Scored a Higgins!!!

Thanks for the update! I'm glad you posted to your original thread. It gave me the opportunity to read it from the beginning to where you're at today. The splash shield for the filler is a great idea. I should make a note of that one.
Really a pretty bike & I'm sure catches a lot of attention. what I think of as a Sunday cruiser...Rick C.
Thanks guys. She's definitely well-suited to cruising; she hums along at a smooth, near-effortless pace. Only once did I ever kinda-sorta race her. It was a couple years back on Kentucky Ave. I was at a light and two dudes on Ruckus pull up alongside and I can hear them dissing my ride and calling me stuff like "grandpa". I remember there was a slight downhill grade; I'd still need to pedal-start, but not much. When the light turned, I pedaled down with the right foot and pushed off with the left. It took the Ruckus driver a second to see the light, but he pulled out ahead. I actually manage to catch up and pass him though, and stay out front for a bit. So she's got it.
But mostly I just cruise around on local business and only open her up when I have a stray dog chasing me.

Rats, rats, rats. Well, my springer fork's head tube is too short for the Higgins. I certainly can't bring myself to trim down the headtube on Tempus' frame. So, I put Tempus' old trussed fork back on her.

I am much more attached to Tempus than I am to this springer fork, so I will be selling it on the forum's wanted section. No sense in me keeping the thing for years and getting no use out of it. I think somebody will love to have it. Keep your eyes peeled for my ad soon, and maybe spread the word to whomever might be looking.