Something new and kinda sorta 100 years old looking

Don't trust those straps/belts to hold the bags in place, they WILL loosen up, that style of buckle looks like it would wedge the belt but in reality it doesn't work all that well.

Yeah I know they are the pits. They remind me of the belts we had to wear in Boy Scouts (man, that was a LONG time ago) and they were pretty useless. I got them because they are tan canvas and I like the look (and they were cheap). But they will need something to make them work right. Some velcro pads sewn in as is being suggested might be a good idea.
Got some plumbing installed. This is the steam feed line. Just behind the boiler stack you can see the 100 psi pop-off valve. From there it runs through a ball valve which serves as the throttle (it will need a longer handle - ouch!), then a T fitting with a plug in it (this will be drilled out for a steam oiler), then another T where it goes to the head and through the pigtail to the temperature/pressure gauge. Since the steam will be over 300 degrees, some shielding might be a good idea as it looks like my leg will be rubbing against these lines (ouch again). If you are the observant type, you'll notice the gauge is in the wrong place, technically. Normally, you would want it on the other side of the throttle valve so you can regulate temp and pressure before putting power to the engine. I can get away with it this way because this is a single-action stream engine (power only on the down stroke) so it isn't self-starting. I'll be able to power it up and it won't run until I turn the flywheel or engage the clutch and get the bike rolling.

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Yeah I know they are the pits. They remind me of the belts we had to wear in Boy Scouts (man, that was a LONG time ago) and they were pretty useless. I got them because they are tan canvas and I like the look (and they were cheap). But they will need something to make them work right. Some velcro pads sewn in as is being suggested might be a good idea.

I was in Boy Scouts. Yessir, the old BSA. I made Eagle. I made Order of the Arrow. I made my own flippin' leather belt to hold up my pants, 'cause you are right. The clasps on those things would loosen up no matter whatcha do.
i have a boy scout belt that i still wear, almost every day. after 30 something years the clasp gets banged and bent up enough where it'll hold without slipping. the rest of the belt's all frayed and shredding, but it's my favorite belt.
i have a boy scout belt that i still wear, almost every day. after 30 something years the clasp gets banged and bent up enough where it'll hold without slipping. the rest of the belt's all frayed and shredding, but it's my favorite belt.

So it took 30 years for that belt to start working right? I believe that! laff

Boy Scouts was a great experience for me - so many crazy stories. I didn't make Eagle because I was having too much fun. I did get Order of the Arrow and something beyond that called Brotherhood I think. I later went on to Explorer Scouts but I don't think they have that any more. We were a small rag-tag bunch out in the sticks but we had a good time. I learned to smoke and cuss in the Boy Scouts but they didn't have a merit badge for that!

Yeah, an airship would be so cool. Anybody have an extra million or so and want to sponsor the project? It would make a good retirement project for me! Please please!
Please make a video when you take it out on its "maiden voyage", if you can that is. I've got to see it run.

I'll be sure to do that. It won't be for another two weeks or so as I'm taking it to a steampunk event next weekend but don't have time to finish it before then. I was originally planning on selling it there but I'm having too much fun with it now and want to get it running and work out the bugs and such. I might just hang onto it, although I do have ideas for the next steam bike ... or maybe a swoopy V-twin 50cc deco bike. I have several other projects in the works as I am building inventory for my little store at the show (I'm going as a vendor) and I have to get them done, which is tricky because I do all this in between my regular work responsibilities. Fortunately, I don't require much sleep and don't watch much TV! Don't ask me anything about sports because I don't have a clue!
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I joined the scouts back in '87 and had some good times for 4 years. My troop was full of bullies, squares, and wide-eyed n00bs, no room for those otherwise!

Anyway, love this build! Very unique :D
Been working on some other stuff the past couple days, getting ready for the steampunk thing we're going to this weekend. But some stickers arrived today and I had to add them to the tank. Since the bike will be the centerpiece of my art display/store, I put my moniker on it.



No fenders yet ... I set them aside as time grew short before the upcoming show. I need to grind down the welds, cut slots for the drive belt, add heavier/safer mounts to the front one and do the body/paint work on them yet.
AWESOME!!Flashback Fabrications Ltd. Have you seen this Roper build

That's a very cool build - talk about involved. I saw a video of the original somewhere. Some serious $$ went into it for sure. You may have noticed mine is anything but an authentic reproduction. It's something like "old steam meets new mad science".

It's a lot safer and simpler, actually, doesn't even have a fire box or containment boiler. Interesting that they are running it at 200psi. I'd like to do that, but I see that the standard at steam meets is to limit psi to 100. I imagine they have a good reason for doing that, so that's what the pop-off on mine is set to. Besides, that as much pressure as my water pump can handle.
Well we got back from the steampunk thing sorta safe and sound. We had a good time and I sold enough artsy fartsy stuff to cover our expenses. The bike was a big hit and I have a potential buyer ... maybe. I have to get the bike running first and get some liability insurance in case a new owner sets himself on fire or something. There was a woman there who wants to buy it for her husband. We'll see. Maybe I'll get it running and not want to let it go! And maybe she'll change her mind.

We had a little altercation on the way home. I thought I had it tied perfectly in the trailer but it somehow did a Houdini thing and slipped out of the ropes and bashed the lower luggage rack. So now I need to get the BFH and give it an attitude adjustment. It was a good test of my welding.

So maybe I should name it "Harry".
Came back from the steampunk convention and work got SO busy, plus had to make some stuff for follow-up orders. So haven't done anything on the bike yet this week. Maybe get to it a little today. The other issue is the weather which absolutely completely unequivocally sucks and has my arthritis flaring up. Can't wait for the day we start heading south for the winter each year. It's going to have to be sooner than later.
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