heres mine
If I may ask, where did you find that rear seat mount?
The only ones I can find are quite tall
heres mine
If I may ask, where did you find that rear seat mount?
The only ones I can find are quite tall
heres mine
If I may ask, where did you find that rear seat mount?
The only ones I can find are quite tall
the rear seat mounts are just a chopped down small sissy bar for the banana seat. i just cut the top loop off.
Here is my first attempt, amatuerish but effective. Created a sensation at our local fly in in Kingsbury, Texas. Now several of our museum volunteers are talking about putting together four so we can have colorful old-time pre-great war races as an additional attraction (not really board trackers but conventional "homage" bikes, most of us are too old to lean over that much and our dirt road is pretty rough). A hoot to ride. Not only "passed" model T's on a dirt road but also a 1918 Nash Quad (one doesn't get to do that every day), could even stay up with our 1921 Triumph, OK they were not going flat out but it was still fun to pass 'em. Note the gas tank is just a cover over a rectangular tank, but the impression is still good. Passes the ten foot rule.
I built this back in November, and have been "testriding" it since then. It has given me absolutely no problems, it's been dead solid reliable and fast.
I call it "My Perrito" bcuz it sprays exhaust **** all over my shoes and leaves little puddles. but I love 'er. Needs a powdercoating,
Still designing the front springer fork...
My next project will involve a Worksman frame.
Very nice. Is that a custom frame?
mine today, pic taken with the mobile phone
Very nice. It looks amazingly like the Phantom EG retro/vintage boardtrack motorcycle, are you familiar with it? I love the forks, did you make them?