The Epic an electric tri car.

Getting ready to go to war on some tube are we? 1.25" pipe heavy wall? If so a bit of heat and she bends like taffy, quench and play! The pipe's not required to actually pass gas, ahem, through the faux exhaust so if multiple bends should be required at other points over the length of the exhaust pipe; these can be bent separately, cut to length and rejoined with inserts welded in place. Maybe not an issue on this particular fab but may be of help down the road on other projects.

Steve it's a handy tool you're working on!

Rick C.
Wish the manufacturer of my wort chiller would have thought of using something filled in to prevent creases in bends copper tubing cooling coils. I've seen about 20% of the outside diameter reduced. Wort is what it is referred to as beer before it is ready.

With 0:0 compression there should be no back pressure. Though maybe be sure with expansion pipes.
Getting ready to go to war on some tube are we? 1.25" pipe heavy wall? If so a bit of heat and she bends like taffy, quench and play! The pipe's not required to actually pass gas, ahem, through the faux exhaust so if multiple bends should be required at other points over the length of the exhaust pipe; these can be bent separately, cut to length and rejoined with inserts welded in place. Maybe not an issue on this particular fab but may be of help down the road on other projects.

Steve it's a handy tool you're working on!

Rick C.

Thank's Rick. It will be what ever tubing I can find but I'm sure a trip to the metal supply may be in my near future. I'm making a list to make the trip worth it.

That should do the job of forming Epic's stubby exhaust pipes nicely Steve. Probably just as good, if not even better, than the shop-bought pipe bender I purchased to bend-up the frame parts needed on my Gnome et Rhone build.

Thank's Pete. I hope it does the job. I plan on using it to bend some tubing for my grand nieces sidecar frame. There has been a lot of back and forth with her grandfather about whether it's worth it given that she is growing so fast but it can be changed to another bike. She's 7 and as tall as most ten year old's. If nothing else I'll have the fun of building it and my nephew has to store it in his garage.

Measure Twice, sorry to hear that your wort chiller has problems. My brother grew hops for home brew but when he quit drinking he didn't have any use for them and now just cuts them down as they grow. I believe they are Cascade hops. We made up a chiller that worked really well and didn't have any crushed tubing. I made a follower that pressed the tubing against the drum as we wound the tubing around it so it didn't kink.

He gave the equipment away but now it looks like we will need to set up for cider soon. Our front yard apple tree is loaded and we haven't used up all the apples in the freezer from last year. My preferred drink.

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Tom, those are the cylinders for the Epic thanks to Rick's generosity for supplying the fins. I hope to have the motor in the frame and ready for paint by the end of the week. Still a bit of canning to do that shouldn't take to long.

Want to finish up the tri car front end and get the springs built the week after that. Then it's on to building a delivery box for it. I may build a seat for it after that if there is time.

MT my thoughts on brewing amber spirits are guided by my moral principles. (1) Good friends don't allow others to be eaten by wild animals even if one can outrun his mates. (2) Good friends don't allow friends to drink and drive (3) Self imposed sobriety should not selfishly interfere with the brewing of delicious adult beverages for ones buddies. Why should they suffer with imbibing commercial swill? (4) Good friends are always good friends to one another!

Steve I rather like the apple cider too.

Rick C.
Tri-cars & side car.

Side car is a handy, trans port whatever the size for, a girls stuff. dog, small children etc. & as you indicated bolt on to large rides and blissfully stored away from your domain.

Tri-cars. You have a beautiful chair car already, but not a box/cargo. I like utility and since the electric is legal (at this point) in Canada a box will get it done and a craftsman of wood can make that box a thing of great vintage charm.

Just my thoughts.

Rick C.
If you're a cider fan and haven't yet given it a tryout, pour yourself a Snakebite. Half a glass of cider (apple or pear will work) topped with half Guinness. Ideally, the Guinness should be added slowly, poured over a spoon, so the finished glassfull is dark at the top graduating to light at the bottom. Tastes just as nice even if you can't get the hang of pouring it as the recipe suggests.
Pete, good on ya. Limies, are always teaching me tricks. All good so far. Black and Tans, Lager and Lime recommended by a Liverpudlian Ron Rhodes a fellow Tool and Die Maker I me in my salad days. Now you up the ante exponentially.
Apple cider amended with gently introduced Guinness, Sweet Sour to sweet blended with Sweet Bitter.
Thank-you Pete.
Britain has distanced it's self from the E.U did that effect the cost of Calvados? In the U.S.A. the cost is stupid high.
As apples ripen I will be on the hunt for another pleasant potage.
Rick, your moral outlook is spot on with mine. I'll work on my brother to let the hops go next year. There are so many though we could brew batched in the 100's of gallons. Fifty plus years ago that would have been a dream come true. Now 20 gallons of cider is a reality.

Pete, I'll have to get myself up to the liquor store later this week and try pouring a Snakebite properly. A search for the right source for the cider to match the Guinness will have to be undertaken. Perhaps some Strong Bow cider.

A good friend of mine from years ago used to make a pear cider that if you were brave enough person to put a drop on your forehead, your tongue would slap your brains out trying to get to it. Many a winters night was spent warmed by the cider while watching the flames in the fireplace.

Interesting afternoon's ride. Many errands done and some shopping as well. Three builders supply stores and none had any steel tubing of the correct size and precious little of the incorrect size.

Finally I settled for some 1" electrical conduit and I'll clean off the galvanizing before I weld it. Found everything else I wanted and tomorrow I'll work out the shape of the exhaust pipes.

The pre cut plywood section was full of premium plywood. Two foot x two foot sections and two foot x four foot sections as well. No need to pick over the best of what remained.
I just don't need a 4'x8' sheet of plywood any more.

Steve I wonder what the Lord's giant water jar of fine wine would sell for today per bottle? Blessed & never turning to vinegar. Easy to merchandise as Holy spirits etc. Good stuff to be sure & potent to ease life's burden. I find that this, the very first miracle recorded of Christ is generally dismissed by many of his disciples both past & present in an effort to ban drinking in any form including communion. Christ lifted a pint, but didn't promote drunkeness. Some say this story is just that & I won't argue about ones beliefs or promote my own. At any rate it's a dang good story & makes Jesus more of a mate in my mind!

I'd hate to think of a world without drink, though I can't. I'd imagine it quite a difficult place to survive in and more violent as a result. Responsibility falls on each individual and should not be dependent on any organization, government or individual to dictate the legal or moral correctness of it's use.

Brewing, distilling are ancient skills that should be promoted, encouraged and taught to each generation and to me that's moral responsibility to humanity. Moral crusaders of all classes would be better off cleaning up their own lives & not the lives of others.

I'm glad I've got the joy of biking in my life and hope you all share this as well.

Rick C.
Rick, the delivery box is a given. I'm sourcing parts as I go. I'll make a chair for it afterwards so that when I go to a bike or motorcycle gathering I'll swap out the delivery box for the chair midway and confuse the group as I ride around or if it's on display I'll display both the delivery box on the tri car and the seat on one side.

I fully agree Rick. I don't drink more than a pint and rarely then. I did my share but it became evident quickly that it was taking over and I quit for 20 years and now it's very little on occasion. It's a problem in our family and that's why my brother quit.

Looking at various power panels in different building I worked in I've marvelled the conduit bender's art.
