Silverbear is in the hospital.

Got to have coffee!

When Europeans came into the world of American Indians they had to make up words to describe new things. The local Ojibwa (Chippewa) called coffee muckaday mushkeekee wahboo which translates to black medicine brew. Interesting, I think. The word for helicopter described the sound of the blades from a distance and translates to "many beaver tails" and it does sound like beavers whopping the water before a dive. A kind of funny one is the name for gas station which translates to "flashing lard house" which is a reference to the volatility of gasoline, like a grease fire. More useless information in case you're ever a contestant on Extreme Jeopardy. Ha!
Baird! Long time no see. Or, at least, I haven't been stumbling upon the same posts you're in. Whatcha been up to?
"flashing lard house"
LOL! I must be deranged... I envisioned a brothel populated by very large ladies.
Haven't heard from you in a while... did something happen??? Just pulling your leg, I read about your incident. We're all relieved that things were not worse for you, I'm glad your okay and getting your back to it. :)

Keep us updated SB.

Thank you guys. Went for a checkup today and told the doc that I figured I could ease back into cutting firewood pretty soon now. He was not enthused about that and said to cool it and keep lying around doing nothing for a time yet. That's his advice and I'll follow it some, but also figure I can start easing into limited work and see how it goes... maybe cut and split for an hour and then go lie down with the leg elevated for a few hours. See how that is and if all is well do another hour the next day. There's too much to do to just lie around and I want to be done with firewood by the end of the month. Motor bicycle summer camp for boys who never grew up begins in early July... have a tri-car to get finished up, fish to catch and summer days are ticking by. This patient is losing patience!

It would be great fun to share a ride, Norm. LA is a long way off, but if I do get out that way I'd love to visit your shop and go for a ride.

I have been out of the loop and just today became aware of what had occured!

Happy all is okay--

A bit of thermite piled on top of the log to cut would be easier and fun to watch, but you'll have to put both pieces out immediately afterwards. Keep a good fire extinguisher on hand.

OK maybe this would not be cost effective;)

Glad to hear your healing up!

Been a while since my last visit,just saw this thread and felt compelled to drop a note.
glad you are on the road to recovery.
i get how you feel about the weather.the winter here was nasty,worst winter i ever experienced,crappy spring and rained inches every week. skeeters the size of sparrows and now its so hot i dont wanna do nothin outside.

i have never seen the winnipeg river flow as hard as it is now,so fishing is out-unless i buy a couple more anchors.crazy weather.

go easy on that firewood,will be there when you are ready.
dont know if this link works.if not youtube redneck chopsaw.sure saves the back and arms.but need a strong helper.
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Thanks for checking in on me. The leg is fine now, all ten cords have been cut and split and about half of it is stacked up in the woodshed. Feels good to have it done and like having money in the bank. Wood will be nice and dry for next winter and I'm a year ahead. That chop saw made from a Jonsereds chain saw is clever!

Yes, indeed, weird weather this year from brutal winter through a brief spring that seemed like it lasted a couple of days followed by instant heat hotter than normal and frequent rain. The rain fostered lots of mosquitoes, but also kept down the danger of forest fires, always a concern when you live in a vast forest. Still it is summer and the clear water lakes of northern Minnesota are a glory.

My friend Fasteddy from Vancouver arrived for Motor Bicycle Summer Camp For Boys Who Never Grew Up (MBSCFBWNGU... which is a mouthful and kind of hard to say) . Got here a couple of days ago and we'll have the welder out making sparks as soon as the weather breaks into sunshine. We're going to try to get my 1934 Hiawatha tri-car finished up and also get a good start on a delta trike made from a 1960's step through Schwinn. Motor for it is from an Atco reel type mower from the early 1950's. I started it up yesterday and that is a very cool little mower. It has a 98cc Villiars midget cast iron 2 stroke on it that idles down to a very smooth putt putt putt. Has a foot start like an old Maytag washing machine motor and a simple dog clutch. Anyway, I'm looking forward to getting it welded together and at least underway. Might be able to get it done over the winter. Having projects is good, I think, especially for old farts. Ha! Take care and stay in touch...