The most famous person you ever met

I forgot to mention Kim Simmonds, the guitarist from Savoy Brown. He comes through Tucson every year. Nowadays he shows up at Nimbus brewery (they make a delicious "Monkeyshine Ale") and jams down with local back-up. He's a journeyman guitarist, no baloney kinda guy. The last time I saw him, about a year ago, he showed up with a Wal-Mart guitar that he had just bought in Tucson. He sounded like the old Savoy Brown albums, only better. :D
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Christian Slater while filming near our work. Just shot the breeze with him for five minutes. No requests for autographs or anything. he was enjoying an unusually warm spring day in Richmond BC (Suburb of Vancouver).

David Hedison of Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (when I was a kid). He was my hero in the show. He was a guest of the Variety Club Telethon and I got to meet him on stage and give him all the change I had collected.

BB King - Met him while he was performing in Vancouver. That was a very cool moment.

Dick Van Dyke - Shared an elevator while he was shooting Diagnosis Murder in Vancouver.

I am not one to impose on celebrity types. I prefer to just treat them as normal folk who are more identifiable.
Oh, oh, how did I forget...Jimmy Buffett. When he was first starting out our gang used to go see him at a place called 'The Flick' in south Miami near the U of M. He was playing for tips. Many years later, in the late 90s he was in Denver at 'Fiddler's Green' I sent a note backstage that said that I had been an admirer since the days at 'The Flick' and included my phone number. That night, after his show, he called me. What a treat. We talked about ten minutes reminiscing about Miami in the 70s. Cool dude.
I also met Jerry Lewis....what an a**hole!
I believe we have another member in the area "Clotho". He has/had a very sweet bike. Look for his posts

I believe there is another member in Langley as well. Believe I saw him tearing up the parking lot in front of Walmart one day.

My bike is currently in the tear down stage while I wait for better weather and a day off to add all of my improvements etc. I have another motor waiting for a donor bike as well so my wife and I can ride.
jvirginillo- Thanks for the fast return.Trying to plan an Indian style bike with a side car.
Car accident left me with balance problems years ago so it's a trike or a side car or I'll be in the papers again.
Had a French motor bike in the early 60's and the thrill never left.
Kind of torn between the 2/4 stroke thing but will have lots of time to think it over.
Any suppliers on this side of the border?
Just had a knee replaced 3 weeks ago and I want to use the time to get parts.
Clotho has one sweet ride.Thanks
Your welcome. I have ordered both of my engines from Zoombicycles Zoombicycles Motor Bicycle Gas Engine Kits 80cc and 50cc Engine Kits, Parts, Service and Support

RuiHong Enterprises Ltd.
Customer Support and Sales
7678 Winston Street
Burnaby, BC, Canada
Hours : 10.00am-4.30pm PT Monday - Friday
1-877-565-6888 Ext 502

They ship quickly but also offer pickup service. Not sure it they have a 4 stroke however. I bought 2 motors from them on eBay. With the exception of these guys I think there were a couple of guys on Craigslist selling but I have been dealing with Zoom and have no complaints.

The sidecar idea sounds really neat. I have seen a few vintage motorcycles with sidecar around town and I have to agree if I were to ride a motorcycle I might 'lean' into one with a sidecar too.
Jvirginillo--Thanks again.I would have gotten back to you sooner but I tried to teach my new knee some old tricks.The results didn't sparkle.
Going with a 2 stroke.Seems they are the engine of choice for most people.I've learned not to mess with other peoples success.
I'm going to try and find a frame I can modify to look like the early frames.Saw a lot of pre made frames but I have a horror of showing up and looking like the only thought I put into it was what was the 800#.
In the Hot Rod days we called Bought Rods.
If you don't mind I'll keep in touch once in a while for advice ect.
No problem. I am planning to pickup an old OCC chopper on the weekend I found for $40. Needs some TLC but sounds like a fun project. It will probably hang from the garage ceiling for a few months. I am so busy these days that I rarely touch my bike and it still sits waiting for me to bolt everything backup. I need to give it about 4 hours of 'love' and I'll be ready to ride. Keep in touch and I'll post some pics of the first build when it is all done.
I was in the 6th,7th,& 8th grades with Jeremy Shockey. Its funny,he was kinda scrawny in junior high.
i was walking down the hallway at primm valley casino and met Don Henley from the Eagles. i shook his hand and said, "dude, margaritaville. i love that song..."

he didn't think that was very funny... :)
i was walking down the hallway at primm valley casino and met Don Henley from the Eagles. i shook his hand and said, "dude, margaritaville. i love that song..."

he didn't think that was very funny... :)

I've meet Don, also! Had a couple of beers with him in Telluride back in the 80's. Talked for about 45 minutes --- was just an everyday Joe.
I met Bob Hope at my parents-inlaws house several years ago......met Clint Eastwood through friends of my parents and hung out with John Hadl if you know who he is? Bumped into Connie Selecca at the US Immigration office, if ya know who she is?

I could think of a few others.....
Hmmm.... I met the guys from Bachman Turner Overdrive (Talkin' Care of Business, Let it Roll, etc) back in '90 or so, they were in town a night early for thier gig, so they traded show tickets for movie tickets.. they watched "Drugstore Cowboy" that night, and me and a pile of (underage) friends got to go to thier show at a (licensed) place the next night..

I've met a few authors at some of the cons we go to, including Mr. Larry Niven (got him to sign a story in an anthology) and one of my personal favourites, Mr. Spider Robinson (Canadian SF author, if you've never heard of him I am - unfortunately - not surprised), even exchanged a few emails with him.

There's a fella and his wife we know to talk to when we meet, called Tarol Hunt (or Thunt), who writes/draws a webcomic called "Goblins", his wife Danielle is organizing this years VCON.

I will probably remember more later when the second caffeine kicks in, but that's a start.
I've met a few famosos, but as far as real famous I would say Mark Wahlburg- when in Boston he would stay at My hotel, he is as down to earth as a Hollywood type and genuine nice guy. But the most famous...probably one of the top ten in the world would be Neil Armstrong(not to talk bad about the departed but what an a-hole that guy was, and Buzz Aldrin - Great Guy... The hotel I worked at was affiliated with MIT and when the 40th anniversary of the moon walk they had a big VIP party for all involved that I did the food for.