Rider from the far East


New Member
My names Matt, Live in Halifax, Nova Scotia. This would be my second bike but my first official build. My first bike was built for me and was bought not knowing what was wrong with it. Few days later stopped working. Found out when I opened the head that the piston was shot and there were shavings all in the cylinder. Well I junked that motor and carpy bike and now Im building my own. I got the motor off ebay from a Boygofast seller. Its a 80cc motor with a centrifical clutch and a pull start. Heres the Bike and the motor.

hi matt and welcome. i really like the red bike. what kind is it? if you need help along the way with your build just ask. take your time and do not be in a hurry. when that baby fires up the first time you are gonna smile big time. can't wait to here about your progress. norman has done pictorials on how to install the carburator which the directions that come with the kits are not very good and it is a big help. here is a link to that http://motorbicycling.com/f30/motorized-bicycle-carburetor-install-rebuild-302.html. hope you enjoy the site
Thanks Im glad I feel welcome. But the bike is a Special Eddition Schwinn. Not sure of the model. It was a prixe 3 years ago on the tim hortons roll up the rim to win. But yah this is a first for me with the wider motor. The crank on the bike might not be wide enough but after having my last bike(Which had to pedals. The Cops dont bother me. They just stare. So I might just strip the bike of gears, etc and weld the crank so I can use them as foot pegs. I will make a thread when the engine arives and trying and take pictures of the process. Might also make a video of how it runs because I know theres some curious people who wonder about centrifical clutches on these happy time engines.
all i had to do with the crank is bend the one side out to clear the pipe and only bent it a half inch at the most and you cannot even tell it was bent. make sure you locktite the fender screws and for the rack. i really like that bike. its sharp(^)
Hey Matt, welcome to the forum. That is a gorgeous bike. I really like the traditional looking bikes. They are my favorite..............................:ride2:
Welcome Matt, That's a really nice motor you got there. A pull starter is a good idea especially if your clutch starts to slip like crazy and you can't bump start it. I really like the bike you have but be careful with your front fender. Make sure you mount it with better L brackets. A friend of mine got pretty banged up because his front fender broke loose and locked up the front tire. You came to the right place, these guys are very helpful and great ways to prevent the front fender from coming loose. Here's the link to the fender thread.

Hi Scott, please be sure to do what easyrider is telling you in a way. I will NEVER build a bike with only one front brace! IF you add another front brace, in the front, you may not need to cut out your angle braces at all.

I have pics somewhere of mangled bikes from front fender failures.

Welcome to the dark side Mr. Scott. You will have fun here and we will try to answer all of your questions and if we can't we will lie.:D Not me though I try to figure it out then I'll lie. (VERY BIG GRIN) rotfl
Hi Scott, please be sure to do what easyrider is telling you in a way. I will NEVER build a bike with only one front brace! IF you add another front brace, in the front, you may not need to cut out your angle braces at all.

I have pics somewhere of mangled bikes from front fender failures.

Hi Matt, its good to see more of our Canuk friends comming out. Nice bike you've got there and I like the look of the silver painted engine...Kelly:ride2: