The Epic an electric tri car.

Thank you all.

I went out to the garage today with great revised plans for an intake manifold then had to revise, the revised plans, that I'd already revised. How hard can it be to weld up some tubing?

Came up with something that is finally working and if I can get back at it tomorrow I'll take the camera with me.

After trying different ways to make the manifold I decided to use a hole saw to cut a hole in the tubing on one side and then split the tubing at the hole so I could slide a T section I had into it to act as support as I clamped the two halve back together and spot welded them. Then I used the hole saw to cut though another piece of tubing and cut it in half at the hole so I could slide it down over the upright part of the T and weld it together.

Two curved parts from the same safety grab rail connected it to the cylinders. Carb is held on with a bolt though the carb flange and into the manifold.

We have ten day of rain forecast for the Wet Coast so I'll take the motor out of the frame and smooth the welds on the frame if it isn't raining and work on my grand nieces side car when it is.



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Hi, Measure Twice,
I will touch up the headers with a torch and blacken the exhaust pipe tip as well. I haven't lost a jacket to heat yet but I do have scars on my inner wrists where I took my welding gloves off then knocked what I was welding over on them.

I have a dandy left over from when I was welding up Silverbear's side car frame.

It's looking great Steve the carb & intake are working well. No help at this point but I could have supplied various individual fin profiles for different porting tapers and fins in asymetrical shapes to accomidate exhaust port styles or to accept push rods or tubes. Regardless the round fins look fine and yes pre shaping each fin before welding is the way to do it, but you managed quite well on the fly.

Weather sounds a bit problematical for Victoria and other areas of B.C. while we are still looking at quite dry and beautiful forecasts. We need rain sooner than later but that is what we get living in arid prarie lands.

Rick C.
Hi, Tom,
Rain forecast until the 23rd of the month at least. Our monsoon season and it's good until January usually. Victoria is on Vancouver Island and being stuck out in the Pacific Ocean they get terrible weather. The West coast of the island gets the worst of it since Japan is the next land fall.

The storms have a great chance to build up before they hit the island.

The fins are great and I can't thank you enough for having them made and sending them to me. I was so focused on getting them welded on properly I didn't consider the fact that the intake manifold would be needed. Worked out and now it's time to focus on the gas tank and my grandnieces side car.
Here is a weather warning for British Columbia. Some high winds have gone through even though we are not in the red storm areas.

If you look at the map you can see Vancouver Island off the coast and the mainland on the right. I live in the white area surrounded by the red areas at the bottom left on the mainland. I live on the point of land jutting into the ocean on the very bottom, left side.


You've got a monopoly on the isobars!

Cape Blanco, OR looks to have a mostly dry Monday 25-30 G40 mph winds, I'd like to windsurf but such small window for sailable winds without rain.

I'll be looking closer to home as closed camping and the cabins at the park, probably Covid closed them. There are others open nearby, no cabins though.

Hoping clearing winds that are dry as the name states show up in future forecast. Got a good session about 3 weeks ago on large some what protected Tomlas Bay, CA.
Here is a weather warning for British Columbia. Some high winds have gone through even though we are not in the red storm areas.

If you look at the map you can see Vancouver Island off the coast and the mainland on the right. I live in the white area surrounded by the red areas at the bottom left on the mainland. I live on the point of land jutting into the ocean on the very bottom, left side.

Steve. progress which are in the works. Rick C.
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The "gas tank" for the Epic is well on it's way. It will be metal covered plywood. Looks like a parts and supply run to Home Depot tomorrow for the necessary bit's to finish it. I use construction adhesive to hold the metal to the wood and of course the part tube I have is hard.

I have my grandnieces side car cut out and ready to assemble. I'll move it to the sidecar thread when I get some photos taken.

Here is a link to my grandnieces sidecar build.

