Old Guys Simplex moto-peddle bike

Photos taken last night. Motor is lined up & super solid on the three backside motor mounts & resting on the steel frame plate...it's not going anywhere, really secure. Front four tube clamps are not connected to motor yet, hope to fab the short mounting links today. You might note I "styled" a light radius to the flat tank panels for a bit more motor clearance & a more finished look. Think the copper will really contrast well with the satin black.

Merry Christmas, Rick C.


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Thanks for your kind words, Rick. The bike is shaping up to having very nice lines and the copper is going to be killer! It looks fast just sitting there...
I'm doing my best SB not to cover up the unique frame lines, angles and radius' that identify a Simplex/Wizard (Western Auto brand name) moto frame.
Got a bit more accomplished this p.m. saddle and air shock/air spring are mounted & front motor mount bracing completed but not yet installed. Took some photos and stared at the progress mainly. At this point it's not fighting me & progress has been good in old guy time. Rick C.


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All 5 motor mounts are firmly connected and all three chains are cut, lined up & ready. Throttle, brakes, shift lever, kick starter and pedal levers mounted and functional. Couldn't find the clutch cable, just walked off I guess. Good day spent fitting, fiddling & changing stuff till they worked.

Got a lot accomplished before a big winter storm hits, second bad one this season. Power outages predicted to be massive. I was without electricity for three days a couple of weeks ago. So may be a while before I can wire this puppy up and see if she can hunt.

Electrical wiring, exhaust & fuel delivery are next on the list. Test runs and then putting on the final bits and pieces that add character & hopefully some charm to the little "Copper Gator" still just having fun. Rick C.


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Storms here in force but power is still on & the net is up. Life is good!
Photos show kick lever and shifter mounted also modified the pedal levers removing about 2" from each one which moves the pedals closer to the engine cases. Starter lever still clears the pedal though the lever must be in an upright position and at about 10 o'clock in it's rotation. These pedal levers are really short, about 4" in length. I'll not be pedaling this one very much or for very long, though a much younger man could easily manage an emergency pedal home. I'll be calling for a ride if needing assistance! I wanted a moped Simplex and I now have one that could conceivably be both pedaled or powered by device. I'll happily choose the later over the former.

I don't have enough adjectives to describe how strong and rigid this frame is. The original double 1" tube frame was pretty stout but replacing 95% othe original tube steel with heavy wall 1" DOM tubing (the stuff used in race frames including roll cages) & having sleeved new tube to old with the same DOM tube of smaller diameter. Plug & butt welding all joints with 70,000 lb. wire it's strong by itself. By welding the tank in it acts as a stress member as does the motor on it's mounts. Quarter inch plates as a motor & co-axle bracket bases are welded to the bottom frames both top and bottom sides.

Of course the stock springer fork, steel wheels and bicycle rubber are what they are and I'll not be cruising at high speed on these, but I do have plans to build a wide springer fork and mount speed rated TT rubber and matching 24" wheels/brakes (which I have in parts) sometime in the future. For now it's just a moped with a 5 speed for riding around town and country.


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I'm looking at the proportions, and I predict it will be frivolous, silly fun on loose dirt with tight turns.
We are speaking of the Gator then? Well for certain nice flywheels with a super bottom end and the throttle is very sensitive. I haven't verified this but it's what I desire.

I've decided to make up a couple of reduction sprockets to test one 18t (primary coupled with a 10t and a 22t with a 10t (secondary)....currently its 14t to 14t & no reduction. Rear sprocket is a 56t. Rick C.
Closer view of the Simplex with all three chains in place. RC


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Found the clutch cable & a few other miss placed odds and ends exactly where I now remember placing them, "old timers syndrome" I'd hazard to say. Rick C.


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I've gotten used to pushing the Simplex around the shop when jobs come in that require more space. It's lite without the engine but now with motor & chains in place I needed the "lost" & now found clutch cable hooked up to facilitate moving the little moto from position A to B etc. during the day. Tranny didn't want to find neutral without the clutch & I learned a long time ago not to try force on balky gears.

Angled intake manifold should arrive next Tuesday needed to allow space for mounting the air cleaner while clearing a frame tube. Angling the Mikuni round slide and air cleaner will clear the frame and should miss the kick start lever in it's folded position. So far everything is just barely resting into allocated space.

