmen or senator ect. We could ALL be riding mopeds, (or riding nothing) in the future. But he's right about one thing, The illegal bikes will get ME pulled over more often, and if I'm in compliance then the cop can't do anything to me. YEAH, THAT'S what I want, pulled over every time I ride my bike.
As for getting my plates and M-2 I've always said when I get my first ticket for it I'll bring all my bikes into compliance and get my M-1 or M-2. So far the cops don't care too much about that. As long as you're wearing a helmet your good.
Yeah,I know, That still leaves my illegal 80cc engines. SORRY, but a 49cc wont even get my fat arse off the line. I really do try to keep my speed down to the 30mph limit and a 49, most of the time, can barely hit 25mph. I gotta AT THE VERY LEAST do 30mph. ( I can't drive 25.) If Johny law ever catches on then I will be forced to run the 49's. I guess then I'll have to learn a lot more about gearing and such.
I'm doing a personal build that when I'm finished will have headlights, tail lights, brake lights, turn signals, horn and anything else I can think of. I just saw a set of rear veiw mirrors on slease-bay with built in turn signals for the front signal. At almost $40.00 I'll have to put that off for a while, but it's in my plans for my bike. I do everything I can to keep the law off my rear. I just wish others would do the same. I can't, and don't, try to tell ANYONE how to run their lives or build a bike. All I can do is suggest and hope for the best.
Rubber Side Down,
Went out with my metal detector for an hour or so today, so I got 2 cents...

Kalifornia is a GREAT place for motorcycles, Dave!
Guess I've got 50yrs on 'em here...

Two guarantees:

Ur gonna fall down and crash.
There are gonna be taxes involved.

One is pretty much same as the other.
Just as soon keep 'em both to a minimum.

Thanks for the advice and input everyone! Honestly got some great advice that may have saved me from some serious problems. After reading comments I think I'm going to buy an electric scooter motor at 500W so it can be DMV registered. Only problem being the motors I see are #25 chain and my bike is a #41. Could I perhaps run from the motor to a jack shaft (#25 on one end #41 sprocket on the other) to the 26" wheel? Also what gear ratios would you recommend for smooth takeoff and max speed both? I will be using a bike gear shift.
Hey tcb, I've never seen one up close, But Sick Bike Parts makes a jack shaft type shift kit. Being I've never held one in my hand, I don't know if the gears are changable. At the very least it will give you idea's for your own design. I see no reason why you couldn't hook it up to an electric motor. Hope this helps some.
Rubber Side Down,
I just noticed you're in California, One of the most friendly places for MB riders. WHY would you want to go electric? Perhaps to avoid the registration and license requirements?
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If u don't mind a suck ass bike electrics r for you, and that p.o.s jackshift will go perfectly with a equally wimpy electric motor since u won't be putting any miles on it unless u are pedaling it won't matter , if you want a awesome fun bike one word says it all "morini'
... But he's right about one thing, The illegal bikes will get ME pulled over more often, and if I'm in compliance then the cop can't do anything to me. YEAH, THAT'S what I want, pulled over every time I ride my bike.
As for getting my plates and M-2 I've always said when I get my first ticket for it I'll bring all my bikes into compliance and get my M-1 or M-2. So far the cops don't care too much about that. As long as you're wearing a helmet your good...

the cops around orange county care more about the plate and a DOT helmet more than anything else. even though i'm over 30mph all the time, it irks me when i see guys putting around under 30, trailing white smoke, with no helmets, no plates, and usually, no clue. i dunno why or how some people think these bikes are completely legal with no laws or restrictions at all, but a lot of people out there do. imagine their surprise when they get pulled over and busted for driving on a suspended license from a DUI...

i've been pulled over more times on new builds with no plates then anything else. even if the bikes have lights and i've got my helmet on.

by your logic, i'll wait till i get a speeding ticket before i slow down.

also, cops in certain cities (Newport Beach, for example) will impound your bike for no plate, no helmet, and/or no M2. over30 and equipment violations are just tickets. speeding might ultimately mean i lose the plate if i go to court, but i'll just build another bike.

basically, we're arguing the same points. breaking the law is breaking the law. if you wanna be fully compliant, it takes all the fun out of it. :)
Quote:[ basically, we're arguing the same points. breaking the law is breaking the law. if you wanna be fully compliant, it takes all the fun out of it.]:end Quote.

Yeah, Yer sure right there. What kind of Outlaw Biker would I be if I bowed down to the law in everything?
Rubber Side Down,
Hey Fatdaddy I was at San Jose on Tuesday at the Tech Museum. Just letting you know lol.
Hey gera, I've lived in San Jose off and on since 1972 and I've been to the Tech Museum mabe twice. Next time yer coming to town let me know in advance and we'll get together for a cup-O-joe and shoot the #%$*. I've always got at least one bike up and running so I'll just putt down on one. I live near downtown, maybe ten minutes on a bike. Unless it's raining or too cold or too hot or ect, ect ect. ( sorry, I'm an old guy.)
Rubber Side Down,
fatdaddy. (AKA Big Red.)