SoCal Race Event Sat June 18th at Willow Springs Raceway-2011

I had a great time at the Willow Race. It was great to see familiar faces from the Death Race and the El Dorado rally, and meet some new Motor Bicycle enthusiast. The turn out was large as the racers took up 2 rows of pits.

A big thanks to everyone who was able to make this event succeed, Doug713 for the tip on the tires, all the volunteers, the scorers, the flagmen, the great Sponsors, the photographers, and Bimoped Neil. And a speedy recovery for anyone who took a spill. I’m looking forward to the next event. -Magrider-
Thank you for all your help Magrider! yes, your tires did not let you down this time! lol
Congratulations on your wins in the 2 stroke class and the "Trophy dash" ultimate race.
Lots of racers found out that you gotta finish to win! lol

We camped Saturday night and when we left on Sunday the only guy left was
Evoforce #111 one of the Ebike guys.

Even though I didn't get to race on the track I had as much fun as all you guys that did.
That was some exciting racing!
The Willow Springs race was an outstanding success because everyone there
had a blast!!!
I have so many people to thank for making this event come off as well as it did
but I am kind of tired right now so I will thank everyone later when I am not so tired and
have a little more time. I don't want to forget anyone.

Would be great if all you lucky guys that got all those great prizes would say who got what.
The sponsors were so generous that it was hard to give them all away!
It seemed like just about everyone got something with Opti's 2 stroke oil packs and fuel stabilizer.

Anyway it was so much fun that I am sure it will happen again. I have to say
that I am extremely happy about the whole event. I could write a small book
about the event but gotta get back to sleep.

Huge thanks to everyone that helped pull it off!

Here are the sponsors that support motorized bicycle racing.

Interlube International maker of Opti-2 two stroke oil
and Opti-4 four stroke oil is Sponsoring the Willow Springs Race.

Bike Show: Sponsored by 1st prize Grubee 66 cc Kit

Sponsored by

Sponsored by

Sponsored by the Manic Mechanic of Creative Engineering

EBike prizes and race flags generously donated by SoSauty
Nice vid man, good seeing you again and hope to hook-up for another ride soon!

And then there's this classic pic of AGK's #81 HF rocket with me riding on the back of his tandem? See for yourself....laff And it's not Photoshop, I swear! > Motorsports > Willow Springs Raceway > 245pm

And a BIG thanks to a very generous 4-stroke sponsor of this race.....once again, Affordable Go Karts rocks!
Also thanks to Manic Mechanic of Creative Engineering and the folks at Opti (Interlube International)
And thanks to the Photographers and all the helpers on the track.....AWESOME!

Thanks Scotto , It was good seeing you again and everyone else out there had a blast .
Hey Neil, How many riders were there in the 2-stroke A-main?
Were there more than 14 riders that finished??
There were about 30 bikes which is why we only did one 2 Stroke Final Race
instead of two as originally planned.
There were over 20 in two groups for the 5 lap heats.

The scorers did a great job but keeping track of 30 bikes was tough and
a lot more than the other 2 classes. 30 was a lot of bikes on the track.
14 was just the riders that were scored and yes I think most of the 30 finished.

You were #68 so I guess you weren't in the first 14?
You finished so where did you place?
We had a great time at Willow Springs. We met some new people and saw some familiar faces from the Death Race.

All three of the bikes we entered did well which is always exciting. My son was the top finishing 49cc 4-stroke. Our 79cc HF did great in the 4-stroke class. Our 6.5hp HF finished 1st in the unlimited class. The front tire went flat on this bike in the trophy dash, but was fun to watch while it lasted.

Our efforts earned us a 4-stroke shifter kit, some Opti-4, a billet valve cover for the HS and a nice trophy. We really want to thank Neil, the volunteers who scored the races, all the sponsors and anyone else responsible for putting this race on. We had a great time and look forward to doing it again!
We had a great time at Willow Springs. We met some new people and saw some familiar faces from the Death Race.

All three of the bikes we entered did well which is always exciting. My son was the top finishing 49cc 4-stroke. Our 79cc HF did great in the 4-stroke class. Our 6.5hp HF finished 1st in the unlimited class. The front tire went flat on this bike in the trophy dash, but was fun to watch while it lasted.

Our efforts earned us a 4-stroke shifter kit, some Opti-4, a billet valve cover for the HS and a nice trophy. We really want to thank Neil, the volunteers who scored the races, all the sponsors and anyone else responsible for putting this race on. We had a great time and look forward to doing it again!

GREAT!!! Good to know who won the 4T shifter kit! We will fully support the install and warranty as purchased.