I plan on using a chain tension device on the secondary chain to simplify rear wheel adjustments while dialing in initial chain & wheel settings. Coaster brake bracket is welded in place and slotted for ease of adjustments & a permanent slotted bracket for chain tension is a possible addition as well. Will use a nylon chain/bearing roller to begin with, but prefer a welded slot bracket and idler sprocket for permanent installation. Rear axle adjusters will also be used utilized.

Ice storm has brought most things here to a crawl & power outages for many will be days and in some cases weeks before being restored. I however am an Old Guy and well prepared for such contingencies...lol. Rick C.

"old and treacherous...one who bears watching at all times"
Thanks Butch, I could name many forum members that repeatedly inspire me to actually fabricate what I imagine might work out, instead of just day dream designing. Sometimes I sketch a part & then fold a full size paper model of the part... placing, resizing , reshaping, refining till it's right or is discarded. It's proactive, more fun & productive than just taking measurements while visualizing. Some ideas work well but look horrible & vice versa. Some are bad period, yet often lead to an elegant design solution. Good fabricators learn from the work of others in order to produce their own unique works based on proven design concepts. I don't know if I've ever built anything which was not the result of someone else's ground breaking work & so I recognize those that came before me and say thanks.

Indian Navaho saddle is 4" higher than that of the Simplex...30" verses 26" this little bike has an extremely low center of gravity & the total dry weight should be about 110 lbs. or less, yielding a power to weight ratio of about 9 lbs. per single horse.


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Happy New year! One year ago (minus two days) marked my first post for the Simplex build. One year to this point & a much trial and error on my part from the very start.... Thought I'd build back to a relatively stock frame with updated motor and forks. Thought I had a 1941 which was actually a 1957. Thought the frame was salvageable & then replaced most of it. Thought I had plenty of room for a 150 cc 5 speed (not even close): ordered a 150 cc 5 speed electric start that was held up in the Los Angeles dock strike. Ordered a replacement 125 cc kicker & even with a substantial stretch of the frame in two dimensions it barely fit. Twin fuel tanks gave way to a round tank mounted crosswise etc. The one element I've never considered eliminating was the ability to pedal a Simplex, moped ability! In other words this build is about on par with most of my builds, 4 wheels or two, and taking much more dollars and time than I'd originally allocated (one year is twice as long as I'd imagined for the Simplex Gator).

I'm right now at that point of a build where I really notice the "little things" that mean the difference in a quality product and one that looks cool in a photo or while parked curb side. Safety, serviceability, feel & ride quality are quite important to me. I could easily state nothing but positives about my builds & leave it at that...best build ever etc. Getting the "little things" right will determine if my positive revue is the truth or a lie. In the end few would recognize the deception...except for me. I plan on spending whatever additional time is required to get it right. I seldom encounter build problems which have no solution and though the Simplex has presented to this point many challenges most have been solved & the few issues remaining also seem manageable. Still just having fun in the New Year! Rick C.
I know from other people's constructions how good it feels when someone knowledgeable stops and takes a long hard look at what's been built and then nods slowly at them.

You're one of the people here who make me certain my slow drawn out project will be right in the end, and there's no requirement to rush and half do the job.
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Your kind words are well received sir & am certain your build will excel in all aspects.
Angled intake came in today & should place the Mikuni carb in proper relationship with the upper frame tube. I also completed the engine wiring harness for the AC-CDI, Coil & kill switch.
Idler sprocket for secondary chain tension & other misc. stuff should be in hand middle of next week. I'll then disassemble the back end of the bike for welding on a bracket for a chain tension sprocket... old school Harley "bobber" style. I've decided to use rubber fuel lines for initial engine testing, perhaps I'll go to copper lines later. I want to fire the motor this coming week (last major hurdle) & if all goes well I'll take her out for a short run. Just a quick test & I can begin work on the finish details necessary for the look I'm after, which might take a bit of time...but worth it. RickC.
Thanks guys encouragement is appreciated. Getting fuel and electrics hooked up next along with a temporary exhaust header & I'll be ready to test this puppy for evidence of life. Rick C.