Michio Kaku: Oil Leak Could Last For Years Video
Stopping the Oil Leak in the Gulf is Like "Hitting the Lottery"
Both are the same interview, the second one seemed to work better for me.
Why would the oil have come from dead dino's,,look how far underground it is,,I don't think we know the planets formation yet,just educatedguesses,,as in why are mineral deposits so carefully goruped in one spot so we cant mine them anywhere?
max for a new sub is 2400 feet,,the leak is 5280 feet,,,they need to drill on land only,,,what happens when the pipes rust through on the other rigs from age,,,,KCMO pocketed the water bill profets making themselves big pay checks rather than using the profits to keep the water and sewers up to date and now they are going rape the citizens of KC for some 15 bilion (I think I heard) more to repair what they were susposed to be mataining all along,,,,WILL THE OIL COMPANIES DO THIS TOO US TOO
Hi gear ! Just the person I need ! Please stick around , pretty please , I could not find jack diddly squat , do you google ? I use yahoo search , and I am thinking about becoming an googler ! I want to meet this heavy cat ! meet him and get in an dispute with him (if any at all exsit ) I will say though that some things are still theories , but i wish i could dispute the second interveiw !! I believe that sci-fi and theories are deeply connected ,and will go as far as quantum physics and time travel exist !from what I gather the Greeks knew that atoms existed way back in time . If you don’t mind me asking and everyone else that reads this , do you have an degree in an subject or are currently attending a college ? My education was very hard because I have dyslexia , I how ever took an college equivalent test and got an 80 in science and the area of alchemy for some reason , as far as an idea way of stopping this under sea gusher , heck an child might have an idea or key , but I have been brainwashed by sci-fi in a way like this , can it be done ?
YouTube - Original 1980 Trailer For RAISE THE TITANIC
O.K. Too much 60's/70's for some of us I guess. This thread is "so far out it has wings" (tell me where that came from, and I'll send you a free tensioner)