Wow! That is beautiful!With the weight of the bike and sidecar and the lump that sits on it I don't think that 1000w/52v is asking to much.
Took a while to find it again. I love Photobucket.
Hi Rick,
I had a former employer years ago who said that watching my thought process work was like watching a drunk crawl up a dark alley in a snow storm.
What he didn't realize was the drunk always made it home and got into bed without waking up his wife.
Much of what I know was gained by watching people like yourself as they problem solve and adapting your knowledge to my benefit. We have the same situation but the wheels are in a different location. While the tri car will be lighter to move around, if the clutch doesn't work where it is, a transmission may well be the answer and improve the bike at the same time.
We'll know where the clutch is going tomorrow. My brother went to Home Depot and Rona, a Canadian home improvement store chain now owned by Lowe's. He picked up the hole saws for me but he decided to double down and bought 2 of everything. The bare 3/4" saws were $20 each. The 2-1/4" and the 2-5/8" should be equally impressive.
My wallet gently weeps.
Yes Steve I think my vendor a very reputable source of information and has saved me much bother in the past with various tips on bike building in general and I'm thinking this 3 position controller is going to work well with the sidecar. Many of the solutions to our specific problems have been worked out long ago for use on other platforms be they go carts, electric mobility chairs, golf carts, ATV's etc., but we overlook these because they aren't marked as tri car or sidecar approved devices. I spend way too much time fabricating inside the box of my own making & ignore too often the proven solutions at hand...reinventing the wheel is pointless and hard work to boot!Tom,
That's is the perfect solution. Just looked up the three position controller and it will work on the Monark and sidecar.