The Epic an electric tri car.

Was just looking though a few of the 170 plus pages on the gas powered Tadpole. I wanted to know if two or four stroke engine is used. I thought there was a faux part attached to the head. Some oiler that is not needed, but looks the part from the gone past. I know two stroke have exhaust not up by the head but middile of the cylinder along with the other port if not through the case like on model glow plug engines. I was looking at a few I have today while looking for a 250 watt American Flyer toy train transformer. Is there Marvel Mystery Oil that works like Barrs Leak? Two stroke use oil that keeps getting replaced unlike Four stroke, that maybe the same as my valve cover gasket self fixed the leak? Other is I am going looking for some nicrome wire of the right diameter to buy to use with the transformer. I want to cut a nice radius curve with hot wire on some high density foam that I bought to make seat cushions for my inflatable pontoon boat. My spine will cause pain since my disc went bad in my neck. My pain of the ulner nerve affected might only be suppressed to an extent with medicine. The seat on the pontoon is pumped to 2.5 lbs and really is not soft. I intend on making a jig to use in conjunction with the hot wire tool I'll also construct. Some time to have the boat out again. Windsurfing I had not modified anything to continue since the ailment, but I see a need for better access to launch or some thing to wheel down narrow path my gear. Your looking for metal? Not available? I know I've see estimated to be about 75 Tons of anchor chain down by Davy Jones. My lift bag would not even get one link to the surface while on Scuba. Large as soda can size diameter and two feet long each link. My boat I think I remember says 1200 lbs on the transom. The movie the Deep came to mind, but this probably does not warrant the same.
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Steve that was a tight squeeze, just barely, got it done once again! Looks good & the "magneto" housing for the jack shaft seems a good idea as well. I've a few thoughts on variety's with these motor housings which I plan to follow up on this Winter. One thing I found in my test rides is that the extra weight of the steel housing, mounted low , is a negligible factor to street performance and that with 48v. /20 amp hr. battery & 2kw motor, though the output controller tweaked slightly. Given the proper gearing setup for legal speed in Canada should provide a huge amount of grunt for any hills or such.

A 48v. motor stamped 500 watt common for scooter are capable of 4 times that output with an outlaw controller and the factory stamp should get you a pass on reality with legal authority. Fake news, fake politicians so why not fake compliance? I really think 1 kw, regardless of how you reach that figure , is enough to keep you rolling and the extra weight of the V-twin setup a non-factor for your purpose.

Rick C.
Hi Rick,

I have the original motor that Sick Bike Parts sold. I think it's 1600W. The one they sell now is about double the power. I'll look to see what the ratings are when I'm in the garage. It has a programmable controller and I plan to use a 52v battery.

We have hills here in our area that would make San Francisco proud but just not as long. We are on a bluff overlooking the ocean. When I'm out again I will try to get some photos of the steeper ones.

Hi Measure Twice,

It's a 2 stroke and a lot of modifications have come and gone over the years. The carb and reeds are on the bottom of the engine. I've used them when I lived back East and they were a capable machine. I still have nightmares about looking out in the morning and seeing 3' or 4' of fresh snow and that wasn't snow drifts.

Now if we did get two feet of snow where I live and it stayed for two weeks it would be the storm of the century. Thirty miles North of me in the mountains they have world class skiing and I can be in a T shirt in the spring. Grouse Mountain is a favourite ski resort just across Burrard Inlet in Vancouver.

Finally got to work on the garage today. Gout started Thursday night, fortunately only in my left foot but the right foot was trying hard to join in. Still there to some degree but I can at least walk.

Work progress will be skimpy for a few days. Apple season is here with a vengeance. Just a few branches picked by my brother and one contractor wheelbarrow is full. Thankfully there is only one tree. Press arrived today and the fruit crusher arrives Friday. That's where the not so perfect apples go.

I sympathize with with your gout, Steve. Had two very recent experiences of big toe pain in my left foot myself, on Sundays, three weeks apart. Never felt pain like it before. Couldn't stand, walk or sleep for 24 hours both times. Honestly felt like amputating my big toe without anaesthetic would have been the less painful option. Inexplicably the pain departed as suddenly as it came. No clue why or how it was brought on. Just hoping it doesn't reoccur. Certainly can't put it down to excessive port, cigars and living high on the hog.
I officially hit retiring age in a couple of days on 27/8 - just wasn't expecting to sign up for old age s_ _ t like this to take me by surprise right on cue!
Pete old age isn't for the weak! You will do just fine. I find that a well developed sense of humor, dealing with the various issues of aging, is a great help, at all times & circumstances. I poke fun at myself a lot. It's quite easy to humble oneself when in distressful situations which are out of out hands. Ones attitude should always remain under self control & not driven by circumstances or by through the influence of others .

You and others Pete are getting hit right now by multiple hard hits and regardless of personal beliefs I'm comforted knowing that others care and some are lifting prayers for those in need regardless of the specifics involved.

