Well-Known Member
Jeff I'll bet you smile with pride when you hear him hit it, out of sight & think "my boy"!
Bike sounds stout & has a quite pleasant exhaust note.
Pat D's 3 piece hub adaptor holds big torque better than the Manic in my experience. I tried both on my two bikes using 10 hp + 5 speed wet clutch Honda 125 cc clones & the Sportsman product is what I stayed with. That said I am also using red locktite applied to the clamps surfaces, not the threads (blue for that), after prepping the hub and clamp surfaces with 80 grit & de-greaser. No slip to this point, many miles, later and that wet clutch really locks up and launches incredibly hard. Though I'm positive lacing up a moped hub with 8 gauge spokes is the real answer to wheel problems & braking while using more powerful motors; I'm really looking for the look & feel of a bicycle in my builds, regardless of motor size.
I like "more power & torque" as long as it's dependable and usable, the 212 can be "carted" out to well over 20 hp...lots of after market parts available & race engine builders have led the way to proven modifications. Just from the video & audio I'd say your bikes are somewhere comfortably in the middle & that's a great place to be riding day in and day out.
The little things, like selecting clamps for motor supports, are actually huge in the areas of practicality and dependability. I've used Harley tube clamps as the sole support for a 70 lb. motor/transmission & it's remained rock solid & vibration free...good clamps, accurately positioned really work as motor mounts. Look great also. Use of the small rear sprocket on the pedal side gaining case clearance was innovative and absolutely solved a real design problem often faced with big motor builds.
Though I love your Excelsior bike I was glad to see the two 212 cc bikes that also really shine with almost no glitter. Two totally different design concepts both of which stopped me for multiple long inspections and many approving nods.
I also am a Phoenix frame fan & like Velodrome I was surprised that the 212 fit so well & looks wonderful in the frame too. Rick C.
I need to try what you say about the sprocket adapter, checked my stock and looks like I have the first version Pat made, looks a little weak and the 40 tooth is small, have another one from Jakes Bikes with a little more meat on It i may try...46 sprocket.
I like the clamps you use and need to do the research to find them, you do have a monster motor in that frame with no issues I see.
A short video after jetting the carb and adjusting fuel mixture, CVT disconnected so this bike does not act like a BULL while tuning...