The Epic an electric tri car.

I welded a piece of tubing inside the crankcase peak where the two cylinders divide. This will allow a bolt to pass through to hold the top of the two crankcase sides.

I'll get a photo tomorrow.

Rick, {Indian22} mentioned the post office tracker said the fins he sent me had cleared Canadian Customs. They should be here in a couple of days.

The fins that Rick, {Indian22} , sent me for the Epic arrived this morning. Huge thank you to both him and his friend who cut them out with his plasma cutter enough. This moved the build ahead a huge amount of time. The other option was me and my plasma cutter with a home made circle cutter and the two I tried weren't pretty or usable.

I put one of them on the top of each cylinder to get an idea of how they would look. I hope to fit and weld them on tomorrow if the weather is decent. Can't weld inside.



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Photo of the tubing I welded inside the crank case to hold the all thread that holds side panels on and the crank case bolted up with the motor in it. Washers are temporary. I will make some thing that will look and fit better.

The metal is 16 gauge that I had in the garage and it needs to be heavier where the nuts meet the side panels. I'll make motor mounts when the tubing clamps get here. The motor mounts will attach to them.



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The fins are trimmed up and fit the cylinders. The frame clamps should be here early next week so I can figure out how to mount the motor and then work out if the cylinders need to be trimmed down so the heads fit under the top frame rail with enough clearance.

Once that is done I'll weld the fins to the cylinder tubes and move on to the rest of the bike.

Both the carb and the tubing clamps that will be the part of the motor mounts arrived today.

The tubing clamps were surprisingly heavier than I would have thought they would be for the money {$7.95 each}.

I purchased them from Lowbrow Customs. Universal 3-piece mounting clamp-1". Excellent service and great shipping.



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The carb was as heavy as I thought it would be. It will fit with a little work and careful placement.. It's from a Model T or a tractor of that era. It seems the makers sold to a number of companies other than Ford.

It may receive a trip through the sand blaster for a clean up.



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We had a rare occurrence today. It was sunny and it didn't rain so I tried to make the best of it. Right out of the box there wasn't enough room for the motor mounts I purchased for the engine. Made up a couple of my own and I'll weld them up tomorrow. We have another couple of sunny days coming at least with a wet weekend for good measure.

Those clamps will find a use one day. It's unavoidable when building a bike (or anything else) from scratch, to end up with a stash of parts purchased during the build which end up not being used as hoped. Anyone, in any hobby, who hasn't amassed a healthy sized pile of spare or unused parts just isn't enjoying their hobby enough.
Guilty, m'lud.
Even though I swear by these Harley clamps and use them often I have, at times, had to redesign for their use or go to alternative mounts. As you earlier pointed out they are heavy duty, good thing, but take more space to mount in a frame which is difficult to allow for prior to having them in hand. If one is working with established motor lugs and existing frames it's easy to get boxed out with these useful clamps.

Rick C.
The clamps I bought to use for motor mounts are sitting on the shelf to be saved for the time they will be needed. Once again I find myself thinking how much easier life would be if I had started with a Sportsman Flyer frame.
They don't cost, they pay for themselves in the long run.

Engine mounts are about finished and just have to have a final fitting. Hopefully they will be finished tomorrow and the crankcase mounted in the frame so I can start on the cylinders. The rain may start tomorrow however.

Curt mentioned that instead of sandblasting the carb I should go to Walmart and get a gallon of carb cleaner. Unfortunately in my area, Walmart, Home Depot and Lowe's are small and the automotive section doesn't really exist at Walmart. We have to drive about 20 miles to get to the bigger stores.

Canadian Tire, better known as Crappy Tire, is the go to place for many things. Much like the old Western Auto Stores. Almost like you took all the best parts of Pep Boys, Cabelas, and Walmart's non food section. Sprinkle in some of Home Depot and Lowe's without the building materials.

I'll post a link to the store and remember when you see the prices take about 30% off them to convert them to U.S. Dollars.


I miss Western Auto. First new bike bought there a Western Flyer. They had lots of rebranded products like Simplex & Whizzer motor bikes and firearms from Winchester, Remington/Peters etc. featuring the Western Auto brand good quality stuff all just re-labeled.

Rick C.
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After a few attempts at engine mounts that became simpler as time went on I settled for these. I'll put the crankcase back in and start on the cylinders today.



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Good work on the frame's engine mounts Steve.
Just took the opportunity to refer back to your pics in post 104 showing the crankcase/cylinders/heads temporarily mocked-up in in the frame and I can see the space between the top of the leading cylinder head fins and frame top tube will play an instrumental part in how far up you can raise the motor so it lifts clear of the frame mounts. Hard to determine how deep your frame mounts are from these latest pics - but I'm guessing somewhere in the 1.5" to 2" ballpark - which looks close enough to the kind of clearance you have between the top of the leading cyl head and the frame. Got a shoehorn handy? lol.