just a small update...
got the lights working using a small voltage regulator. hasn't burned them out yet. also made a functioning brake light by rigging an off/on button to the brake lever and wiring it to a battery powered light.
installed the aermacchi head after modifying the squish band (the piston was hitting) and recessing the plug. the plug hole was really long, and with the longest reach NGK i could buy, the plug was still inside the hole about 1/4". i had to drill the top down, then carefully grind it so it would seat flat. now the plug sticks out like normal.
my first day of riding it with the modified head, and i'm pretty sure there's no other hopped-up HT motor on the planet that can hang with this bike, except for 4easy's.
and from the videos i've seen of morini's, you guys better watch out.
too bad Jim backed out of the 60mph challenge...
the problem i'm having now is with the clutch.
it can't hold at the speeds i'm going and slips like crazy. i've adjusted everything but the spring tension on the shaft, which i'm gonna try next.
i've shaved the pucks so they "float" and that made no difference at all.
i've also noticed that the clutch pucks are the same material as the rag joint. looks like a cut-up old bias ply tire. rubber and twine, basically.
rubber and string are not very good friction materials, so i'm researching where to find some real clutch (or organic brake shoe) material. looking up re-lining places in my area to try to find a place i can either buy some, or hopefully score a few scraps.
i read through 4easy's hybrid motor build-up and he had the same problem, and ended up with a centrifugal clutch welded up or something. i don't really wanna go that route.
it's no use building the fastest modified china doll if the clutch can't handle the pressure.
i was all set to get my buddy to video me passing cars on PCH (speed limit's 55mph) but with the clutch issues, it ain't happening.
i'll post some pics and videos soon, it's just that my bike's not pretty enough with all the crap i have to keep adjusting and modifying.
i'll definitely have it dialed in by this weekend's LA ride. gotta show those LA guys how it's done.