oil spill ideas

Considering that the spew is at 160,000 psi. the inflato bag would get launched out of the pipe like a bullet. That is half the battle for them. The intense pressure that they have to deal with. That is why they want to drill a relief well, to relieve some of the pressure off of spew coming out of the broken pipe.

No way is it 160,000 psi!!! A very durable bladder just might work as a temporary stop to do work.

Of course relief well helps, but slow to come.

Well I know that I vowed not to return to this thread until I could celebrate . But since this was posted on memorial day and touches on ww2 events I am here and going off thread . I just hope the oil leak is stopped soon , and have learned some task to be faced are tough ones. My dad was an paratrooper in ww2 . And he can tell you it was more going on than just the Normandy invasion and other events. And he can tell you about the ships that were sunk by Swedish forces that were loaded with chemicals supposing to make an atomic bomb . And he can tell you there was nothing fake or false about the things going on , except some of the inflatable tanks , heck we supposing , sank who knows how many tons of nerve agents to the bottom of the ocean during the Nixon era because we didn’t know what else to do with them ? Well true or false it could be getting rusty and ready for a big bubble . We don’t know. As far as science go’s . they are talking about heavy water caused by melting glaciers that will stop the oceans current , theories ! ? True ? False? I my self keep an open mind. I do however have my limitations on ww2 being fake . Well what was going on ? no cnn or fox junk back then ? Some say the astronauts knew too much on the first mission to the moon and the lift off was sabotaged ? Theories ! True or false ? I would say that since I am an artist and can say the picture of Lee Harvey Oswald on time magazine was fake ! Shadows don’t work like that ! Just my wild goose theories ! . How much do we know ? I would defiantly say Hitler was an world threat and we as an nation stopped him! I hope we will be strong and united during this catastrophe ! Be it true or false ! I think that oil is important in more ways than just fuel , plastic bottles , my Xbox 360 and so on and so forth , I am drinking an coke in an nice plastic bottle that I can put an cap on and use again, I will say and would like to think with over six thousand oil rigs in our ocean here in the gulf. That I would like to think they stop to do an 30 min maintenance on one at a time ? At least 30 min once an month is better than none . They don’t have to tell the workers or the public nothing . It just would be nice to know if we are an little safer and an $ sign and an second on an clock is not worth more than my life . The coal mines have taken all of my family ,maintenance is not an option , and I can tell you that we are running out of places to dig , and when the mines close down they leave the people with nothing !..This thread is for (ideas) and to help us understand what is going on and what we face. And not designed to shut down the rigs. I doubt if an nuclear power plant blew up and knocked an hole in the atmosphere if they would shut them down world wide? , gess , it is not going to stop us from moving to mars and being the masters of the galaxy , we are very smart‘, if we all rode bicycles like the 3,000,000,000,000 people do in China , truth is , I would have an 96 percent chance I would get knock in the head and robed and then shot , and in the hospital without insurance , than dying from oil or an nuclear blast , I knew that when I made this thread that there would be some controversy . I think we have respected each others views and such ? And just because I made this thread don’t mean It was sent to me by god nor make me the owner of it . When has an thread ever stayed on thread ? I just hope if it is deleted that it has served its purpose and when this oil leak is stopped someone will make one to celebrate when it is stopped. I did get to meet some oil rig workers and such . And you never know who might come here , cnn , and fox lol weeeee ! Let me close on this thought , I know cyber cops , thugs , rip offs , and such exist on the web , so that tells me that cyber lawyers exist on the web , so I am very careful what I copy paste and link to here or from here , copy right laws exist and a lot of sites with forums are being watched , And I am not even going to get into an heated debate about censorship !The web is being ruined ! And we can knit pick anything , including Bikini Atoll , would I swim there ? Nope ! A Link about crushing depth of an high tech sub Submarine depth ratings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's what I was gonna say.

Here's the worst spill I ever caused.....then I fell in it. I doubt that BP is gonna fall in their mess.


  • Spillway!.jpg
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No way is it 160,000 psi!!! A very durable bladder just might work as a temporary stop to do work.

Of course relief well helps, but slow to come.

You may be correct.
I remember reading that in one of the news articles. I though it seemed quite high, but considering the immense pressures that far down in the ocean and the sheer volume that the oil is spewing out of the pipe, it seems quite possible.
I am sorry if I offended you.

