I appreciate you interest, SB. I think I can safely say that I've been bitten by the bike-building bug. (Don't tell my wife.)
As far as posting more pics: I will be when I can. Rest assured, they'll trickle in. One thing slowing me down right now is that I have a new little daughter on the way!!!!!!!!

So some things get set aside more often than others.
But pretty soon I'll be posting pics of a pile of sanded down bike parts for anybody who wants to see. And I'll do what I can to explain the process, simple though it seems.
I would do sand or media blasting but, for one thing - too rich for my blood, for another - the rust it has is entirely on the surface. No holes, no deep pits. The worst rust pits it has are pin-pricks. So not much hard to do here, just time consuming.
Either way, I'll be in touch here. I'll see if I can show the old Higgins as it evolves into an old-school cruiser.