The most famous person you ever met

When my daughter danced she had the hookups. She actually met and danced with Kerri Russell (Felicity) that danced at the same studio she was in it was rather expensive to keep her there and she had also slept over with her friend a few nights her dad just happened to be Simon Fletcher retired Denver Bronco and bought John Elway's old house simply unbelievable thank the Lord they are not my Joneses they would win. When Simon shook my hand when we finally met in Vegas during a dance competition it dwarfed my hand and we chatted for a while at a blackjack table till he needed the higher stakes table too steep for me.
I also met Fred Travelena in Atlantic City. He actually stopped and chatted with the wife and I he was pretty cool.
And this is rather strange but when my daughter was younger she was in a competition at a beauty pageant we really never went for pageants it's rather fixed and the girls were unnatural man but it had like a hundred dollar money prize for talent that was her thing. This is rather grim but this pageant had Jon Benet in it and like the family sat just in front of us.
[proud parent gloating]She won the talent portion using her tap solo btw. It ruled. I still remember it. [/proud parent gloating]
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And I was going to say I don't know anyone important or famous. Then I remembered what a superstar my wife is for keeping me alive.....
No im hoping she won't read it..... I have gotten pretty dependent on her levelheaded thinking to counteract my lack of that. If she sees how much I am dependent on her, she might just lock me away lol...
I once dated....ahhh....Morgan Fairchild....yeah, that's it.

William Shatner & Leonard Nemoy
Paul Lamat, (John Milner in American Graffiti)
The Author of 'Lillies of the Field" William Barrett, I think was his name.
Richard Widmark (told him he looked familiar, then he introduced himself) duh...
One of 'The Platters' wish I could remember his name.
and finally, that actress, you know, she played...ah...what's her name, on...that show.
Rats! I can't remember anything anymore so there might have been some others too.
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Morgan Fairchild ! Wow and I was impressed with Morgan Freeman . Are you an old Trekky 2Door ?


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Morgan Fairchild ! Wow and I was impressed with Morgan Freeman . Are you an old Trekky 2Door ?
I've probably seen every episode at the very least 20 times. I used to be able to recite the lines along with the actors. It's been a few years since Trek has been seen on TV around Denver; too bad, I miss that classic old show. If you're a Trekky, you might have also be a fan of 'Mystery Science Threater 3000' or MST-3k. That was a one of the funniest things I've ever watched.
I just recently watched all the Dresden files on hulu my one sci fi experience in years...
Do you guys remember when Morgan Freeman was on SESAME STREET.He told me not to long ago he wishes he was still doing it.
2door we still get James Tiberiuos Kirk and Mr. Spock on late late night tv on WB channel . And since it first aired in 1966 I can not stop watching it , even if it's just a few minutes of an episode . When I got an LCD tv and they enhanced the colors , it was like seeing it for first time . My sister turned me on to Mystery Science Theater 5 or 6 years ago . That is one of the funniest shows I've ever seen . Love the commentaries . P.S. That same sister gave me a Star Trek calendar in 1976, which I still have . Live long and prosper . John
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DOC , I think I remember seeing him on Sesame Street . He has to be one of the greatest actors of all time . If I were to meet up with him I would probably be speechless .
Show up in clarksdale and i,ll make you go speechless,if he is in town.When he is here he is just one of the guys.Jay leno said after morgans car wreck,Morgan saw his life flash before him and heard a voice from the great beyond,and it was his own.HARLEYS DAD
John google ground zero blues club,we are having a motorcycle rally in a month or so,lots of blues players.HD