CARPOOL to SoCal Race Sat June 18th 2011 at Willow Springs


Well-Known Member
Carpool to SoCal Race Sat June 18th 2011 at Willow Springs

Please post here if you can take other riders and their bikes in
your truck, car etc. Maybe you have a trailer with extra room.

Would help if you say where you are leaving from.

What day and time you are leaving.

How many people and bikes you can take.

Also you can post if you need a ride with the
same info and if you can help out with gas.

The ebike guys over at have a carpool thread.

Willow Springs Track Address:
3500 75th Street West
Rosamond, CA 93560

Sorry, I can not take anyone.
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I am taking two bikes. If I take the trailer I can take many more.There is room for five people in the truck. leaving fri the 17th around 7am from florence ,az area. At 4.00/ gal should be about $250 round trip for the gas split by as many as want to ride.
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Rat you are a kind guy to help haul the crew from Az to Willow. And the more the merrier. The gas prices stink… wait till you see the 4.50 a gallon or more in Ca. Was not so lucky to have someone to SPLIT the gas to Az. So I ate the blunt end of it….Looking forward to racing with you again….
Need a ride from Ontario Calif. Anyone in the Area? Of course will chip in for Gas.
Just don't think my old bones will do well in the back of a truck.
Going to try and bring the boxed bike as luggage on the train from AZ and just buy a tank there.
what do you think?

If I were to come in from az on i-8 I might be able to pick you up new ford pick-up very cushy seats
I'm an old timer too!!!
Take I-10 not 8 unless you need to stop in SD for some reason. I have that trip down to a T.
10 from Phx. to 15 to 138 to track. From Tucson ,10 to 8 to 58 out of Gila Bend to 10 to 15 to 138 to the track.
I basically commuted from Tus to Ont
last time i drove it before I stopped, I could make it from Ont to Home(tus) in 8 1/2 hr. via gila bend.
Leaving from Orange County California (Knotts Berry farm area) Saturday 6am. Mini Van with small trailer. Have room for one, maybe two, more bikes. Send me PM if you need a ride.
Leaving from Orange County California (Knotts Berry farm area) Saturday 6am. Mini Van with small trailer. Have room for one, maybe two, more bikes. Send me PM if you need a ride.
Did anyone take you up on your ride offer yet?

Only 30 days to go to the Willow Springs event.
Hi guys San Diego rider would like to go to his first event. Will chip in for gas and buy breakfast for driver!!! I live in East Village one block from the I-15, the 94 freeway with easy access to both or can meet you at place near you possibly!!! Pm me if you can help me out. Thank you in advance and hope to see all of you Motorbicycling Gearheads!!!
Anyone driving out from the Sacramento area? Need a ride for myself, will chip in for fuel, food, and ales. If ya have room for my bike, that's a plus, but not necessary. I'm just trying to get there.
I am in the metro Phoenix area and would like a ride if you are headed out Friday and coming back Sunday. I could be picked up with my bikes near Val Vista Dr. and the U.S. 60 ( Mesa ) just west of the I-10 freeway. Please let me know soon otherwise I will be renting a trailer and will have room to take someone with me instead. Thanks....Ed
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