New SCSW Tuned Pipes for sale!

The engine is the 5.8 Morini--however if you are doing lots of pedalling i would suggest the 3.5 engine as it is narrower and probably lighter, The 5.8 is very fast and fun 2 ride !!
Will the 5.8 pass ICBC or are they marked with the engine size?
Problem is I can't pedal much because the replaced knees didn't work like they should have.

The engine is not marked--but i wouldnt try and register it as they have told me no--but our cops here dont care if you run it
Its a beautiful pipe....I ride with shorts here in hard would it be to run the pipe down and sorta looks like it might work w/ minimal this feasable?.....think it would burn my leg even with the heat shield (wich looks great by the way)
im asking this question all over the site has anyone made a bike with the 9.8hp franco morini i would maybe consider this next summer if i could get some info on it i believe its 50cc and its nodel s6 s not 100% sure
I am putting together this 9.4 hp Morini S6S. I ran the exhaust right through the frame. It's not much more money than the 5.8 and it has an adjustable 3 shoe clutch. The pipe and muffler are made by Morini and fit a bike nicely, if you're willing to go through the frame. The bike has a real nice balance to it. I installed a hd rear axle with a band brake and a freewheeling sprocket. I had to modify the rear chain stays to get good chain clearance and added a chain tensioner with a sprocket and bearing. This motor is the same size as the 5.8, 50cc. These motors are really well made, they even have a counterbalanced crankshaft.


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JG767 is probably one of the only guys with the 9hp motor. We've tried only the 6.4 and 5.8 motors and the only difference was the clutch and ignition. We prefered the 5.8 better because it reved higher but when we changed the ignition on the 6.4 to the 5.8 style it ran like a champ. Also, Pipelyne makes custom one piece rear hubs that can accomadate a rear disc, single speed cog and the drive rear sprocket.

JG767, The bike looks good with the pipe. How does she run?
The HD hub with the freewheel sprocket is a lot safer than a solid sprocket with the speeds this Morini can push you. I'd hate to lock up my rear wheel at 40 or 50 mph with a solid sprocket. I'd also be concerned with those 2 shoe clutches that seem to have some issues from whatI've read. I love my Staton freewheel hub and I was'nt willing to give that up on ths build. I'm not at all concerned that my 9.4 might not rev as high as a 5.8 or whatever. That just doesn't make sense to me.
Interesting but motorcycles and scooters use solid sprockets attached to the hubs. The hubs that Pipelyne makes uses high quality larger bearings along with a solid axle.
From my experience, a higher reving motor runs smoother throughout the whole power band which is better for cruising and racing especially on open tracks.

Kinda curious to see your set up closer because from the picture I can't see a power chain or jackshaft.
although it doesnt rev as high as the 5.8hp ones can you just go to a smaller sprocket as you have 4 xtra hp and still get better top speeds and acceleration due to the stronger motor?
The max rpm for the 5.8 is listed on the Morini Franco USA site as 10000rpm. The 9.4 is listed at 13500 rpm. max . As for the sprocket issue, ask any member wh'se had a motor lock up on one of these bikes what happens. It's not pretty! Afreewheeling sprocket is much safer! BTW, my Staton hub is very high quality, and the HD hub is also. At the speeds these Morini's are capable of I'll pass on the solid sprocket. They are fine for motorcycles though, not for these motored bikes.And scooters generally use CVT's and are not prone to lock up the rear wheel in an engine failure.
so jg767 i wanna hear your virdict since your the one with the 9.4hp at the end is all the time and money invested into your baby worth it? someone else mentioned that the parts on the 7 hp and 9 hp arent as reliable as the 5.8hp i dunno how true this really is as i have never had either, would you say these engines are good for far trips and daily riding?
I keep hearing people talk carp about this 9.4 even though they don't own one. I want this build to be answer to the hilly terrain of New England. Hoping it will be reliable, it seems to be well engineered but I haven't liked what I've heard about those clutch problems. If this Morini is half the reliability of the Staton inside chain drive I'll be happy. I have almost 25 thousand miles on the Staton build. I haven't got this Morini running yet, I probably won't be putting any serious miles on it til spring. But I'll be testing it shortly, will let you know if it's worth it.
The max rpm for the 5.8 is listed on the Morini Franco USA site as 10000rpm. The 9.4 is listed at 13500 rpm. max . As for the sprocket issue, ask any member wh'se had a motor lock up on one of these bikes what happens. It's not pretty

You're comparing a HT motor to a Morini. If the motor locks up on a morini, the centrifugal clutch will disengage and freewheel as a Chinese HT motor with a manual clutch will lock up the back tire.
Just to let you know, I used the tach off my kart and (last year) checked my max rpm on a leveled street and it was above 14K max rpm.
The 9.4 is a great motor. The only thing I dislike about the 9.4 is the ignition and that's from my past experience. The motor rev up quickly but sputter on top as unlike the 5.8's larger flywheel ignition. It would take off just as fast but smoother and would keep reving around 3k more.

For someone that has zero miles on his Morini bicycle, you sure have alot of Morini knowledge and experience. dance1 At least log in a hundred miles. laff

Sorry for getting a little upset but...
Now please quit Jacking my thread because "This thread is about The SCSW Pipes for the Chinese HT motors not Morinis"
srry my bad, right u got my attenintion with the exhaust its y i started reading the thred in the first place, so this pipe is better than the one from sbp i just ordered that one and had no idea about yours and now im wondering if i should have gone with yours but its a litle to late, maybe next build
I picked up one of their pipes yesterday and I love it so far. I even snuck out of work early today to ride. I had read someone else here say that the pipe gives the motor the "crackle" of a dirtbike and boy was he right, not to mention the performance!
I have the same exhuast. It adds decent amount of power! I am also waiting on an aftermarket carb.


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