My Boardtracker : Post Yours Here.

Here is few pictures of my Boardtracker.


Loving it bro!! I realy like the bikes patina (^)

great job!

Here is a picture of the day after the paint. I was itching to ride it bad, but it was raining, so I said I better get my coat because I'm going to get wet! Haha.


Here I was drunk in the garage taking a break and put my "race face" on! Pure cheese!

This is my "100 year old barn find" sepia glass negative print before paint.
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Never did post pic's of the indian't (cause it ain't no indian) lol
Guess now's as good a time as any.


And a little eye candy for you guys.
This is one of the bikes that initially inspired me to get into this hobby...such a nice job. you planning on building another one or something similar?

Yeah, eventually I want to build another similar bike. I've been building more full sized antique bikes lately and my art always keeps me busy too. That was a fun bike to build and ride, and probably got more attention from admirers than my triumphs Harleys, etc...
here is my in the works boardie. Still having issues deciding on a motor. Wanting to go 80cc but not really liking the look of Grubee skyhawks. Does anybody know of something a little more era correct? ya, I'm that guy!.wee.
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It is a 50cc HT motor. It is the older version with round cooling fins. I wish they still sold them that way.


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