SoCal Race Event Sat June 18th at Willow Springs Raceway-2011

Does anyone have a sprocket key for the key way in a SBP Shifter Kit? I'll be happy to pay for it if anyone has one and can bring it to the track tomorrow. I just lost mine on my bike as I was tuning it for tomorrow. Right now I'm basically driving it in neutral.

If it's just 3/16' X 3/16'' square key stock, I just put a 6'' piece in ny spares. I'll be at Willow at 8:00 a.m. I have a hack saw and a vice you can cut a piece.
So looking forward to the pic's and Vid's. You all have a fun safe day tomorrow. Dave
I have to hold my patience. So I will edit my post. I need to know everything, how many bikes showed up, who won each class, was the weather nice, I wanted to see all my friends from the forum. I so wanted to see faces after all these years on the forum, fellow MBers. I keep looking to see and there is a vid up now so at least I have something to feed my addiction. Dave
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i'm leaving about 5:30am. worked all day, then spent hours putting my race bike back together, tuning it, and annoying the neighbors with some test blasts around the block at midnite.

probably staying till sunday. depends on when the beer runs out...:)
So looking forward to the pic's and Vid's. You all have a fun safe day tomorrow. Dave

I just got back from Willow Springs. I had a ton of fun just cruising around the pit area and made it three times around the track for the free time session before my jack shaft axle slipped and chain came off. Didn't have the correct allenwrench to fix it.

Here's a video. Not the best at taking video, but at least it's something to start the photos and videos from this event.

Willow Springs 6/18/11



Lucky! I still have 4 more hours of driving while Dean and Dave are sleeping.
It's been a long time since I had this much fun!
Thanks BiMoPed for putting on an awesome event!
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WHAT A BLAST-met so many grate people-saw cool motor bicycles-raced all out and broke my 10T key and mist out on the finale can't weight to do it next time I'm hooked
HOW DO YOU LIKE MY REED VALVES?-you think there might be a market for stuff like that?
wow! how cool it was! even the racers from the big track were impressed asking alot of questions. also their was a japaneese moto mag photographer taking alot of pic's [he had never seen a china girl]
Had a great time at Willow Springs yesterday. Thanks to bimoped for a fun time. All his hard work is much appreciated. Also thanks to magrider for his fine job of scheduling. And to the sponsors who helped promote the event with some neat trophies and prizes. Met some cool people and saw some awesome bikes.