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That's exactly what I expect the Simplex rig to do under outside wheel power only, even without the frame and bike setup previously described. Now I would expect that the 350 lb. weight of the rig plus rider and passenger would lessen this effect, but to what degree I know not. This torque is very tiring when prolonged. Operators of high output boats feel this greatly in straight line running with directional props, hard to hold a heading, but with counter rotating props this torque is balanced and fighting prop torque is eliminated.When I had the hub motor on the Monark's sidecar I found it was trying to turn into the bike as it went forward. As if the sidecar was trying to turn in a circle using the bike as a pivot point. It may well have been OK if I could have pedaled the bike to get it going and then opened up the throttle to engage the hub motor but the old fellas legs won't have any part of it.
Looking back at it I should have put a front hub motor on the bike as well as the sidecar wheel and had a throttle on each side of the handlebars. One for each wheel with the front wheel leading off and the side car wheel joining in when the rig was moving. Two 1000w motors and two 52v batteries and the Lifan 5speed?
One can only ponder the wonderfulness of it all.
Thanks Steve the setup does add un sprung weight, but since this is to be a car conducted, hopefully at sedate speeds, I'm not terribly concerned. I know the torsion axle is more than robust enough to handle it. I'm thinking a low mounting arm position for the motor. The axle lever itself will be elongated to raise the axle another 10 inches to allow my frame to ground clearance to be minimal. Wheel axle height will be close to the completed body height. A very low slung car. For a very low slung bike. Photos can't convey how low the overall height of the Simplex is & that is one of the reactions that people who stand next to it for the first time express. My other builds seem to tower over the Simplex. It appears even lower because it is also quite long. I want the car to match up with the bikes dimensions to complement the very racy look.You would think that they would just call it a 100cc wouldn't you. I don't know if it's the same engine Rick. I like the idea of the torsion suspension. Having the motor mounted to it will take care of any problems.
This will be an interesting innovation.