SoCal Race Event Sat June 18th at Willow Springs Raceway-2011

hey guys, new to the forum but not to motorbikes. My grandfather is the infamous msrfan. I'm really interested in racing but our bikes are not geared for that so we might need to make some changes. That yellow Briggs is the bike that I claim to be mine, even though gramps might say otherwise. Can't wait for the race. Can I reserve #111. Msrfan used to race under that number.

PS.....I'm a "slim" 250 lbs =)
Just a couple of quick questions. I didn't see it posted. Do I need to set my bike up for a dead engine start? Also, does anyone know how bumpy the track is? Thanks.
Just a couple of quick questions. I didn't see it posted. Do I need to set my bike up for a dead engine start? Also, does anyone know how bumpy the track is? Thanks.
Probably going to be one warm up lap so engines will be running
for the start.

It's a go kart track so gotta be pretty smooth and that's what I have
been told.
We are going to Willow Springs next Thursday 5th May to check it out along
with the rest of the facilities. Will give a full report with pics and maybe
a video when we ride on the track.

Anyone with a truck that can carry 4 bikes and riders that wants to get
to pre ride the track send me a PM.
Leaving from north Orange County
it's 112 miles but may make a related stop in the west valley on the way.

Willow Springs Raceway said Thursdays are slow and we can have a lot of
track riding time so planning to make it a full day. Lots of stuff to check out
before the big day on June 18th.

Planning on paying the deposit for the race too so will be accepting entries
very soon and you can reserve your favorite number.

Only 49 days to go.....
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Hey Bio
If were making up numbers I'll take 509 as that was my racing number at willow on big track Yamaha R1. also do you have transponders for laptimes..
Flex Man........
So how many of you eBikes are showing up?

There is limited electric power at the track so you eBikers will need to bring
generators to charge your batteries.
Willow Springs has generators but costs extra.
They are just supplying the track and everything else is extra.

We need to supply our own flags if anyone can help with that.
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I think flex man just bought a BoXer....
I think there are going to be a lot of Morinis at the race.

This Morini may be showing up....

Will we be able to run 2 classes? Just want to know if I can take my daily rider China Girl so she can let her hair down lol.
Yes, ride your China bike in the 2 stroke class, then the Morini in the unlimited class.

Still only one entry fee of $25 per rider, not per bike.
free camping and bring a few pit workers, what a deal! LOL

not sure if you would have a different # for each bike....too much else to
think about lol
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Well blow my mind! I had scanned the area for a possible event, know of Willow Springs but not the .6mi kart track.

It's an hour from my house, an hour I tell you. Had a silly snafu killed my jackshaft, easy to be ready June 18th.

Deal me in boys!! (E-biker fur sure)
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hey BiMoped, i was wondering if there were enough Morini's that you could make their own class. Obviously there wont be enough Briggs to make our own class but i think putting the morini's in their own class will make the class a little more even.
Well blow my mind! I had scanned the area for a possible event, know of Willow Springs but not the .6mi kart track.

It's an hour from my house, an hour I tell you. Had a silly snafu killed my jackshaft, easy to be ready June 18th.

Deal me in boys!!
You are so in.... lol It's 2 hours for me so you got me beat!

I see that you have a number from the Death Race, any
feedback would be appreciated.

Are you bringing anyone? Do you know any other motorbikers?
I know of one guy that may need a ride from Bakersfield if you
have any room in your vehicle.
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dang. i think its time to build myself a new bike... ive been out of the motorized bike game WAY too long. i'm gonna start scrounging pieces back together tomorrow! :)
Hey Bio
If were making up numbers I'll take 509 as that was my racing number at willow on big track Yamaha R1. also do you have transponders for laptimes.
Hi Flex
I have tried to get transponders for the race but does not seem
like it is going to happen.
No one I have talked to will lend them and renting them is expensive.
Maybe $400 for the day. If you or anyone else can arrange getting
transponders that would be great.

We are also going to have to supply our own flags and course workers
and will be scoring the race on paper with volunteers

Sorry I am only using numbers 0 to 99 and 87 to 99 is reserved for eBikes
so can you please pick another number that isn't already taken?

Are you only racing your Morini or will you be in the battle of the 4 strokes too?
Really glad that you are coming, should be a lot of fun.....
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Don't think I will be able to make it even if I share a ride. I was just figuring my expenses and as bad as I want to go I just cant make it happen. Maybe next time.
Sorry to hear that Dave.
With all the hard work you have done putting on the Death Race
over the years I would hope that someone from Arizona would give
a ride for free.
No gas, no nothing to get to Willow Springs for you and your Boxer.

Would be honored to have you as a guest of honor so there would
be no charge to race too. Free camping so you would just have to buy
a few meals.
I am sure the guys would buy your beer after the race too. LOL

How many motorized bike races have there been at the Musselman Honda Circuit in Tucson?
When was the first one? 2009?
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Hey BiMoped,
First and foremost, let me say that I appreciate all the work that your currently doing to make this race a success. I know it takes a lot of time and participation. I do have a few suggestions to make. My grandfather (msrfan) and I were talking and thought it would be a great idea to have 2 heat races and one main event. The heat races would be purely for determining starting positions for the main event. This way everyone, regardless of class or skill gets to race 3 times. I figure we will have pretty of time to do this since there will only be 5 or so classes. Please consider this, I think it would really make things exciting since the track is so short.
hey BiMoped, i was wondering if there were enough Morini's that you could make their own class. Obviously there wont be enough Briggs to make our own class but i think putting the morini's in their own class will make the class a little more even.
Hi Samford
There will not be enough Morini's to have their own separate class and race.
Also probably not enough track time as well.

All the large cc motors and high hp bikes will be racing in the unlimited gas class
then the 8 to 9 top finishers from the electrics, 2 strokes, 4 strokes and your
large gas class will all race together in the final.

If you are the first 4 stroke after the Morini's and eBikes then you won
your class. lol May not be a prize or trophy but you will have bragging

Will be much more exciting having all the fastest bikes and classes run
together in the Unlimited Race.

All the bikes ran together at the recent Death Race in Tucson although
there were separate classes and prizes.

Hey BiMoped,
I do have a few suggestions to make. My grandfather (msrfan) and I were talking and thought it would be a great idea to have 2 heat races and one main event.
The heat races would be purely for determining starting positions for the main event. This way everyone, regardless of class or skill gets to race 3 times. I figure we will have plenty of time to do this since there will only be 5 or so classes. Please consider this, I think it would really make things exciting since the track is so short.
The track is not much shorter than the recent Death Race.
0.625 miles versus 0.798 miles.
9 turns versus 13 turns.

Final races may be 16 laps x 0.625 miles = 10 miles (and a warm up lap)

What 5 classes did you have in mind?

Someone is planning out track time from 8am to 5pm for cruising, practice,
heats, racing and maybe drag races. Will post it up when it gets done.

Why don't you lay out a complete schedule of track time and email it to me.
don't forget about the guys that aren't racing and just want to cruise the track...

Thanks for your input, give me a call if you want to talk about it further.

Only 45 days to go to the race.
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sounds like you have most of it figured out. 16 laps will be quite a race. I'm excited to get on the track. Thanks again for getting back to me and putting on the event.