Next year I just may fly down. has extended the special price of
their race photo package deal until this Friday June 24rd

Brian said that some people were getting 60 to 70 pics in
their package.
If you haven't seen them yet check them out here.... > Motorsports > Willow Springs Raceway > June-18-Neil Motorized Bicycles

I actually just ordered mine this morning, still waiting for the link to where I can start downloading them! i got 53 for 53 bucks....dollar a pic aint to bad, it was my first ride with other motorized bikes as well as my first race on something with 2 wheels lol .shft.
hey Norm, did you take that shifter 2-stroke to the race? If so, didn't do too well?

I sold that bike two days before the race!! I only had one bike left in my shop to bring on race day. :-{
I still thought I did well... I finished 6th in both of the qualifiers.

I kinda question the accuracy of the scoring of the races; all they had was a girl who volunteered quickly yelling out the racers #s as as they raced by her, & another volunteer doing everything he could to keep track of them on a note pad.

Anyways... we had a lot of fun & learned a lot to be better prepared for the next race! ;)
I sold that bike two days before the race!! I only had one bike left in my shop to bring on race day. :-{
I still thought I did well... I finished 6th in both of the qualifiers.

I kinda question the accuracy of the scoring of the races; all they had was a girl who volunteered quickly yelling out the racers #s as as they raced by her, & another volunteer doing everything he could to keep track of them on a note pad.

Anyways... we had a lot of fun & learned a lot to be better prepared for the next race! ;)

"O"yes next year by then I'll have a pipe and a better cdi-and some real brakes drilling out new spoke holes in a hub brake as we speak--so as we where neck and neck this time we will have a blast chopping it up next year to!
I would like to thank bimoped(neil) for making the race happen and congrats to magrider for his impressive wins. His brother flying dutchman was really cool to race with and there whole family was really nice to my girlfriend on the stands. Thanks for the great fun to all, Ben

It also was nice to have meet your gf. I did forget to mention our battle on the track but too bad for me that my bicycle side chain fell off. I fixed it on Sunday and I hope it doesnt fall off again.
So the next thing are some better tires and a few other tricks up my sleeve for the engine ;)
It also was nice to have meet your gf. I did forget to mention our battle on the track but too bad for me that my bicycle side chain fell off. I fixed it on Sunday and I hope it doesnt fall off again.
So the next thing are some better tires and a few other tricks up my sleeve for the engine ;)

Your bike was going pretty fast without you pedaling so i cant imagine it being any faster.My performance enhancer for the next race is trying to lose my spare tire around my waist;)
Hay I was just wondering if there were any Briggs bikes at the race? If so how did they do? I'm building one of my own and cant wait to lay down rubber at the next race.

Hay I was just wondering if there were any Briggs bikes at the race? If so how did they do? I'm building one of my own and cant wait to lay down rubber at the next race.

There were a couple of guys on 5 hp Briggs bikes but they were so slow
that I had to put them in with the little 4 stroke class. lol
#81 on an AGK 79 cc HF motor almost beat that #12 old dude on his 5 hp Briggs. lol
Congratulations to #11 on a Briggs who won the class. I am thinking about
having you 5+ hp guys start in the back row next time just to even it up
a bit?

Would be great to have a few more Briggs bikes at the next race on
Sept 24th so I hope you make it.
Old dude? I'm only 62. Had a great time racing with the other four strokes. The track was perfect. Don't know how far I could have leaned, but my tires never lost their grip. My grandson, #11, won the first heat with me second. I, #12, won the second with him fourth with carb issues. He won the final for the trophy with me second. AGK kept passing me (he could take those turns real fast) and I out powered him in the straights. Could have gone either way for me. Wasn't many left for the trophy dash by the last lap. magrider came in first with my grandson second and me third. Our 1970's Schwinns with 1980's motors ran great all day had no major problems. Won a cool little air filter and some chemicals. Thanks to the generous sponsors and all who helped put this fun event together. Let's do it again real soon.
Where are all the still photos of the race, pits and event?

I was too busy to take any and my girlfriend had to work so
I did not get any except for a couple on Sunday morning.

Look at the recent El Dorado park ride to see the pics that
we normally take for everyone's enjoyment.

Please post your pics up.
Where are all the still photos of the race, pits and event?

I was too busy to take any and my girlfriend had to work so
I did not get any except for a couple on Sunday morning.

Look at the recent El Dorado park ride to see the pics that
we normally take for everyone's enjoyment.

Please post your pics up.

I posted some photos back on page 41, dont know if you missed them. laff There are a couple good videos up on youtube now that covered the race as well
I saw a lot of cameras. There should be loads of photos yet to be posted. I only got a few but my friend has some in his camera still. Here's mine and I'll get his later.
