The Blizzard of 2013

this place got to feet of snow


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I survived. Bitter cold today caused my clutch-lock and throttle to lock up. My fault as I shoulda oiled 'em up. They were soaked from yesterday's Blizzard Ride. I took along a propane torch on today's ride to melt the throttle line when it'd freeze.

Nearly 3' of it in Stony Brook, Long Island (sorry 'bout the focus...iPhone was fogged up after being in my pocket):

Last week...on Long Island Sound:
I'm fond of DriSlide, but as I've not tried the above I couldn't say if it's actually any better or not lol, if only there was a chain lube that lasted more than a coupla days in that nasty bath of calcium chloride & rock salt >.< After trying everything under the sun, from high end lubes to do-it-yourself concoctions I've given up & just accepted the fact I'll need to replace the chain mid-winter & again come spring... TBH it's far easier now that I've lost all hope heh ;)

Just a lil vid of the blowing snow:

...& just back from my reprovisioning run, usually do it on Saturday but 0°F and gale force winds in a blizzard was just a touch too much to bother with;

...& who says ebikes don't deal w/the cold? :p
Thanks for the advice, GearNut. I ended up dismantling th throttle-assembly and put the cable-sheath in a toaster-oven @ 200F for 1/2-hour to dehydrate it. I then squirted a few shots of WD down the sheath and hung it vertically overnight. Reinstalled today, and enjoyed the sunshine and snowbound roads...,no problems.
I sort of miss being around the snow. I lived in in New York near Long Island. Are there any places frozen of lakes or such that Ice Boats are out yet? I took a small scale model to WI and there was a regatta happening near Madison with 8 foot thick ice so that life size boats were out.

I forgot my down jacket when out after dark, but I'm in Northern CA, so no biggie. I had and extra sweater I put under my jacket.

took my son two days to get home.
Houston to winnipeg,no problem?
was Houston,Miami,Toronto,Vancouver,Calgary then Winnipeg.

first time air traveller now turned off for life.

hope you all are managing this weather ok,getting dug out.
i would prefer 2 feet of snow and mild temps over 2 weeks of minus 30 and colder.
Spring is on the way,dont give up hope!
Has he considered how he would have done the trip without air travel?

its a 26 hour drive,at least two days to get there.

next trip,if it happens,hopefully it will go better.i could almost guarantee it will.

with any luck,his boss wont cheap out and cough up for a more direct flight.

i truly feel for those harder hit with this storm. long ago i was stranded in my car overnight in a snowstorm,engine quit and i had no idea where i was.
turns out i drove past my house at least a mile.
was a long wait til daylight to figure out which way to walk home.

on that note,i took the time to tune up my generator,stabilize the fuel and change oil.its good to go,in case we get a spring snowstorm.
The little black thing is my side view mirror.

We let the dog out the back door and she did the deer-hop thing a few times until she was off the porch and in deep snow. This confused her as her feet no longer were touching the ground. A second or 2 later she looks back like we were messing with her and hid the ground. Truly funny.


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