

Im gunna take a good wack at it. I just found this on craigslist and shes purty. Might even be able to make 2 out of it. one olive green, the other laquered wood.
One way or round trip? See if he will meet you half way.
I get PM'd a lot to build a sidecar and frame and I think based on that if you kept half for you and built a bike and sidecar for sale with the other half you might be surprised what it will bring on ebay. Add one of your tanks.

I just build for my own pleasure and you have to have the bike your building for right there to double check everything..

That's a heck of a good deal. Buy it and build.


I 2nd that (^) Not sure what a "redwood strip canoe" usually sells for - but I do know a cedar strip guide boat kit (essentially the same w/oars) can run ya all the way up to 3-4 grand, completed for $14-18,000 (no, not a typo) o_O

Adirondack Guide Boats

So if it was stored indoors and/or the wood is intact & jus' needs new kevlar/fiberglass - you'll have yerself a gorgeous boat at a heck of a price, or a coupla sweet sidecars - whatever the case the wood alone outa be worth that ;)

edit: I just checked current pricing on wood canoes, it's roughly 1/2 that of guide boats, but still - could be a heck of a deal...
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There's an idea.. Doll up some schwinn with a tank and a sidecar. Maybe give it an olive green coat so it's an easy sell to the military enthuseists $.$ it's 170 each way and local pickup only, maybe I should just borrow a canoe and take a fiberglass mold of the bow.
Just looked up our boats on Craigs list and there is a used one on there with a cover and a two wheel dolly to move it for $1,550. It's mint mind you so for $190 I'd be on the road to pick one up.

My guess would be about $3.500 to $4,500 new in our area but we have a whole lot of builders, Kayaks are a bigger seller than canoes and they can reach some lofty hights price wise. What they want for theirs screams road trip to me.

Damn voices!!!!

Ya, slowly going crazy wasn't so bad. I took my time and smelled the roses along the way. The voices told me to.

Did you see my sidecar build? Wood sells like you can't believe if you don't paint it.
If your near water put a want ad on Craigs list for a busted up fiberglass canoe or an aluminium one like the one Silverbear found.

Lot cheaper than building a mold. I was in the fiber glass business and unless you going to do a lot it's not worth it.
You could advertise for an old canoe mold as well though. Never know what's out there. Boat builder aren't doing to well with the economy the way it is.

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Some of the prices some people are mentioning are incredible! I see them being given away at the end of garage sales, sitting in yards full of rainwater. Then again I live 5 minutes away from the massive moss landing harbor. People don't even put them on CL anymore because there so hard to get rid of!
Looked on Craigslist last night or rather very early this morning and the cheapest here was a slug of a canoe for $140 that we were assured would be worth $400-$600 in the spring with a little work.
Yes sir it sure would be if you taped 6 $100 bills to the side of it.
Average price was $400 for a decent 16 footer.

Bird if you can get a fiberglass canoe cheap I'd use it. Silverbears is 5 feet long and that is as big as you would want it to be.
I'd go for 4 feet if I was building one since you have the whole thing open so someone can get in and out without a lot of effort.
Plywood across the back and skin the outside with fiberglass so it looks right.

Silverbears thoughts about a velo car is a great idea to use the rest and have some fun with. I was drawing up an idea to make a velo out of the middle piece that is left over.

I have a love affair with boat tailed cars. It would be possible to cut a pie shaped slice out of the bottom the canoe and pull it together to form the front of the velo car.

I'd stop at the area where you would cut out the cockpit area for the driver. The rear area could be pinched in as well if you want a boat tail or just to give the car some shape.

Here is a group that makes cyclekarts. A velo car has to have 3 wheels to be considered a bicycle and used on the road with out any problems if you add a motor.

cyclekart : CycleKart

My thoughts anyway.

A great pic of a 1919 indian w/ Flexicar sidecar here:
Absolute a beautyl!!
And after what i can see..its a quite easy shape, rounded top who curbs down to top of sides, with a little flat on sides


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A great pic of a 1919 indian w/ Flexicar sidecar here:
Absolute a beautyl!!
And after what i can see..its a quite easy shape, rounded top who curbs down to top of sides, with a little flat on sides


I like it. I think you should build one, don't you?
You were right both times. One picture says 1919 and another says 1924. Chance there could be two bikes that look the same?

It should be an interesting build and not to difficult as you said. I made my sidecar so it tilted but then made it a solid mount since my balance isn't good do to a car accident years ago.
Found that keeping the sidecar and bike going straight was interesting enough with out the weight of the sidecar pulling the bike and I down and off balance.

With your metal working skills I for one would like to see you build one. It would be a beauty.

Thanks ,fasteddy.....Two? perhaps...i just finded the pics on two different sites, so ----
.Will see about a sidecar build, if i find to much sparetime, and wanna have some more fun...then perhaps..? ..but i also think i had it solid mounted. I belive i\ve got enough stability, but to get this fixated enough......could be a lot of work and testing to get it done, evn if the angle to go straight aren\t the worst ones..... ;-)
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Here's one I found on the net, I was gonna make one like it, but decided it would be too much of a hassle


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