SoCal Race Event Sat June 18th at Willow Springs Raceway-2011

We will bring 3 bikes:
Start# 17 China powered for unlimited china girl class
Start# 16 Chonda powered for 4 stroke class
Start# 15 Chonda powered for UNLIMITED CLASS

It's going to be a blast!!!

Roland & Timm
Here are the 3 bikes we have to finish for the race!


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If you sit in the North(West) side (hi-end of kart track) bleachers you can watch the motorcycle roadraces at the same time as the motored-bikes!
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We will bring 3 bikes:
Start# 17 China powered for china girl class
Start# 16 Chonda powered for 4 stroke class
Start# 15 Chonda powered for UNLIMITED CLASS

Roland & Timm
OK you guys have
#16 Bigboy Timm 4 stroke 88 cc 3 speed auto Chonda & unlimited gas 160 cc Chonda
#17 Bigboy Roland 2 stroke

The $25 entry fee is per rider (WOW!!! What a deal)
so you can race in 2 classes on 2 different bikes for only $25

If anyone races in 3 classes will be $50
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Thank you very much!

We are looking forward to it! Just hoping to get all the parts/bikes done in time!

Roland & Timm
Smelly generators - smelly bikes - the real question is who is going to win?

So count my electric in! Any chance of getting the #30, it's my friends old Willow Springs number?
There is a lot of eBike vs gas bike rivalry which I like...makes
for an "interesting" Ultimate Race of all the 4 classes.

So as I previously stated eBikes will get assigned numbers
from 100 to 130 so that they are easily distinguished.

Here is the list of numbers. Bold is paid, thank you.

Gas bikes get numbers 1 to 99

You could add a 1 and make it 130 LOL
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There is a lot of eBike vs gas bike rivalry which I like...makes for an "interesting" Ultimate Race of all the 4 classes. You could add a 1 and make it 130 LOL

Should be great fun and the rivalry is good indeed.
130 works for us if it's still available.

I can't speak for the other electric guys (because I have not had this conversation with anyone else), but it seems to me this competition is great for forwarding the quality of our unique eBikes. It's my impression that the ES guys have been working in kind of a vacuum not really pushing our machines to find out what is really strong and what is not. We know the RC, and other types of, controllers we use have problems and will eventually be replaced with reliable units, and our mechanical systems, while more or less common, are largely untested.

Looking forward to meeting all you wild moto bicycle racers - a jolly good time we will have.

I really want to thank Magrider for all his hard work on figuring out
the heats, finals and all the track time scheduling.

He even bought over all the schedules printed out and ready to go
along with his entry fees for himself and brother. Could never have
done it myself.
I know that Magrider has an ulterior motive cause he thinks that he
is going to beat all The Morini's but it still was a lot of work......

PS: That's if Magrider doesn't shred his tires like he did in the Death Race. LOL
If you have any numbers left to assign I would like numbers for 2 bikes I sent im
a 2 weeks ago but didn't get a reply. Also, where do I send the entry fees.
Please do not PM me here anymore. If you PMed me about the race send me an email now.
Instead, Please use this email.
[email protected]

$25 entry fee per racer or to cruise on the track with a number
and be entered in the PistonBikes Bike Show.

I am accepting checks, money orders and cash.
Will be accepting credit cards later.

I need this info for your entry at the racetrack gate:

Please copy and paste into your email to me 1) to 7) with answers:
Will reply with mailing address and more details.
Make Subject of email: Your Forum Nickname, Race # and real name:
Please keep the same subject for all future emails as Gmail keeps them together.

1) Forum nickname.

2) Real name for entry at the gate. [ Phone # if you want BUT NOT REQUIRED ]

3) Names of any pit workers so they can get in for free.
You can put down any of your family or friends.

4) Class you are racing in: / Electric / 4 Stroke / 2 Stroke / Unlimited Gas /
Please include actual motor used with cc's, gears, etc.
Pic of each bike would be great BUT NOT REQUIRED.

5) Bike Number wanted for each bike. Please check for available numbers on page 1.
eBikes only get from #100 to #129 #101 #105 & #130 is taken

6) What day are you arriving? Fri or Sat?
Staying Sat night?
We may have activities for Sun.

7) Tent or Car Camping? FREE
RV hook ups needed? Costs $25

Also everyone who has paid already please email me the info above too.

Paid numbers are in Bold with the motor class listed on PAGE ONE.

17 days to go to the race.....

You can sign up at the track too on Sat June 18th from 6.30 am on...
Entry fee will be $29 to cover paying someone to take the money
at the gate.
Best to sign up now so you can have your front number plate already made
and to save time on the day so you get more track time.

Please prepay if you can to support the Willow Springs Race and to make
it easier on the one man team that's organizing the event.

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Can we still 'pay at the gate' on the day of the race??
Hi Venice
Yes, I am hiring a local guy at Willow Springs to collect the money
and sign people up.

Please send me an email to reserve your number so you can get your
front number plate made before the day.

Is your girl friend riding on the track too?

You can sign up at the track too on Sat June 18th from 6.30 am on...
Entry fee will be $29 to cover paying someone to take the money
at the gate.
Best to sign up now so you can have your front number plate already made
and to save time on the day so you get more track time.

Is the list still open for numbers? I see I have # 6 but need to add a few. I would like to get #13, #15 and #16. Please let me know if they are available.

How do I pay in advance?

BTW: if you still need an EMT I can check with the FD at my work.

Yes, still need an EMT, thanks

Here is the updated number list.
13 and 15 are available
16 is taken

Are these numbers for different riders?
Riders only get one number for 2 bikes in different classes for
the same $25 entry fee. Riding in Three bike classes is $50 per racer.
6-culvercityclassic 2 Stroke & Unlimited Gas Harbor Freight 6.5 hp

6t = 2 Stroke
6u = Unlimited Gas
6f = 4 Stroke
I think it should be obvious by what class race you are in what
bike you are riding??

All the info to pay in advance is in the post above.

culvercityclassic said:
We would all like to race in the unlimited class also

Sorry, you can't do that, that wouldn't be fair to anyone.

You and your 2 boys on 2 strokes will race in the 2 stroke class.

You will also race your HF 6.5 hp in the Unlimited Gas class.

2 strokes, eBikes, small 4 Stroke class can't race in the Unlimited Gas class.

4 Stroke
2 Stroke
Unlimited Gas

Fastest 8 to 9 bikes from each of the above 4 classes race against each other
in the Ultimate Race.
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I can't weight"open open open" I'm so looking forward to this I don't have to win I just hope not to get my butt handed to me-I have no one to ride with here so hanging out seeing all the bikes and there builders and getting the chance to test them agents each either in a race man o man that rock
Finally, going to Willow Springs tomorrow, Thursday 2nd June to check the
Go Kart track out and the general facilities.

Baird, myself and Wayne are stopping by in Simi Valley.
Going to meet Rob and the Piston Bike crew, then head out to Willow
Springs raceway and pay the track deposit.

Will be taking lots of photos and Baird may take some videos on the Go Kart track.
Give you all a report on Thursday night.

Only 16 days to go to the big day!

Support Motorized Bicycle Racing in SoCal by signing up and paying your
entry fee. Thanks!
Can I reserve number 76 under the name Chris Flik. Thanks.
Sorry. I missed your post.
You got # 76
What class are you racing in?

I am not ignoring anyone, but it's pretty much only myself
that is organizing this race so I am a little over my head. lol

Please fill out the few basic questions in the entry info post above
and email them to: [email protected]

Pre-paying your entry fee will assure that this race happens.