oil spill ideas

Here's one I hope they are watching: H2S deadly gas is heavier than air therefore goes to the lowest elevation.....New Orleans is in the big middle of this carp and is lower than sea level. I know they have sensors all over down there there is a map of where they are posted but if a pocket of that carp blew into New Orleans it'd be too late to do anything about it.
now that is very good point!!!!! any way, I will just say this!!!!!

For the past 30 years, they have had these big super oil recovery boats that were able to recover up to 90% of a spill.

thease boats had a giant V made out of rubber augers .these giant rubber augers would join each other at a point on the boat where the collection tank would be.

at this very point the augers would come together and squish the oil into athe tank.

they should have hundreds of these out there and what im wondering is.......

Quoted from AP by Calvin Woodward:
"It's all so last millennium, that filthy business in the depths of the Gulf of Mexico.
It reeks of yesterday's fuel, yesterday's sweaty labor - a hands-on way of life from another time. Today's Americans don't care to know how the gas comes to the pump, the food to the table, the iPad to the store.
Just make sure they do.
But now they're staring transfixed, at where things come from. And what people still do to get it to you and the deaths and devastation that can result when something goes wrong and can't be fixed with a call to technical support.
"Top kill" wasn't a video game. It was a desperate injection of mud and junk in to the primeval muck near the wreck of the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig. It was the most ambitious effort yet for a temporary fix, and it failed. So the oil spews, tha search goes on and long-term hopes rest on relief wells still tow month or more away.
In this age of microchip miracles, people are seeing brute mass, old tools and ancient physics at work in the weirdly lunar undersea landscape. The atmospherics could be from a moon mission.
A mile down, supersized vise grips clench a pipe forcing a flotsam in to the ruptured well as oil workers have done on land. All so yesterday in look and feel.
The enormity of the Gulf, its depths and the engineering challenges are beyond ordinary comprehension. (The Gulf alone is punctured with more than 2,300 deep wells.) No fancy touch-sensitive chart on TV conveys the vastness. Even experts wildly disagree on fundamental questions such as how much oil is coming out.
The United States is a seafaring nation whose encounters with the sea now tend to be Red Lobster in the suburbs or Memorial Day at the beach.
It historically is a farming, industrial and exploring nation, most of whose people now are distant from the elemental struggles of living and working in the physical environment, much less understanding it.
Only 14% of the modern US work force is engaged in production: manufacturing, mining, logging, construction and the like. The rest are in services.
While it often is considered an alien place, too, Washington is a product of that nation.
President Obama and many lawmakerws are lawyers by training, not engineers, roustabouts or farmers. No wonder members of Congress met to discuss legal liability among their first orders of business in the oil spill response. For many in Washington the talk is of blame, accountability and political consequences.
No wonder, perhaps that Obama assumed something so terrible would not happen because it had not happened before.
Like most Americans, he lacks the sixth sense of a mariner in foul weather or a miner listening to the earh speak.
Obama touched on the disconnect between those of the grounded physical world and everyone else during his news conference.
"When I hear folks down in Louisisana expressing frustrations, I may not always think that their comments are fair," he said. "On the other hand, I probably think to myself, these are folks who grew up fishing in these wetlands and seeing this as an integral part of who they are."
The land, sea and factory are less and less an integral part of Americans.
If Aristotle were alive today, he probably would have little patience with the armchair experts and the pontificatiors who think the solution should be as easy as Malia Obama suggested when she asked her father "Did you plug the hole yet, Daddy?"
The Greek philosopher said "those who dwell in intimate association with nature" are apt to understnad the big picture. "Lack of experience diminishes our power of taking a comprehensive view."
His way of saying , you have to be there to get it. Americans, these days are not."

Lincoln JournalStar 5/31/10
When I was hauling chems in the oilfield they had about 1 yard square white material that felt a lot like the green pot scubbers only this material soaked up chemicals and would not absorb water it'd take a bunch of em but I know they work.
I think they got something there ,although I think the Arab owner/price fixers should supply the hay and Our farm animals still get to eat this winter
The Arab owners cant raise hay in the sand.If they get the price right i know where they can get 5000 round bales and i can feed the cows sweet feed and silage
I say just light the whole thing on fire and let it burn, it would make a great light show to photograph from the last couple of space shuttle missions.
I've been watching for days....well not every second but.....I am so hopeful. And you can clearly see they are trying!!!

Nothing like an inflato bag they can ram upstream and inflate with a bang to at least slow the rush, then cap it???
Considering that the spew is at 160,000 psi. the inflato bag would get launched out of the pipe like a bullet. That is half the battle for them. The intense pressure that they have to deal with. That is why they want to drill a relief well, to relieve some of the pressure off of spew coming out of the broken pipe.
Did you hear about the mutant singing fish being dragged out of the BP oil slick,

they peform musical selections from Grease
By bearbait, 5-22-10
The US lost over 1800 ships in WWII. Finding the total sunk world wide is hard to do. The US submariners lost 52 submarines while sinking well over 5,000,000 tons of Japanese shipping, an amount larger than their total available bottoms in 1940. As to the daily sinkings off the US East Coast from 1940 to when we entered the War, and then the daily losses to the U-Boat wolf packs as we tried to convoy war material and food to England and Russia, which were ships from many nations involved in the war, and the total destruction and oil releases into various oceans from the warm tropics to the super cooled Atlantic routes to Archangel and the British Isles, and every body of water in between. Oil was not the only cargo lost, and I can't even imagine some of the stuff that had to have been lost.