Here's a link better following the OP origional theme to this thread:
Gulf Coast Oil Leak | The Rundown News Blog | PBS NewsHour | PBS
I don't know,,the leak is 1 mile down the water pressure we will say is 100 psi,,,if the oil is comming from 18,000 of drilling ,thats 3+ more miles,,if pressure from being farther down increses like hp needed to go faster(as in 2 hp = 40,,,and 6 hp =60,,,10 hp =75),then there may be a lot of pressure coming out of that pipe
Anyone in the gulf coast states needs to chunk their grass clippings and any other fiber carp into the ocean oil will stick to it and be much easier to clean.
I don't know,,the leak is 1 mile down the water pressure we will say is 100 psi,,,if the oil is comming from 18,000 of drilling ,thats 3+ more miles,,if pressure from being farther down increses like hp needed to go faster(as in 2 hp = 40,,,and 6 hp =60,,,10 hp =75),then there may be a lot of pressure coming out of that pipe

very good work here , it dont hurt to learn what we dont know . now the diferance between these two? Atmospheric pressure - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and Submarine depth ratings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ???????? any one know? good math skills ! and what is the differance in space?
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hey george i need to catch you while i can

Anyone in the gulf coast states needs to chunk their grass clippings and any other fiber carp into the ocean oil will stick to it and be much easier to clean.

hey george i need to catch you while i can. the link to zoom did not work in the chat box it only took me to another search page can you paste it here ?
very good work here , it dont hurt to learn what we dont know . now the diferance between these two? Atmospheric pressure - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and Submarine depth ratings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ???????? any one know? good math skills ! and what is the differance in space?

So by that wiki thread, each 33 feet adds 14.7 psi to the surface of whatever is submersed.
5000 / 33 = 151.51515
151.51515 X 14.7 = 2227.2727 psi at the rupture depth.
Considering the pipe is supposedly 20" Diameter, What I read of 160,000 psi pressure blowing the crude out seems grossly overestimated considering the volume of oil being spewed.
I believe that you are correct, Pablo.

More news: They have it capped, but it needs refinement.
BBC News - BP begins to funnel off leaking Gulf of Mexico oil
So by that wiki thread, each 33 feet adds 14.7 psi to the surface of whatever is submersed.
5000 / 33 = 151.51515
151.51515 X 14.7 = 2227.2727 psi at the rupture depth.
Considering the pipe is supposedly 20" Diameter, What I read of 160,000 psi pressure blowing the crude out seems grossly overestimated considering the volume of oil being spewed.
I believe that you are correct, Pablo.

More news: They have it capped, but it needs refinement.
BBC News - BP begins to funnel off leaking Gulf of Mexico oil
there is another question on peoples mind too ,,, if we can land on the moon then why cant we make an vessel that will go this deep ? there has got to to be a big differance ? what you think Pablo ?
No way is it 160,000 psi!!! A very durable bladder just might work as a temporary stop to do work.

Of course relief well helps, but slow to come.

there is another question on peoples mind too ,,, if we can land on the moon then why cant we make an vessel that will go this deep ? there has got to to be a big differance ? what you think Pablo ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atmospheric_pressure http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Submarine_depth_ratings is there zero pressure in space?
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max for a new sub is 2400 feet,,the leak is 5280 feet,,,they need to drill on land only,,,what happens when the pipes rust through on the other rigs from age,,,,KCMO pocketed the water bill profets making themselves big pay checks rather than using the profits to keep the water and sewers up to date and now they are going rape the citizens of KC for some 15 bilion (I think I heard) more to repair what they were susposed to be mataining all along,,,,WILL THE OIL COMPANIES DO THIS TOO US TOO
You can go up in a plane or balloon thousands of feet, and your ears may pop, but go down 12 feet in a pool and see what they feel like.
You can go up in a plane or balloon thousands of feet, and your ears may pop, but go down 12 feet in a pool and see what they feel like.

Must have something to do with volume , air gets thin and water gets heavy I guess , and heat and stuff is intense in space according to the television program manswers . I was thinking some dumb stuff just to ease my mind over this heart wrenching stuff on our beaches , if they could shrink an sub and put world leaders like , kim jong il , Andrei Bogdanov ,Obama and about twenty more all together , if you can name some more you are welcome, inject them in my veins and send them through my body , and see if they can fix my hemorrhoids this will wind making worse
There is no air in space.
Air gets heavier as you are under more of it, as it is with water, but in space (outer space) it is just a vacuum.
I think its some of the Sir Iziac Nuton apple droppin' stuff,only the black hole therory applies
When what ever is so hot down there goes cold the pressure will end ,but the gravity will still be condencing,so the leak should stop in a few billion years
hey / that makes me think what im in to

When what ever is so hot down there goes cold the pressure will end ,but the gravity will still be condencing,so the leak should stop in a few billion years

hey / that makes me think what im in to , i wonder what Michio Kaku would say about this , yall help me look online if he has said any thing, allthough some consider him to be an astronomer , i say bulldookey he is an great physicist like Isaac Newton , and one of my role models , sounds like you like education too , some rumor of an oil blow out some where , and is said it ran out in ten months , i dout if it is true ?
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