rear view mirrors


Well-Known Member
would like a little input here. i believe a rear view mirror is very important on our bikes but still trying to find a good one. the one i have now straps on the grip with Velcro and of course spins and i am not real happy with it. i have seen ones that you clamp to the handle bars and ones that go into the bars like a plug. what is the best way to go?
Here's the back side of my mirror its suppost to be unbreakable the mirror is but the housing ain't and for the right side which I'm using on the left cause I like it low. I got 2 of them from fleabay cheap I relly like them and as you can see easy to mount. Look close and you can see the superglue repair.
Better picture of mirror I really like mine and I can see whats behind me and it doesn't shake.

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I was in Wal mart the other day and noticed they sell rear view mirrors for bikes (Bell brand)
It looked like they were a strap on design (velcro).

Looked to be a wide angle mirror but kinda small....might be hard to see with all the vibrations?

they suck lol. always twisting around and a waste of money. if you want a set i have some lol
Hi just so you-all know, Whizzer uses small long-neck motorcycle mirrors, which thread into the control sets but could easily use a strap around the bars.

Small sized motorcycle mirrors, or moped mirrors will work nicely.

I also have a bicycle thing that clips on eyeglasses, kinda cool, kinda wierd.

Bikeguy Joe

I used a bar end mirror....5 bucks and works great.

I got reamed... I paid 14 bucks for the same thing. (^)

Plastic bar end mount with reflective mylar instead of glass. Oh well. At least I can vaguely see through it.

I use to have the kind that sticks on your helmet and I don't recommend those. They suck b/c the mirror is so small, you can barely see anything coming from the rear. Thanks for the links.
I bought a end cap mirror on ebay since people said they were good. The one I got I paid like five bucks for just to see if it would work. I learned that the one that goes up and down but hangs off the end gets in the way. Now I want one that sticks out straight from the bar. I can use the one I got on an electro and get a good one for the Sissy.
Where did you find that bar end mrror for five bucks. I could realy use that on my swin it has bmx bars with rock shock judys
I have the seventies style one with the reflector about the size of a nickel on the top. I mounted them on innertube rubber to cut down on vibration. They have a strap.
what type of mirrors to use tip
straight moutian bike type bars use the bar end ones.
cruiser type handle bars that the ends point back use the handle bar mount type.
I have this one on my Currie. A Mirrycle MTB Bar End Mountain Bicycle Mirro. Bought at Fits into the bar end. Solid with no viberation and will fold in to go through a narrow door.
Solved the problem.I saw a little old lady in walmart on one of their motor shopping cart.She had a mirror off a compact with a velcro strap hooked to it.It was on the back of her hand,she would hold her hand up a little to look behind her.Looked so kool i made one and it works great.HARLEYS DAD
Solved the problem.I saw a little old lady in walmart on one of their motor shopping cart.She had a mirror off a compact with a velcro strap hooked to it.It was on the back of her hand,she would hold her hand up a little to look behind her.Looked so kool i made one and it works great.HARLEYS DAD

bought the chrome round mirror from niagra cycle or bikeworldusa that has the clamp for the handlebars...throw away the clamp,,,drill a hole at a angle thru the bars and tighten it vibration...SOLID....Dennis
WALMART just got this mirror here in our store.They seem to be well made.$6.00 made by


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