Something new and kinda sorta 100 years old looking

what happened fishguts, did you and your contraption blow up?

She blew into four states and I'm just now getting all the pieces gathered up! .xx.

Nah ... just got real busy with other things. We're going to another steampunk show in a couple weeks and I've been using every available minute to build inventory. I came up with a couple new items - a brass, pewter and copper recorder (musical instrument type recorder) and a pendant with gears that mesh and turn together. I also switched over to antique door knobs for the copper canes I make, so I've been scouring the local demo place. Also, I got our little business incorporated with the state (should have the confirmation of that in the next couple days) and I'm getting a quote on liability insurance. With some safeguards in place I'll be able to consider selling the steam bike eventually. Which is to say, I need to have it running! So that's next. I do keep busy...
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Been working on some other stuff the past couple days, getting ready for the steampunk thing we're going to this weekend. But some stickers arrived today and I had to add them to the tank. Since the bike will be the centerpiece of my art display/store, I put my moniker on it.


WOW. Just.. WOW. That's amazingly cool! Awesome work!
WOW. Just.. WOW. That's amazingly cool! Awesome work!

Thank you and I'm glad you like it. Stayed tuned over the next couple days because I'm getting to the point of being able to dedicate more time to it.

I'm going to change out the steam line for one slightly longer and do the rest of the plumbing. I think I have everything I need to connect the gas lines, too.
ok, now i'm really worried you blew yourself up...

haha just getting it back together now.

Just got swamped for Easter, that's all. I'm a clergyman in my other life and Easter is our busiest time of the year. That, and I hit some challenges with the other items I am making. I have several pewter pieces I'm casting and made the decision to start over and remake some of the molds to get them to behave the way they should. Had a day off yesterday and cast a bunch of pieces in the new molds and they came out real nice. Now I'm assembling stuff. Designed two-piece shawl pins (my wife has crocheted 13 shawls for the next show so far and I have to keep up!) that combine either a large open gear and a steampunk skeleton dude I sculpted or a gear and a dirigible flying machine I sculpted. Also, came up with a line of brass penny whistles/tinwhistles/feadogs that are turning out real neat. I casted pewter and plastic mouthpieces for them. Now that I'm back on track I should be able to get some bike stuff done ... I better - the show is next weekend!
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... I'm a clergyman in my other life and Easter is our busiest time of the year. ... I have several pewter pieces I'm casting and made the decision to start over and remake some of the molds to get them to behave the way they should. ...large open gear and a steampunk skeleton dude I sculpted or a gear and a dirigible flying machine I sculpted. Also, came up with a line of brass penny whistles/tinwhistles/feadogs that are turning out real neat. ...I should be able to get some bike stuff done ... I better - the show is next weekend!

You sound like a very interesting person, Fishguts; so many diverse interests.

I do some mold-making too, both cold-casting & injection-molding. I'm not very religious, but I love to ponder the metaphysical.

I'm still in the design phase of my motor-bike, & very busy with work & other side projects, but will continue to check back here for inspiration!

You sound like a very interesting person, Fishguts; so many diverse interests.

I do some mold-making too, both cold-casting & injection-molding. I'm not very religious, but I love to ponder the metaphysical.

I'm still in the design phase of my motor-bike, & very busy with work & other side projects, but will continue to check back here for inspiration!


I believe in disorganized religion. laff

Glad you're finding some inspiration here. I know I've learned a lot from the builds other people are doing.

Here's what I've been doing instead of working on the bike:

My pewter casting station:

Here's some of the stuff I make. In the back are pocket saxophones. The first of the brass Feadogs are in the front. There's one of my geared necklaces (gears actually turn) and some steampunk skeleton dude heads, dirigibles and gears/shawl pin backs. I gave some of the pieces an antique brass "patina" to see how they'd look.

