Well-Known Member
Thank you for all your help Magrider! yes, your tires did not let you down this time! lolI had a great time at the Willow Race. It was great to see familiar faces from the Death Race and the El Dorado rally, and meet some new Motor Bicycle enthusiast. The turn out was large as the racers took up 2 rows of pits.
A big thanks to everyone who was able to make this event succeed, Doug713 for the tip on the tires, all the volunteers, the scorers, the flagmen, the great Sponsors, the photographers, and Bimoped Neil. And a speedy recovery for anyone who took a spill. I’m looking forward to the next event. -Magrider-
Congratulations on your wins in the 2 stroke class and the "Trophy dash" ultimate race.
Lots of racers found out that you gotta finish to win! lol
We camped Saturday night and when we left on Sunday the only guy left was
Evoforce #111 one of the Ebike guys.
Even though I didn't get to race on the track I had as much fun as all you guys that did.
That was some exciting racing!
The Willow Springs race was an outstanding success because everyone there
had a blast!!!
I have so many people to thank for making this event come off as well as it did
but I am kind of tired right now so I will thank everyone later when I am not so tired and
have a little more time. I don't want to forget anyone.
Would be great if all you lucky guys that got all those great prizes would say who got what.
The sponsors were so generous that it was hard to give them all away!
It seemed like just about everyone got something with Opti's 2 stroke oil packs and fuel stabilizer.
Anyway it was so much fun that I am sure it will happen again. I have to say
that I am extremely happy about the whole event. I could write a small book
about the event but gotta get back to sleep.
Huge thanks to everyone that helped pull it off!
Here are the sponsors that support motorized bicycle racing.
Interlube International maker of Opti-2 two stroke oil
and Opti-4 four stroke oil is Sponsoring the Willow Springs Race.
Bike Show: Sponsored by 1st prize Grubee 66 cc Kit
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Sponsored by the Manic Mechanic of Creative Engineering
EBike prizes and race flags generously donated by SoSauty