New SCSW Tuned Pipes for sale!

Hey Easy, no air filter on a offroad bike w/ a Morini?? tisk tisk no good mate. Gotta keep 'em filtered!

No filter? What are you talking about? If you look closely you can see I have a black low profile filter on my carb. It has a metal grill insert with a foam filter soaked with KN air filter oil.
hey easy rider which motor is that in the your old bike the 5.6M??
If you could do it again would you bother with the S6S?

Nice to see your pipe can be fitted on either a HT or a Morini.
WOW I got to get me one of these. I've still got the crappy stock one that broke too. I got to get the baffler can fixed to have that stem dto fix the pipeline exhaust. I'll call them up.