Rick C.
Hi Rick,

I have the original motor that Sick Bike Parts sold. I think it's 1600W. The one they sell now is about double the power. I'll look to see what the ratings are when I'm in the garage. It has a programmable controller and I plan to use a 52v battery.

We have hills here in our area that would make San Francisco proud but just not as long. We are on a bluff overlooking the ocean. When I'm out again I will try to get some photos of the steeper ones.


Steve in my youth we had apple trees everywhere. I know of only two in this small community, both very old yet quite productive. Though rural we've grown accustomed to purchasing at the grocers. Canning only done by a few gardeners who eat fresh and give away the surplus to others...while much is wasted.

The1600w 52v should be, with reduction, a hill climber. 20 amp hr. plus lithium I'd think as a minimum capacity as pedaling won't be a useful factor as I understand it.

I'm trying to use up a lot of my old, unused purchases, there are many, including motors of various types. I'm glad you're putting the 1600 watt motor to good use.

Rick C.
Hi Pete,

Welcome to the Devils, Hot Foot Club. You just described gout perfectly. It starts in your big toe. I asked the doctor if food or alcohol were the cause and he said it can show up without anything food or alcohol triggering it.

Starts in my big toe and spreads through my foot up to my ankle. This round is staying longer than usual but it is what it is.

Hi Rick,

Canning is coming back in a large way. The local farm where my sister in law buys most of our produce said that this is their biggest year ever. They mentioned that people are buying large quantities for canning and preserving. Apparently since people are home they are either learning or brushing off old skills.

The apple tree in our front yard and one in a local park are the only apple trees in our area that I know of. A very old variety called King apples. The city has started a small community orchard in the same park the other apple tree is in a couple of years ago so they may have some apple tree in it. I haven't stopped and checked.

I'm counting on gearing to make the bike work. Largely flat where I'll use the bike so that is a blessing.

Steve I've been thinking of the potential positive outcomes encouraged as a result of the pandemic while developing or honing skills such as canning food, gardening etc. which are practical for improving our lives.

My attitude to social separation is centered on self improvement and self reliance; as opposed to worrying about what others (govt. neighbors, organizations, scientists etc.) are, could or should be doing to "fix" things. I find that taking personal responsibility for personal outcomes in life is an alien concept in the states. I'm startled when I hear others do so. Taking responsibility for climate change, world hunger etc. is just an easy "me too" Lemming type action to identify with the socially correct "in crowd" of protest without effect. Buy a t-shirt & feel good about being guilty along with everybody else. At the same time not taking responsibility for our own personal & massive screwups. It's always someone else's fault that I'm broke, divorced, have no friends, smoke, drink, drug, eat and loaf too much. This list can be greatly expanded.

Perhaps time off will really lead some to improve, change, develop, enjoy, learn , build and experience life in a more mature way and address one personal problem at a time & have some fun while doing so.

Rick C.
Hi Rick,

Canning is coming back in a large way. The local farm where my sister in law buys most of our produce said that this is their biggest year ever. They mentioned that people are buying large quantities for canning and preserving. Apparently since people are home they are either learning or brushing off old skills.

The apple tree in our front yard and one in a local park are the only apple trees in our area that I know of. A very old variety called King apples. The city has started a small community orchard in the same park the other apple tree is in a couple of years ago so they may have some apple tree in it. I haven't stopped and checked.

I'm counting on gearing to make the bike work. Largely flat where I'll use the bike so that is a blessing.

So true, our local Farm store is all out of rings and lids, wife doing pickles. Not only that lumber yards are running short of supply's, ( son working on house ) said they are running out of some stuff.
Curt that's encouraging to hear, actual construction and remodels are good here as well, supplies seem ample for basic lumber and supplies. Specialty stuff might be another story.

According to CNN & NY Times the whole country is completely shut down, and that story might apply to NY City or L.A. but not in the heartland. We work for a living to supply fuel & food for everyone.

Rick C.
I'm still waiting on parts. Ordered a rear sprocket and adapter from Sportsman Flyer and a selection of sprockets from a company here in Canada to speed delivery for the rest of the drive train.

Rick at indian22 told me about a gear calculator site for electric motored bikes and scooters that does both jack shafted and direct drive. With a lot of sprocket tooth selecting I came up with a gear ratio that will run the bike at the allowed 32km or 20 mph allowed here in Canada.

Continuing on with the build while waiting for parts.


Motor and Gear Ratio Guide and Calculator - Electric Scooter ... › motorwheelgearratio
The sprocket from Sportsman Flyer has arrived in Canada. Shipped Monday and here Friday despite the California wild fires is much more than I had expected. Should get it next week.

I've been having to do a lot of problem solving. The exhaust is interfering with motors drive sprocket so I'm trying to come up with a way of getting the exhaust to stand away from the cylinders that looks realistic. Then the engine is so wide that it may be impossible to get pedals wide enough to clear it. If I can't I'll make running boards for it.