I have never seen any studies that enumerate and evaluate the environmental damages from WWII ships sunk at sea and on the beaches of the battlefields. I think I read that almost two hundred at Normandy were sunk. No matter, the losses were catastrophic in today's language, and the long term impacts are unknown, or at least no telling and apparent daily. And so it will be with the Gulf spill. I sometimes wonder if the Exxon Valdez cleanup effort made the situation worse, not better, and the way to deflect litigation is to make any effort, good or bad, but an effort at clean up. Is our litigious society so combative that we daily are involved in defending not the environment, but our collective asses, from attorneys intent on turning disaster into profits?

Any venture comes with risk. If we run our society to reduce risk, that is smart. But to run it to have zero risk, or if there is risk, not do whatever, then we slowly strangle in the tethers of our societal restraints, and some other entity will come along to take over and put the pieces back together, and most likely not in a configuration that most will appreciate. We do have to be rational, if that is now possible in these United States.

I listened on Public Radio to a scientist who said that two Very Large oil tankers had collided near Trinidad a few years back, in a spill of huge dimensions, and in ten days, the oil slick could not be found. Warm water, Arab light crude, aerosols, bacteria, and the oil had either become greenhouse gases or been eaten by bacteria. He said that Pemex, the Mexican oil cartel had also had a big blowout spill, and that oil had been devoured by micro organisms in the warm waters of the Gulf. He also said the daily "seeping" from oil reserves untapped in the Gulf were in an amount greater than that being released by the BP well, and that keeps the bacteria numbers substantial and available. Not that I condone, want, cheer, or value any oil spill for any reason, but we do have to be rational. Or is it we can't "waste a perfectly good crisis" as Rahm Emanuel believes?

Well I know that I vowed not to return to this thread until I could celebrate . But since this was posted on memorial day and touches on ww2 events I am here and going off thread . I just hope the oil leak is stopped soon , and have learned some task to be faced are tough ones. My dad was an paratrooper in ww2 . And he can tell you it was more going on than just the Normandy invasion and other events. And he can tell you about the ships that were sunk by Swedish forces that were loaded with chemicals supposing to make an atomic bomb . And he can tell you there was nothing fake or false about the things going on , except some of the inflatable tanks , heck we supposing , sank who knows how many tons of nerve agents to the bottom of the ocean during the Nixon era because we didn’t know what else to do with them ? Well true or false it could be getting rusty and ready for a big bubble . We don’t know. As far as science go’s . they are talking about heavy water caused by melting glaciers that will stop the oceans current , theories ! ? True ? False? I my self keep an open mind. I do however have my limitations on ww2 being fake . Well what was going on ? no cnn or fox junk back then ? Some say the astronauts knew too much on the first mission to the moon and the lift off was sabotaged ? Theories ! True or false ? I would say that since I am an artist and can say the picture of Lee Harvey Oswald on time magazine was fake ! Shadows don’t work like that ! Just my wild goose theories ! . How much do we know ? I would defiantly say Hitler was an world threat and we as an nation stopped him! I hope we will be strong and united during this catastrophe ! Be it true or false ! I think that oil is important in more ways than just fuel , plastic bottles , my Xbox 360 and so on and so forth , I am drinking an coke in an nice plastic bottle that I can put an cap on and use again, I will say and would like to think with over six thousand oil rigs in our ocean here in the gulf. That I would like to think they stop to do an 30 min maintenance on one at a time ? At least 30 min once an month is better than none . They don’t have to tell the workers or the public nothing . It just would be nice to know if we are an little safer and an $ sign and an second on an clock is not worth more than my life . The coal mines have taken all of my family ,maintenance is not an option , and I can tell you that we are running out of places to dig , and when the mines close down they leave the people with nothing !..This thread is for (ideas) and to help us understand what is going on and what we face. And not designed to shut down the rigs. I doubt if an nuclear power plant blew up and knocked an hole in the atmosphere if they would shut them down world wide? , gess , it is not going to stop us from moving to mars and being the masters of the galaxy , we are very smart‘, if we all rode bicycles like the 3,000,000,000,000 people do in China , truth is , I would have an 96 percent chance I would get knock in the head and robed and then shot , and in the hospital without insurance , than dying from oil or an nuclear blast , I knew that when I made this thread that there would be some controversy . I think we have respected each others views and such ? And just because I made this thread don’t mean It was sent to me by god nor make me the owner of it . When has an thread ever stayed on thread ? I just hope if it is deleted that it has served its purpose and when this oil leak is stopped someone will make one to celebrate when it is stopped. I did get to meet some oil rig workers and such . And you never know who might come here , cnn , and fox lol weeeee ! Let me close on this thought , I know cyber cops , thugs , rip offs , and such exist on the web , so that tells me that cyber lawyers exist on the web , so I am very careful what I copy paste and link to here or from here , copy right laws exist and a lot of sites with forums are being watched , And I am not even going to get into an heated debate about censorship !The web is being ruined ! And we can knit pick anything , including Bikini Atoll , would I swim there ? Nope ! A Link about crushing depth of an high tech sub Submarine depth ratings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia