OMG I have to tune a CNS!!! Help

Thx for all the testing. Have 48cc with cns66 mounted on beach crusier
I picked up yesterday.I live in Jensen Beach, Florida @ about 6 foot above sea level. This is my first bike and bought it from some who couldn't ever get in running. To get it running all i did was fix intake air leak by wrapping about 5 wraps of #10 solid copper wire. Got rid of the junk plastic and put the O-Ring back in place. Make sure when putting carb back on that it slides inside the O-Ring. Moved eclip on needle to last notch(lean). I did not drill out the main jet since i have a 48cc. Removed vent tube from the air cleaner. And that was it. I ran it for about 15 miles today hitting speeds around 30-35. Low end is little slow out of the hole but runs smooth. Probably the gearing.
Thx again
Here's the repair I did using aluminum repair "welding rod". I made a mold around the flange with a piece of soup can steel and "casted" a new ear. I then dremelled it to the finished shape and drilled the hole for the mounting stud. I also built up a fillet around where the tube and flange meet. Works great so far. I'm just waiting for the vibrations to shake it apart...
Tell me about the good job on the picks.I will have to try that soon im sure, but its not broke yet just put another 45 minutes of run time on it. I wish i had a machine shop- just to improve manufacturing defects from the
My "machine shop" consists of a socket wrench, some screwdrivers, a dremel tool, and a propane torch. Oh, let's not forget zip ties, duct tape and plenty of spray paint!
Good job on the quick fix for the broken intake manifold, S !

There IS room, I might have made it larger, just for strength. and file it a bit on the inside so a larger washer could be used for more bearing surface on the part of it that's not been broken... bbbut I guess you may have the new aftermarket manifold by now??
Hey Guys I bought a CNS (boo me later) and it runs great outta the box. I just need help ajusting the float cause fuel is pi**ing all over the ground. If anyone has pictures on how to do this or detailed instuctions I would greatly appriciated.

You just bend it. It's not very technical. The higher the float is, the more fuel it will let in. The lower the float is, the less fuel it will let in.
But where is the tang at I don't wanna crack this thing open and mess it up. Do I need to undo the bottem where the bowl is??? Thanx again

So #23 is what I need to find inside and bent ever so slightly to stop the flooding in the vents??? Thanx

We talk about adjusting the float level on page one, post one, of this thread. It's easy enough to do.
I tried 2 CNS carbs on a 66cc with no luck. Got a speed carb today and the bike runs frickin' great.

Not going to give up on CNS tho. Once the engine is broken in properly I'll be drilling the jet out and strapping that picky ***** back on there. I honestly think it can be a better carb once it's tuned properly.

One question, what exactly is 4-stroking? And what does it sound/feel like? Cuz one the way up to top speed the sound of the engine changes (of course), just wondering if it's normal-ish.

Thanks for all your guy's help!! This forum saved my ass!....and countless hours.

Wish I had pics cuz my bike looks dope.
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