I do have a wide pedal set stashed on the shelf somewhere. I'll give it a try next week.

Looking forward to the future we have 11 U.S. gallons of cider sitting in the wood working shop quietly bubbling away. Should be ready for Christmas.

Wishing everyone caught in the wild fire zones all the very best and hope you are safe.

The sprocket from Sportsman Flyer has arrived in Canada. Shipped Monday and here Friday despite the California wild fires is much more than I had expected. Should get it next week.

I've been having to do a lot of problem solving. The exhaust is interfering with motors drive sprocket so I'm trying to come up with a way of getting the exhaust to stand away from the cylinders that looks realistic. Then the engine is so wide that it may be impossible to get pedals wide enough to clear it. If I can't I'll make running boards for it.

I do have a wide pedal set stashed on the shelf somewhere. I'll give it a try next week.

Looking forward to the future we have 11 U.S. gallons of cider sitting in the wood working shop quietly bubbling away. Should be ready for Christmas.

Wishing everyone caught in the wild fire zones all the very best and hope you are safe.

Look like smoke smell is lower and sky is a bit clearer. I did set up my weather alert radio. It also warns about IceBergs. What if one arrived and skipped over land and on top of wildfire. Have to wait til Wednesday to see it do the weekly test. Just a way to know the thing works. Set the one of 7 channels to one which is the closest to where I am. Tomorrow I shall see about back to foam cutter and finish building it. By 5pm mosquito are out and felt better wait til tomorrow. Maybe harvest the hops, it is only a handful. Maybe I will decide to put it in the ground seeing if I get another lease where Iive. Even try to separate some root stock and propagate it.
The sprocket from Sportsman Flyer has arrived in Canada. Shipped Monday and here Friday despite the California wild fires is much more than I had expected. Should get it next week.

I've been having to do a lot of problem solving. The exhaust is interfering with motors drive sprocket so I'm trying to come up with a way of getting the exhaust to stand away from the cylinders that looks realistic. Then the engine is so wide that it may be impossible to get pedals wide enough to clear it. If I can't I'll make running boards for it.

I do have a wide pedal set stashed on the shelf somewhere. I'll give it a try next week.

Looking forward to the future we have 11 U.S. gallons of cider sitting in the wood working shop quietly bubbling away. Should be ready for Christmas.

Wishing everyone caught in the wild fire zones all the very best and hope you are safe.


Steve it's a little late for a warning, but as you found out exact pedal width and exhaust pipe routing should wait for final fitting late in the build. I found the intake manifold a problem as well using the heads I selected and the spark plugs as well. on the F head type motor. Since you are going for a flat head look & spark plugs are centered in the head so only frame clearance to consider.

The width of the electric motor I used created issues with pedal sprocket clearance with the "crank case" and pedal lever case clearance as well. I used a longer pedal shaft and welded an extension of about 2.5" to it. The motor drive side didn't require any length change however and I used a normal J.A.P. style tapered axle and created the changes to the length on the opposite end of the axle style itself by welding an extension of 2" into the shaft and taper. The changes made to allow a sprocket to function properly on this shaft was a bit of work. I was, however, enabled to use straight pedal levers on both sides of the bike after the changes.

No free lunch on my motor case project for sure and I had the advantage of working with a greatly increased size frame loop.

I'm certain you will figure it all out Steve. My actual case width is only 5" but the side covers add an additional 4" to the overall width which greatly improves air circulation for cooling and conceals the motor cable under the right side case cover and duplicates a magneto drive cover design.

My thoughts on slimming the overall case width now center on shorter direct drive motors of larger diameter as are seen with the hub motor metrics. Also not using a mag drive style design. Some ignitions were early battery type so not a big deal on authenticity of the case and running a liquid cooled motor...simply adding a fan would work in cooler climes but not here in Indian Territory.

Rick C.
Hi Rick,

I always hark back to the fella that started me on the antique furniture restoration business and his only comment when I got in trouble doing a repair was that I was a bright young fellow and since I found my way into the problem he was sure I'd be able to find my way out of it.

He was of course correct and I did but not without a lot of searching for that ever elusive path away from the problem. I went out to the garage and measured the crank and pedal set from Sportscar Pat that's on the Indian tri car and it will fit.

I went to order one and they are sold out but given the fires and virus that is not surprising. I'm sure parts are in short supply and the ability to get more is hampered. I sent him an email and we'll see what happens.

Meanwhile I'm still waiting out the wildfire smoke and weather and doing what I can to the bikes.

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Yes custom parts are especially hard to source or have made at this time Steve and the guys that are still open for business are swamped with work. Bike sales of all types are booming during the covid outbreak. I too am stalled on a couple of things myself, but mainly I'm busy doing so many other things other than working on bikes.

Rick C.
My son said they have Toyota Land Cruisers all over the yard waiting on parts and when they do get the parts sometimes it take three or four time before they get a usable part. There is a way around it and all I have to do is find it.
