Well I haven't died or anything!! I just got sidetracked on a bunch of other steampunk stuff. I've built a couple guitars, did some more work on the reverse trike etc etc. I'm working on a commissioned steampunk lamp right now, and some stuff to get inventory together for two upcoming shows. When the weather gets better I'll be back on the steam bike.
So here's where I'm at with it at present. I've decided to refit things so it all works better together. I'm converting a 4-cycle engine to steam by modifying the cam, as I wasn't satisfied with the 2-cycle which liked to hydro lock on me. I also decided to abandon the bicycle idea and go with a trike instead. This will give a great platform for the engine and associated boiler and plumbing. Maybe get a trike conversion kit or find a decent purpose built trike that's fairly sturdy. I'm also replacing the electric controls with a more conventional steam injector. So lots of tweaking to do yet ... when I can start working outside again.