Wow, those pocket saxophones are great! I never knew such an instrument existed! My first reaction is, "What if there was a cover for the mouthpiece that pulled off & became a bell for the opposite end?" I guess that would be more of a cowl than a cover. Anyway, wouldn't that be cool? A fuller sound & a way to keep the reed clean(er) in your pocket!
Wow, those pocket saxophones are great! I never knew such an instrument existed! My first reaction is, "What if there was a cover for the mouthpiece that pulled off & became a bell for the opposite end?" I guess that would be more of a cowl than a cover. Anyway, wouldn't that be cool? A fuller sound & a way to keep the reed clean(er) in your pocket!

Now, that's a pretty cool idea, actually. Hadn't thought of that one. The big challenge would be to have the instrument end up in the proper key with the right hole sizing and spacing. I spent a couple years developing these things and let me tell you, getting it all right is some kind of complicated! Basically, the length of the body determines the key of the instrument. The lowest hole needs to be near the end of the body, so a bell would make that a challenge to be sure. The hole can be moved up some but that changes the size of it accordingly. There would then be some complications with the other holes and potentially "voicing" issues, etc. Still, an intriguing idea. I'll have to do some experimenting with that one eventually ...

The pocket sax has a surprisingly accurate sax sound by the way. It uses a tenor mouthpiece and reed. I have them set up in the key of C.
You should do a cool gas tank

Cooler than this?

hmmm ... so maybe a steampunked bike that isn't purpose-designed steam powered like this one, but more of a steam fantasy, Jules Verne version - nano tubes, gearworks, pressure vessels, and punked-out weaponry ... maybe something for the ground troops supported by the steam dirigible fleet?
I was feeling the need to get back on track with this thread too, (but I'll PM you about the pocket sax.)

The only thing I think might improve this bike would be different wheels, something to emulate more olden-timey, spoked wheels. Maybe some six-spoked wheels, with some sort of fascade (bits of copper plate, etc..) covering the spokes up to make them look more 'punk' & industrial, rather than simply BMXish.. The wheels are fine the way they are; I'm just thiunking of ways to make it lok more like the sort of wheels you'd see in the late 1800's. Maybe even cover the spokes with wood?
I like the bike the way it is, and can't wait to see and hear it running!
It's cool that it's generating lots of ideas and people want to give you parts suggestions though. Maybe you will get more people to build steampunk bikes.
Cooler than this?

hmmm ... so maybe a steampunked bike that isn't purpose-designed steam powered like this one, but more of a steam fantasy, Jules Verne version - nano tubes, gearworks, pressure vessels, and punked-out weaponry ... maybe something for the ground troops supported by the steam dirigible fleet?

I would like to see that... Something that runs off the kit engine, but made to look like it is steam powered. Maybe even use some colored lights w/ crystals as alternate power source?:)
Lots of dials and gauges for purposes unknown, and wood... I had an idea for a wooden barrel gas tank cover with brass bands.
You know, Fishguts, I had no idea that steampunk existed before reading this thread, you are partially responsible for unleashing my inner mad scientist. I started drawing a picture of my iPad converted to steam-power...I'll upload a photo of it and post it. It's a lot of fun!!
Woo-Hoo, back on track. dance1

Installed some doo-dads. Coming out of the side of the boiler is the water level sensor which looks suspiciously like a Champion spark plug. I had to grind down the threads to a slight taper and then file new threads to get it to work in a 1/4" pipe thread union. Hopefully it doesn't leak ... Below that to the left is the feed water inlet with the check valve installed. To the right is the propane gas valve. Next, I need to run the water lines and connect the solenoid valve, pump, sediment bowl, battery and delay circuit. Finally, I'll connect the propane components, mount the oiler, add oil and water and fire it up.

let me know before you fire it up. i wanna check the google satellite maps for a little mushroom cloud in Mass...

just kidding. seriously, i wanna see this thing chugging along.:)
Fire in the hole! I hooked up the propane today and lit it off - fired up real nice. Now I have to get water flowing.

I had to make my own adapter to fit a 1/4" copper tube compression fitting on a 3/8" flared male fitting. I used a 3/8" cap. drilled it out and tapped it to 1/8" pipe thread and screwed in a 1/8" MPT X 1/4" compression fitting.

The gas bottle sits on a wood bracket and fits nicely in the small piece of luggage.