SoCal Race Event Sat June 18th at Willow Springs Raceway-2011

Come on Mike I am 57 58 in july

:) You rock dude!

Just turned 56. Looking forward to 57...

Nah, racing is not for me, I like to go slow. Hey if you guys ever have a slow race well I'm in. Last one across the line wins. Sorta like low ball poker...

Hey I sent in my $25 just to be a sport and support this hobby that I enjoy. And I want to keep on enjoying it - :)
some shots from the pits through my cellphone



one my favorites there


That was you Scoto on the tandem?
...Man, you were haulin but on that bike. It was fun just going out there and having fun. Just like Flexman, I need more seat time. I have a few pictures that I'll post later.
BTW, are the results going to be posted? We left right after the races so we could be back home for Fathers Day.

Yessiree Easy Rider....sittin fat and hairy on that beast lol. It was kinda lonely on that thing by myself ;). Happy Fathers Day to all the dads and it was fun meeting alot more riders/enthusiasts/builders from this site.....keep riding and supporting what we do......RIDE!

brought back alot of memory's of old saddleback mx'ers in the early 70's all different kind's of racer's 4 stroke's 2 stroke's euro's, spain, england, japan,ussr,oregon,usa and you could ride around everywhere! no pit racers! the site's sound's of 2&4 stroke's smelling the race gas and the castol oil! everyone was friendly and no attitude's at all! Neal and freind's put on a first class event and i give them prop's for a job well done and their time and money did not go unnoticed. a bunch of guy's & gal's on a forum came together like this? memory's for a lifetime! again WELL DONE! respectfully dennis
That was an awesome attendance for the first official race of mtr bikes in socal. It was great to see racers, cruisers, and spectators alike. Also a great showing of family support. I liked the racing part of the event cuz there was always someone that was your own speed and battling for 10th:). It was also great to see alot of the sponsors in person and see them in action on the race track. I was fortunate enough to run on big willow because there was a track official that wasnt going to let myself and dave31 on the track cuz a group of mtr bikers went before us and that was the only group that was going to go on. Luckily the owners of the facility saw me and daves sad faces and watering eyes ;) and overruled that track official. The hill on big willow got me worried that I wouldnt make it up but the track actually went downhill before the hill and gave enough momentum to climb it most of the way up. The scariest part for me was going down hill full throttle,hitting 55mph,which its never seen before, bent rear wheel and a crosswind that made my bike counterlean about 30 degrees to the right and going straight:0...It was like riding a rollercoaster and me screaming all the way down like a little girl:).
And yes the guy with the harbor freight motor was fast, no really it was scary fast. You wouldnt be able to tell if it was a real bike on big willow or that guys mtr bike if you had your eyes closed. And if you didnt make to the track at willow and raced at the last death race. The bike sounded like the, full race,motard bikes at tucson when we shared the track with them. The stock motor on the engine was 6hp but according to some of the 4 strokers that talked to him,the engine was completly takn apart and modified with all the bells and whistles.
I would like to thank bimoped(neil) for making the race happen and congrats to magrider for his impressive wins. His brother flying dutchman was really cool to race with and there whole family was really nice to my girlfriend on the stands. Thanks for the great fun to all, Ben
I had a great time, thanks for letting me run with you guys, everyone was really cool, what a great community! A big thanks to Neil for taking a few years off his life and putting this event on, it wasn't easy, but you did a great job man. Thanks to all the sponsors for making it interesting with all the great prizes.

Here's a video I made during the 1st heat race. In this video I eventually get by Dave ( I call him Yellow Fox) but in the main event I couldn't seem to shake him! Soo much fun, I'm glad there was someone there to race with, other positions on the track seemed a little lonely out there. Speaking of lonely, check out this picture: > Motorsports > Willow Springs Raceway > 245pm

Also thanks to Caliphotography, awesome photos even if it looks like we are on the same bike!.we.

Here's the video, sorry I don't know how to embed it here:

YouTube - ‪Willow Springs Unlimited Class Heat 1‬‏
I had a great time, thanks for letting me run with you guys, everyone was really cool, what a great community! A big thanks to Neil for taking a few years off his life and putting this event on, it wasn't easy, but you did a great job man. Thanks to all the sponsors for making it interesting with all the great prizes.

Here's a video I made during the 1st heat race. In this video I eventually get by Dave ( I call him Yellow Fox) but in the main event I couldn't seem to shake him! Soo much fun, I'm glad there was someone there to race with, other positions on the track seemed a little lonely out there. Speaking of lonely, check out this picture: > Motorsports > Willow Springs Raceway > 245pm

Also thanks to Caliphotography, awesome photos even if it looks like we are on the same bike!.we.

Here's the video, sorry I don't know how to embed it here:

YouTube - ‪Willow Springs Unlimited Class Heat 1‬‏

cool vid etard, here are a few pics from the unlimited class race...
SoCal Race Event Sat June 18th at Willow Springs Raceway-2011 on Twitpic
Thanks for loaning me your motocross helmet, Dennis
Here is my handle bar cam footage .YouTube - ‪race.AVI‬‏

Nice vid man, good seeing you again and hope to hook-up for another ride soon!

And then there's this classic pic of AGK's #81 HF rocket with me riding on the back of his tandem? See for yourself....laff And it's not Photoshop, I swear! > Motorsports > Willow Springs Raceway > 245pm

And a BIG thanks to a very generous 4-stroke sponsor of this race.....once again, Affordable Go Karts rocks!
Also thanks to Manic Mechanic of Creative Engineering and the folks at Opti (Interlube International)
And thanks to the Photographers and all the helpers on the track.....AWESOME!
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To Neil and all who helped a big thank you! The whole weekend was fun and as they say, racing inproves the breed. I certainly know what I need to work on. Nice getting to finally meet all the forum guy's face to face. See you all next time!
Had a great time. Conrats to Magrider for winning the final i don't think anybody would have predicted a chinabike to be the big winner at the end of the day but like Nicky Hayden said thats why we line em up.(must have been the tires)